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  1. Alman Gençlik Edebiyatında Z-Kuşağı Etkisi : Bir Alanyazın Taraması Örneği The Generation Z Effect in German Youth Literature : a Literature Review
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    2000’li yılların başından itibaren gençler sorunlarını, sevinçlerini, fikirlerini, hayat görüşlerini, yaşam tarzlarını pek çok farklı dijital platformda farklı kültürlerdeki ve ülkelerdeki gençler ile paylaşabilmektedir. Bu şekilde kendine has yeni... mehr


    2000’li yılların başından itibaren gençler sorunlarını, sevinçlerini, fikirlerini, hayat görüşlerini, yaşam tarzlarını pek çok farklı dijital platformda farklı kültürlerdeki ve ülkelerdeki gençler ile paylaşabilmektedir. Bu şekilde kendine has yeni bir yaşam felsefesi oluşturan ve Z-Kuşağı olarak anılan bir kuşak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma, özellikle 2000 yılından sonra yazılmış olan Alman gençlik edebiyatı eserlerinden bazılarının örneklem olarak ele alınmasıyla bir alanyazın taraması yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu sayede Alman gençlik edebiyatında ele alınan konuların neler olduğu, hangi sebeplerden dolayı bu konuların ele alınmış olabileceği ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. İkincil hedef ise çalışmanın sonuç kısmında Türkiye’deki gençlik edebiyatı alanına ilişkin önerilerde bulunmaktır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuca göre Alman gençlik edebiyatında sıklıkla arkadaş ilişkileri, toplum içerisinde kimlik arayışı, okulu terk etme, uyuşturucu kullanımı ve doğurduğu sonuçlar, adaletsizlik, aile içi iletişim sorunları, ebeveyni ayrı olan gençlerin hikâyeleri, Cyber-Mobbing, aşk, bilimkurgu, göç, kültürlerarasılık, suç gibi konularının aktarıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Especially since the early 2000s, young people have been able to share their problems, joys, ideas, life views, and lifestyles with young people from different countries and cultures on various digital platforms. In this way, a generation known as Generation Z has emerged with a unique life philosophy. This study aims to do a literature review by taking some of the German youth literature works written after 2000 as a sample. We tried to put forward what the subject matters dealt with in German youth literature are and why these subject matters have been chosen. The second aim of the study is to put forward suggestions on possible studies in Turkish youth literature. According to the results of the study, friendship, search for identity in society, dropping out of school, drug use and its consequences, injustice, family communication problems, life as a child of divorced parents, Cyber-Mobbing, love, science fiction, immigration, interculturalism, and crime are the subject-matters of German youth literature.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Jugendliteratur; Jugend; Generation Z; Leseverhalten



  2. Stefan Zweig'ın "Satranç" Adlı Eserinde Dönemin Panoraması The Panorama of the Period in Stefan Zweig's "Chess"
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    1881 Viyana doğumlu olan Stefan Zweig, savaş ortamını bizzat yaşamış ve eserlerinde daima savaş karşıtı bir tutum sergilemiştir. Zweig'ın tek isteği, yaşanılan savaş sonrasında, insanların huzuru ve barışı yakalamasıdır. 1938-1942 yılları arasında... mehr


    1881 Viyana doğumlu olan Stefan Zweig, savaş ortamını bizzat yaşamış ve eserlerinde daima savaş karşıtı bir tutum sergilemiştir. Zweig'ın tek isteği, yaşanılan savaş sonrasında, insanların huzuru ve barışı yakalamasıdır. 1938-1942 yılları arasında Brezilya'da sürgündeyken kaleme aldığı "Satranç" adlı son eseri de göstermek istediği değerler açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Zweig, insan ruhunun derinliklerine inerek, betimlemelerle ve benzetmelerle Nazizm'in/ Nazi Almanya'sının ülke ve insanlar üzerinde bıraktığı sosyal ve psikolojik etkileri yansıtmaya çalışır. Savaşın insanlığı getirdiği noktada, yazarın intiharından önce bıraktığı bir veda mektubu niteliği taşıyan bu eserde, Hitler iktidarının toplama kamplarının haricinde aydınlar için kullandığı başka bir yönteme dikkat çekilir. Zweig'e göre kullanılan bu yöntem, belki de toplama kamplarındaki insanların yaşadıklarından bile daha ağır bir zulümdür.

