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Displaying results 51 to 75 of 177.

  1. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Uppsala universitet / Uppsala University (UU)
    For Another Nouveau Roman: Cosmopolitan and Vernacular in the Formal Turn
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    How are we to understand the fact that the turbulent decades when France lost its empire coincided with a formal turn in French literature and literary theory? Perhaps by way of Jacques Rancière’s notion of the politics of literature as being...

    Fields of research World Literature,  Novel
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  2. DARIAH DKPro-Wrapper
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Der Use Case "Narrative Techniken und Untergattungen im deutschen Roman" (2013-2016) sollte exemplarisch demonstrieren, wie eine große Sammlung literarischer Texte genutzt werden kann, um mit Hilfe quantitativer Verfahren die historische Entwicklung...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary genre,  Novel and 1 more
    Created on: 22.05.2020
  3. Deutsches Romankorpus (DROC)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Dieses Repositorium enthält ein manuell annotiertes Korpus deutschsprachiger Erzähltexte. Es besteht aus 90 Fragmenten verschiedener Erzähltexte mit einer durchschnittlichen Anzahl von je 200 Sätzen und einer Gesamtlänge von 390.000 Tokens. ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Digital Humanities,  Novel and 2 more
    Created on: 22.05.2020
  4. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZfL)
    Das gebrochene Medium. Die österreichische Moderne und das Ereignis der Form
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht ästhetische Zeitkonzepte der österreichischen Moderne, die gemäß der leitenden Arbeitshypothese in den »großen« Gattungen von Drama, Oper und Roman ihren deutlichsten Ausdruck finden. Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literary theory,  Literature and cultural studies and 3 more
    Created on: 17.05.2019
  5. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3
    A Poetics of Chapters : Genetic Criticism, Pragmatics of Reading and Intermediality – CHAPITRES
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Chapters may be the last element in the poetics of the novel that have almost never been studied, except in Ugo Dionne’s La Voie aux chapitres (Seuil, 2008), which draws up the history of how novels have been divided and structured, up to the end of...

    Fields of research Poetics,  Novel
    Created on: 17.05.2019
  6. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 22.04.2018
    Roman-Theater! Wenn das Epische szenisch wird
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Am Sonntag, den 22. April 2018, findet in der Zeit von 10.30 - 17.00 Uhr im Hamburger Thalia Theater in der Gaußstraße das 20. Symposium der von Prof. Dr. Ortrud Gutjahr (Universität Hamburg) organisierten Reihe Theater und Universität im Gespräch ...

    Fields of research Literature and other forms of art,  Novel
    Created on: 12.12.2018
  7. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 12.04.2018
    Mars, Jupiter, Jena. Zur politischen Poetik des Zukunftsromans
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Öffentlicher Workshop im Rahmen des Projekts: »Der verdichtete Raum. Sprache, Text und weltanschauliches Wissen in deutschsprachigen Zukunftsromanen der 1920er und 1930er Jahre« gefördert von der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Projektleitung: Dr....

    Fields of research Poetics,  Novel
    Created on: 12.12.2018
  8. Category: Lecture series
    Beginning: 30.09.2020
    Lecture: Haunting Angels (Amy Hollywood)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Many characters die twice in the nineteenth-century British and American novel, with protracted and repeated death scenes marking the profundity and inescapability of death, its communal nature, and the deep sentimentality associated with the loss of...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Literature from UK and Ireland,  Novel and 1 more
    Created on: 26.06.2020
  9. Category: Various (summer schools etc.)
    Beginning: 26.07.2018
    ’… aber ist es denn auch ein Roman?‘ Gattungen und die Logik des Buchmarkts
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Im Rahmen der FSGS-Summer School „Genre Trouble– Poetik und Politik der Gattungen“ findet eine Podiumsdiskussion mit dem Titel „’… aber ist es denn auch ein Roman?‘ Gattungen und die Logik des Buchmarkts“ in der Lettrétage Berlin statt. Diese...

