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  1. "Mehr als das" – ein programmatischer Titel auch in gattungstheoretischer Hinsicht : Patrick Ness’ Roman als Hybrid aus postmodernistischer Utopie und Adoleszenz-Roman Patrick Ness’s "More than this" : a hybrid of postmodern utopia and adolescent novel
    Autor*in: Leiß, Judith
    Erschienen: 01.12.2020

    Dieses Buch ist so Mindfuck. [...] [D]ieses Buch lebt davon, dass man keinen Plan hat. Dass man, genau wie der Protagonist, keine Ahnung hat, was da eigentlich abgeht. [...] Wie der Protagonist hinterfragt man das, was man kennt, denkt sich... mehr


    Dieses Buch ist so Mindfuck. [...] [D]ieses Buch lebt davon, dass man keinen Plan hat. Dass man, genau wie der Protagonist, keine Ahnung hat, was da eigentlich abgeht. [...] Wie der Protagonist hinterfragt man das, was man kennt, denkt sich zwischendurch »wtf« und ist sich einschließlich des Endes nie so ganz sicher, was jetzt eigentlich Sache ist. (Weltentraeumerin 2019)

    Dieses Urteil der LovelyBooks-Rezensentin Weltentraeumerin über Patrick Ness’ Mehr als das (engl. EA More Than This) ist insofern repräsentativ, als fast alle der etwas ausführlicheren Rezensionen auf der Plattform hervorheben, dass die Lektüre dieses Buches mehr Fragen aufwirft als sie beantwortet... The novel More Than This (2013) by Patrick Ness is an enthralling but potentially disconcerting text; the construction principle of which seems to be deliberate confusion. It tells the story of 16-year-old Seth who drowns in the first chapter of the book and then finds himself in a desolate, abandoned place, wondering whether he is still alive or in some version of hell – or somewhere in between – and dreaming his last dream in the moment of death. Or might Seth have woken up from what could be called a collective dream, a virtual reality that has become the safe haven for humanity after the physical world has become uninhabitable? Neither the protagonist nor the reader is given a conclusive answer. This article addresses the literary strategies that are deployed in the novel to create this plurality of possible readings. Specific attention is paid to the way in which structural elements of the utopian novel and the adolescent novel are combined and hybridised. Drawing on the concept of heterotopia as a postmodern utopian subgenre, it is argued that More Than This can be read as an aesthetic realisation of a post-modern frame of mind, generating what Jean-François Lyotard calls the differend, and thereby offering readers the opportunity to consciously endure radical plurality.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-9821241-1-7
    DDC Klassifikation: Englische, altenglische Literaturen (820)



  2. [Rezension zu:] Vanessa van Ornam: Fanny Lewald And Nineteenth-Century Constructions of Feminity
    Erschienen: 04.09.2020

    Rezension zu: Vanessa van Ornam: Fanny Lewald And Nineteenth-Century Constructions of Feminity. New York, Washington, D.C./Baltimore, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Brüssel, Wien, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2002 (North American Studies in... mehr


    Rezension zu: Vanessa van Ornam: Fanny Lewald And Nineteenth-Century Constructions of Feminity. New York, Washington, D.C./Baltimore, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Brüssel, Wien, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2002 (North American Studies in Nineteenth-Century German Literature, hrsg. v. Jeffrey L. Sammons, Bd. 29).


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Rezension
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 3-89528-431-9
    DDC Klassifikation: Englische, altenglische Literaturen (820); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Sammlung: Aisthesis Verlag
    Schlagworte: Lewald, Fanny; Feminismus



  3. Halide Edip Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' Romanı ve D. H. Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' Adlı Eserinde "Yeni Kadın" Olgusu
    Erschienen: 08.10.2020

    War, as a universal theme, is accepted as one of the most outstanding events that affect all nations profoundly and is a distinguished topic of Comparative Literature. Due to wars, in many different cultures, social balance has collapsed, gender... mehr


    War, as a universal theme, is accepted as one of the most outstanding events that affect all nations profoundly and is a distinguished topic of Comparative Literature. Due to wars, in many different cultures, social balance has collapsed, gender roles have changed and the concept of the "new woman" has become prominent. In this study, 'Ateşten Gömlek' (1922) by the Turkish author Halide Edip Adıvar and 'The Fox' (1922) by the British writer David Herbert Lawrence were studied. Within this scope, the study involves a comparative analysis based on the depiction of the concept of the "new woman" by the mentioned writers and the shift in gender roles in different cultures. Historical and social plot of periods reflected in both texts were studied in textual analysis process. The core of the study involves the depiction of social gender shifts during the war period in literature of different cultures. The findings of this analysis provide that wars have similarly influenced gender roles and changed the status of women in different cultures. Therefore, this study is exemplarily for further comparative literary studies and researches based on the changing identity of women in war literature. Evrensel bir konu olan savaş, her milleti derinden etkileyen en önemli olgulardan sayılmaktadır ve yansıması Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyatın en seçkin konularından biridir. Savaşlar yüzünden birçok farklı kültürde, toplumsal dengeler bozulmuş, cinsiyetçi roller değişmiş ve "yeni kadın" olgusu öne çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 20. yüzyılın kadın Türk edebiyatçılarından biri olan Halide Edip Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' (1922) romanında ve İngiliz edebiyatçı David Herbert Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' ('The Fox') (1922) hikâyesinde "yeni kadın" kavramı karşılaştırmalı edebiyat yöntemi ile analiz edildi. Her iki eserin yansıttığı dönemin tarihsel ve sosyal örgüsü metin inceleme yöntemi ile incelendi. Çalışmanın özü, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin savaş dönemlerinde farklı kültürlerin edebiyatlarındaki yansımasını kapsar. İncelemedeki bulguların sonucunda, farklı kültürlerde farklı cinsiyetlere ait yazarlar tarafından ele alınmış olsa da, Adıvar'ın 'Ateşten Gömlek' ve Lawrence'ın 'Tilki' adlı eserinde, savaşın cinsiyet rollerine etkisinin benzer şekilde yansıtıldığı gözlenmiştir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışma, diğer karşılaştırmalı edebi incelemelere ve savaş edebiyatında kadın kimliğinin tanımlanmasına yönelik araştırmalara katkı sağlayabilecek içeriktedir.


