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CFP: Kohle in der Literatur von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart (07. und 08. März 2023) Der Klimawandel und die geforderte Klima- und Energiewende prägen den gegenwärtigen gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurs maßgeblich. Dabei werden die Wahl der...
Fields of research
Themes, motifs, thematology,
Literature of the 18th century,
Literature of the 19th century
and 2 more
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Submitted by:
Appel à contributions pour un volume collectif : Écrire la Shoah : trauma et représentation (titre provisoire) Monica Garoiu (éd.), University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, États-Unis & Ana-Maria M’Enesti (éd.), Oregon State...
Fields of research
Literature and other forms of art,
The fictional,
Literature of the 20th century
and 1 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
Antonia Michaelis‘ Werke erstrecken sich von Erstlesebüchern, Bilderbüchern, Kinderromanen bis hin zur Jugend- und All-Age-Literatur. Ihre wohl bekanntesten Werke sind die „Tankstellenchips“ und „Der Märchenerzähler“, aber auch die...
Fields of research
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
Didactics of Literature,
Children's and young adult literature
and 2 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
Frances Jackson
Ein Text – zwei Übersetzerinnen – unzählige Möglichkeiten… Mit konkreten Beispielen aus der aktuellen tschechischen Lyrik sowie auch aus den Werken von Jan Skácel zeigen die angesehenen Übersetzerinnen und Bohemistinnen Lena Dorn und Kristina...
Fields of research
Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary),
Lyric poetry,
and 3 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Freie Universität Berlin
Fields of research:
Literature and other forms of art;
Literature and cultural studies;
Literature and computer science/cybernetics;
Digital literature;
Literature of the 19th century;
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
University or institution:
University of Oxford
Fields of research:
Literature from North America;
Literature from UK and Ireland;
Italian literature;
Literary theory;
World Literature;
Literature and other forms of art;
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology;
Literature and philosophy;
Literature and visual studies;
Lyric poetry;
Literature of the Middle Ages (6th-13th century);
Literature of the Early modern period (14th and 15th century);
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Workshop am Gutenberg Institut für Weltliteratur und schriftorientierte Medien/Buchwissenschaft der Universität Mainz vom 31. Mai bis 1. Juni 2023 Clemens Boehncke (HIS Hamburg) / Oliver Römer (GAU Göttingen) / Ute Schneider (JGU Mainz) ...
Fields of research
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
Literary theory,
Media studies
and 4 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
Minerva Peinador
Call for Contributions Panel: „Zwischen Resistenz und Resilienz. Erscheinungsformen der Populär- und Popularkulturen in der Romania, Spannungsverhältnisse und Herausbildung von kollektiven Zugehörigkeiten“ ...
Fields of research
Ibero-American literature (incl. Caribbean),
French literature,
Spanish literature
and 12 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
Krzysztof Traba
We look forward to academics who are interested in issues linked to the relation between myth and reality in the contemporary Arab World, textualization of political, philosophical, social and aesthetic concepts in literary texts, as well as...
Fields of research
Near Eastern literature,
Literature and cultural studies
and 3 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Freie Universität Berlin
Fields of research:
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland;
Literary historiography;
Literary theory;
Feminist studies;
Gender Studies/Queer Studies;
Media studies;
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology;
Literature and cultural studies;
Digital literature;
Literature of the 19th century;
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Workshop Hassrede, Shitstorm und Darstellungspolitiken virtueller Affekte SFB 1567 „Virtuelle Lebenswelten“ Teilprojekt D01 „Virtuelle Streitwelten: Foren und Tribunalisierungsdynamiken“ Ruhr-Universität...
Fields of research
Digital Humanities,
Media studies,
Literature and media studies
and 3 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Universität Regensburg (UR)
Fields of research:
Ibero-American literature (incl. Caribbean);
French literature;
Spanish literature;
Literary historiography;
Literary theory;
Literature and sociology;
Literature and cultural studies;
Literature and philosophy;
Literature and social and cultural anthropology;
Non-fictional literature;
The fictional;
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Isabel von Holt
What comes after modernity? Numerous thinkers ranging from Jürgen Habermas and Bruno Latour to Walter Mignolo and Rita Segato have explored this topic, illuminating the landscape of late capitalism, coloniality, postmodernity, and the crisis of...