    Fields of research Literature and publishing/booktrade,  Literary genre,  Novel
    Created on: 12.12.2018
  10. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Eigenzeit und Lesegemeinschaften: Zeitstrukturierung durch anglophone Langromane von 1970 bis heute
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Komplexe Langromane haben sich in der Moderne als eine Gattung konsolidiert, die Zuständigkeit für die kulturelle Deutung von Zeit und Welt im Ganzen beansprucht. Nach den Vorbildern von Proust, Joyce und Thomas Mann gestalteten Autoren wie Thomas...

    Fields of research Reader-response criticism,  Novel
    Created on: 12.12.2018
  11. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie - UNC (Nouméa)
    Romans d'anticipation scientifique au tournant du XIXe siècle (1860-1940) (Scientific anticipation novels at the turn of the nineteenth century (1860-1940)) – ANTICIPATION
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Ce projet interdisciplinaire, au croisement de l’histoire littéraire et de l’histoire des sciences, se propose d’analyser la naissance d’un genre nouveau à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe : le roman d’anticipation scientifique. La recherche...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Novel,  Literature of the 19th century and 1 more
    Created on: 13.05.2019
  12. Category: Fellowships, stipends, scholarships etc.
    Application deadline: 15.03.2019
    AssistentInnenstellen für DoktorandInnen im Westen Irlands
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Department of German Studies Mary Immaculate College (MIC), University of Limerick, Ireland Ausschreibung: AssistentInnenstellen für DoktorandInnen im Westen Irlands Bevorzugt werden Dissertationsprojekte aus einem der...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Novel,  Aesthetics
    Created on: 30.01.2019
  13. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Universität Basel
    Das Wunderbare im Weltlauf. Zur Einschaltung kurzer Erzählungen in Romane des 18. Jahrhunderts
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Ausgehend von dem interphilologischen Sinergia-Projekt des Schweizer Nationalfonds zur «Poetik und Ästhetik des Staunens» behandelt mein Dissertationsprojekt die Gattungs- und Formgenese des Romans im Verhältnis zu kurzen Erzählformen des 18....

    Fields of research Poetics,  Novel,  Narrative and 2 more
    Created on: 07.06.2019
  14. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 01.09.2019
    Two postdoctoral positions and one research assistant post, ERC-project "Novel Echoes. Ancient Novelistic Receptions and Concepts of Fiction in Late Antique and Medieval Secular Narrative from East to West", Ghent University
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The Novel Echoes project is a new ERC-funded research project at Ghent University (Belgium), which researches the reception of the ancient novel in medieval secular literature. We are delighted to advertise two three-year full-time postdoctoral...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Novel,  Literature of the Middle Ages (6th-13th century)
    Created on: 09.08.2019
  15. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) / Catholic University Louvain
    Dissipating the Original. Narrative Dissemination and Transmediality in Neil Gaiman’s Short Works of Fiction and Nonfiction
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    My research project seeks to examine the ways in which the contemporary speculative fiction writer Neil Gaiman (1960-) constantly reconfigures his own oeuvre (including novels, short stories, comics, graphic novels, illustrated books, TV series,...

    Fields of research Literature from UK and Ireland,  Literature and media studies,  Lyric poetry and 8 more
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  16. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 15.08.2019
    Two fully-funded ERC PhD studentships (4 years each), ERC project "Novel Echoes. Ancient novelistic receptions and concepts of fiction in late antique and medieval secular narrative from East to West", Ghent University
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for two fully-funded and full-time doctoral research fellowships attached to the European Research Council Consolidator Grant project Novel...

    Fields of research Novel,  The fictional,  Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.) and 1 more
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  17. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Ghent University (UGent)
    Latin to Greek. The Latinity of the Ancient Greek Love Novel
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    While the ancient Greek novels have been shown to absorb preceding Greek and eastern traditions, not much systematic attention has been paid to how they use, address or confront preceding Latin traditions. This project is designed to fill this gap, a...