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  4. "66. Sone" veya "Sonnet 66" : Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çeviri Analizi
    Erschienen: 30.09.2020

    Genel Edebiyat Biliminin bir dalı olan "Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat", farklı dillerde yazılmış edebi eserlerin, benzerlik ve farklılıklar yönünden karşılaştırılmasıdır. Karşılaştırmaya dayalı analizlerdeki amaç, iki ya da daha fazla eserin, biçim,... mehr


    Genel Edebiyat Biliminin bir dalı olan "Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat", farklı dillerde yazılmış edebi eserlerin, benzerlik ve farklılıklar yönünden karşılaştırılmasıdır. Karşılaştırmaya dayalı analizlerdeki amaç, iki ya da daha fazla eserin, biçim, üslup, motif ve ya tema gibi edebi unsurlar açısından ortak ve ya farklı öğelerini belirlemektir. Edebi metinlerde kullanılan dilsel öğeleri inceleme alanı olan "Biçembilim", okuyucunun metinleri anlamasını sağlayan en önemli araçlardan biridir. Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat bilimi kapsamında çevirinin önemi yadsınamaz ve bir metin ile çevirisi, mukayeseli çalışma alanlarından biridir. Bu araştırmanın özünü, kaynak metin ve erek metin arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları örneklendirmek adına karşılaştırmalı edebi çeviri örneği oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmada, William Shakespeare'in "Sonnet 66" şiirinin Türk edebiyatçı Can Yücel tarafından "66. Sone" olarak çevirisinin, Katharina Reiss'in "içerik odaklı" çeviri modeline dayanarak nasıl yorumlandığı incelenmiştir. As a branch of General Literature Science, 'Comparative Literature' comprises of the comparisons and contrasts between two literary texts written in different languages. The aim of analysis, based on comparisons, is to determine the common or similar elements of two texts in terms of style, motif or theme. In order to understand the literary texts, stylistics and the analysis of linguistic codes in literary texts are one of the most essential tools that provide the reader understanding of a texts. Within Comparative Literature, the significance of translation is undeniable and comparing a text with its translation is within the scope of comparative studies. A comparative translation sample, which explores the similarities and differences between a poem and its translated version, constitutes the core of this study. Within this scope, in this study, William Shakespeare's "Sonnet 66" and Can Yücel's translation and interpretation of the poem titled as "66. Sone" were analysed to examine how the poem was translated in terms of Katharina Reiss's content based ('inhaltsbetont') translation model.


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  5. "Shipwreck in the heart of the city" : Robinson Crusoe in Paul Auster's early prose
    Autor*in: Harst, Joachim
    Erschienen: 23.06.2020

    As a postmodern detective novel, "City of Glass" circles around its genre, deconstructing topical notions such as the 'case' and citing the commonplace language of hardboiled detectives as well as Poe's archetypical Dupin. Furthermore, the novel also... mehr


    As a postmodern detective novel, "City of Glass" circles around its genre, deconstructing topical notions such as the 'case' and citing the commonplace language of hardboiled detectives as well as Poe's archetypical Dupin. Furthermore, the novel also refers to completely different texts and genres: Milton's Christian epic "Paradise Lost", for example, is allotted an important position in the 6th chapter with its speculations about a regaining of the Adamic language. The allusions to the puritan poet Milton exemplifies how Auster synthesizes a postmodern inquiry into genre and language with references to "premodern moral questions", highlighting interesting analogies between post- and premodern practices of reading and writing. An even more astonishing example are the subtle references to Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe", the best-selling puritan "spiritual autobiography" about the survival of a castaway on a remote Caribbean island, which have not yet been accorded scholarly attention. Although they don't seem to be of much significance at first sight, they, too, build on the relationship between puritan and postmodern reading and writing. In this paper, Joachim Harst unfolds the many parallels between Auster's and Defoe's first novels and shows how Auster reads "Robinson Crusoe" as an exemplary figure for existential solitude and artistic creativity. Auster's postmodern view on Defoe's novel also helps to highlight fissures in Robinson's seemingly complete "selfcomposure" via autobiography, while the colonial aspects of Defoe's novel resonate with Auster's postcolonial critique of America's puritan origins. Harst concludes with a glance at Auster's references to "Robinson Crusoe" in his other early works, especially his autofictional text "Invention of Solitude", in which he depicts the artist as "shipwreck[ed] in the heart of the city" and uses "Robinson Crusoe" to construct a biographical mythology aiming at creative authorship.


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