Fields of research
Gender Studies/Queer Studies,
Literature and cultural studies,
Literature of the 20th century
and 1 more
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Submitted by:
Juliane Prade-Weiss
LMU Munich, 03 November 2022 Große Aula: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 register for streaming at organized by Juliane Prade-Weiss (LMU Munich) Dominik Markl (Georgetown U, Washington, DC) ...
Fields of research
Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine),
South Eastern European literature (Albania, Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey),
Literary theory
and 5 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Boston University
Fields of research:
Literature from North America;
Textual criticism, editing, codicology;
Literature and computer science/cybernetics;
Literary genre;
Literature of the 19th century;
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Georgia Lummert
Die literarischen Bilder und kreativen ›Aneignungen‹ von Europa und den Europäer*innen, die sich in literarischen Texten von Menschen aus Afrika oder der afrikanischen Diaspora finden, variieren stark. Sie unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf Geschlecht,...
Fields of research
Literary historiography,
Postcolonial studies,
World Literature
and 5 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Fields of research:
Literary theory;
Reader-response criticism;
Feminist studies;
Gender Studies/Queer Studies;
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology;
Literature and cultural studies;
Lyric poetry;
Short forms (anecdote, fable, fragment);
Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.);
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
In this seminar, the mythological figure of Medea will be used to explore adaptation, form/medium, and representations of ethnic difference. Medea, known for helping Jason and his Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece and later for killing her...
Fields of research
Literary theory,
Literature and sociology,
Literature and cultural studies
and 6 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
Antje Schmidt
Text/Naturen Von der Beobachtung zur Form in Literatur und Naturwissenschaften Workshop im Hamburger Warburg-Haus, Freitag, 08. April 2022, Universität Hamburg Organisation: Jule Thiemann, Felix Lempp, Antje...
Fields of research
Literature and natural science,
Literature of the 19th century
and 2 more
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Submitted by:
Appel à contributions Revue annuelle de la Société d’Études de la Littérature de langue Française des XXe et XXIe siècles ( ELFe XX-XXI ), n°12, 2023 « Fictions du complot » Dir. Chloé Chaudet (Université Clermont Auvergne,...
Fields of research
French literature,
Literary historiography,
Literary theory
and 7 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Universität des Saarlandes (UdS)
Fields of research:
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland;
French literature;
Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa;
Digital Humanities;
Literary theory;
Feminist studies;
Gender Studies/Queer Studies;
Postcolonial studies;
World Literature;
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology;
Literature and sociology;
Literature and cultural studies;
Literature and social and cultural anthropology;
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Title: The Pursuit of Unhappiness: Melancholy Past and Present Conference: German Studies Association (September 15-18, 2022, Houston, TX) Paper Abstract Due Date: February 15, 2022 At least...
Fields of research
Literary historiography,
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology,
Literature and philosophy
and 3 more
Created on:
Submitted by:
9–10 Mar 2022, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZfL) Organizers: Prof. Vivian Liska (University of Antwerp), Prof. Kris Van Heuckelom (KU Leuven), Prof. Michal Ben-Horin (Bar-Ilan University), Dr. Matthias Schwartz ...
Fields of research
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
Literary historiography,
Literary theory
and 3 more
Created on:
University or institution:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Fields of research:
Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland;
Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine);
Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary);
Literary theory;
Reader-response criticism;
Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology;
Literature and law;
Literature and cultural studies;
Literature and theology/study of religions;
Literature and philosophy;
Non-fictional literature;
Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.);
Literature of the 20th century;
Literature of the 21st century
Submitted by:
Internationales Online-Kolloquium / Colloque international en ligne 17. und 18. Juni 2021 / 17 et 18 juin 2021 Der Dichter und Staatsmann Léopold Sédar Senghor gehört zu den am widersprüchlichsten rezipierten Persönlichkeiten der...
Fields of research
French literature,
Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa,
Literature and cultural studies
and 1 more
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