    Fields of research Novel,  Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.)
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  18. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Ghent University (UGent)
    “The Romance between Greece and the West.” Heroes and Heroines in French, Anglo-Norman and English Medieval Narrative
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Medieval romance is arguably the most influential secular literary genre of the European Middle Ages. Its history has not been written yet. In order to enhance our understanding of this history (both conceptually and cross-culturally), this project...

    Fields of research Narratology,  Novel,  Rhetoric and 2 more
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  19. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Ghent University (UGent)
    Novel Saints. Ancient novelistic heroism in the hagiography of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The novel is today the most popular literary genre worldwide. Its early history has not been written yet. In order to enhance our understanding of this history (both conceptually and cross-culturally), this project offers the first comprehensive...

    Fields of research Novel,  Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.),  Literature of the Middle Ages (6th-13th century)
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  20. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Ghent University (UGent)
    Novel Echoes. Ancient Novelistic Receptions and Concepts of Fiction in Late Antique and Medieval Secular Narrative from East to West
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    This project offers the first comprehensive reconstruction and interpretation of receptions of ancient novels (1st-4th cent. AD) in (Greek, Arabic and western vernacular) secular narrative from Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Novel Echoes...

    Fields of research Narratology,  Literature and theology/study of religions,  Novel and 3 more
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  21. Category: Research Units
    Institutions: Ghent University (UGent)
    Novel Saints. Studies in Ancient Fiction and Hagiography
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The novel is today the most popular literary genre worldwide. Its early history has not been written yet. The research team Novel Saints aims to enhance our understanding of this history (both conceptually and cross-culturally) by studying both ...

    Fields of research Novel,  Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.),  Literature of the Middle Ages (6th-13th century)
    Created on: 17.06.2019
  22. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 26.07.2019
    Das Wissen des Romans. Lebens-Form / Gattungs-Form
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Im Gegensatz zu literarischen Formen, die über normative Regelpoetiken beschreibbar werden, entzieht sich der Roman einer Übereinstimmung (im Sinne einer Selbstidentität) mit solchen Poetiken. Insofern der Roman in seiner Nichtgegebenheit als Gattung...

    Fields of research Literary genre,  Novel
    Created on: 22.07.2019
  23. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.11.2020
    “Make ’em cry, make ’em laugh, make ’em wait”: Sensation, mystery and detection in the Victorian novel (Winter 2020 issue of the ESSE Messenger)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The phrase “Make ’em laugh; make ’em cry; make ’em wait” usually ascribed to Charles Reade – an English novelist and dramatist active in the second half of the 19th century – was to become famous after William Wilkie Collins rearranged it as “Make...

    Fields of research Literature from UK and Ireland,  Novel,  Literature of the 19th century
    Created on: 17.08.2020
  24. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 10.06.2021
    Formen des Infinitesimalen: Leibniz und die Verbindung zwischen Mathematik und Literatur
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Wenn es Mögliches gibt, welches nie zur Existenz gelangt, so ist das Existierende in seiner Erscheinungsweise keinesfalls notwendig, sondern kontingent. Zu dieser fundamentalen Einsicht haben für Leibniz sowohl die Dichtung als auch die Mathematik...

    Fields of research Literature and philosophy,  Literature and natural science,  Novel and 5 more
    Created on: 28.05.2021
  25. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 21.08.2020
    Zeitstrukturen im Wandel: Von der Goethezeit zur Zwischenphase
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Call for Chapters ‖ Beiträge zum Sammelband: Zeitstrukturen im Wandel: Von der Goethezeit zur Zwischenphase gepl. Ersch.: Herbst 2021, Hg.: Stephan Brössel (Münster), Stefan Tetzlaff (Göttingen) ...

    Fields of research Literature and social and cultural anthropology,  Poetics,  Novel and 3 more
    Created on: 24.07.2020