    Alman Edebiyatı'nda önemli bir yere sahip olan Stefan Zweig, "Satranç" adlı eserinde, satranç oyunu üzerinden, yaşanılan tüm olumsuzluklara rağmen savaş döneminde bireylerin ayakta kalma/ var olmaya çalışma süreçlerini aktarır. Otobiyografik özellik gösteren eserde, savaş döneminde Naziler tarafından tutuklandıktan sonra yersiz-yurtsuzluğa mahkûm edilen bir karakterle, dünya satranç şampiyonu olan bir karakterin satranç mücadelesi ele alınır. 20. yüzyılın acımasızlığı gözler önüne serilirken, tarihsel olayların bıraktığı izlere ve o izlerle yaşamaya çalışmanın ne demek olduğuna yakından tanık olmak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, eserden hareketle (metne bağlı/werkimmanent yaklaşımla) Nasyonal Sosyalizmin toplumda ve insanlar üzerinde bıraktığı izler, yarattığı yıkımlar ve Nasyonal Sosyalizm dönemi aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Born in Vienna in 1881, Stefan Zweig personally experienced the war environment and always displayed a pacifist attitude in his works. Zweig's only wish for people is to find peace and tranquillity after the war. His last work called "The Royal Game", which he wrote while he was in exile in Brazil between 1938-1942, is also of great importance in terms of the values he wants to show. Because of his intention to touch the human soul, Zweig tries to reflect the social and psychological effects of Nazism/ Nazi Germany in the country and people with descriptions and metaphors. In his work, which is a farewell letter left by the author before his suicide, at the point where war and war brought humanity, attention is drawn to another method used by the Hitler government for intellectuals apart from the concentration camps. According to Zweig, this method used is perhaps even more severe cruelty than the people in the concentration camps.

    Stefan Zweig, who has got an important place in the German Literature, conveys the survival/ trying to exist processes of individuals during the war despite all the negativities experienced through the game of chess in his work named The Royal Game. The chess struggle of a character who is a world chess champion with a character chosen is discussed. While revealing the brutality of the 20th century, it is possible to witness closely the traces left by historical events and what it means to try to live with those traces. In this study, it has been tried to convey the traces of National Socialism on society and people, and the destruction it created, based on the work.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Zweig, Stefan; Schachnovelle; Schach; Nationalsozialismus; Faschismus



  3. Akif Pirinçci "Yin" : Geschlechterforschung oder groteske Dystopie Akif Pirinçci "Yin" – Gender studies or grotesque Dystopie
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Akif Pirinçci ist einer der meist diskutierten Autoren der neueren deutschen Literatur. Dies liegt nicht nur an seiner Arbeit als Schriftsteller, sondern auch an seinen provokativen Aussagen. Immer wieder taucht sein Name in Presseberichten auf, die... mehr


    Akif Pirinçci ist einer der meist diskutierten Autoren der neueren deutschen Literatur. Dies liegt nicht nur an seiner Arbeit als Schriftsteller, sondern auch an seinen provokativen Aussagen. Immer wieder taucht sein Name in Presseberichten auf, die im Zusammenhang mit Frauenfeindlichkeit oder sogar Rassismus stehen. Diese Schlagwörter ziehen sich auch durch seine Romane. Das wiederum wirft die Frage auf, ob Akif Pirinçci geschlechtsspezifische, negative Ideologien in seinen Werken versucht zu suggerieren. Der Roman "Yin" stellt eine neue Weltordnung dar, in der es keine Männer mehr gibt und die Frauen auf sich selbst gestellt sind. Die Art und Weise in der das Thema von Pirinçci behandelt wird, ist teilweise so grotesk, dass die Intention des Autors irritierend auf den Leser wirken kann. Diese Arbeit analysiert werkimmanent den Roman "Yin" von Akif Pirinçci hinsichtlich der Fragestellung, ob der Autor mit dem Roman versucht einen Beitrag zur Geschlechterforschung zu liefern, oder ob es sich um eine reine Dystopie handelt. Akif Pirinçci is one of the most discussed authors in recent German literature. This is not only due to his work as a writer, but also to his provocative statements. More than often his name appears in press reports related to misogyny or even racism. These slogans also run through his novels. This in turn raises the question of whether Akif Pirinçci tries to suggest gender-specific, negative ideologies in his works. The novel "Yin" represents a new world order in which there are no more men and women are left to fend for themselves. The way in which the topic is dealt with by Pirinçci is sometimes so grotesque that the author's intention can be irritating to the reader. This work inherently analyses the novel "Yin" by Akif Pirinçci with regard to the question of whether the author tries to contribute to gender studies with the novel or whether it is a pure dystopia.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Geschlechterforschung; Anti-Utopie; Groteske <Literatur>; Pirinçci, Akif



  4. Intermediale Elemente in "Das kunstseidene Mädchen" : verzerrte Selbstwahrnehmung als Folge sozialer Leitbilder der Gesellschaft Intermedial elements in "The Artificial Silk Girl" : distorted self-perception as a result of society's social models
    Autor*in: Cihangir, Merve
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    In der folgenden Studie soll der Roman "Das kunstseidene Mädchen" (1932) verfasst von Irmgard Keun unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der intermedialen Aspekte untersucht werden. Ziel ist hierbei dem in der Türkei kaum gewürdigten Werk von Irmgard... mehr


    In der folgenden Studie soll der Roman "Das kunstseidene Mädchen" (1932) verfasst von Irmgard Keun unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der intermedialen Aspekte untersucht werden. Ziel ist hierbei dem in der Türkei kaum gewürdigten Werk von Irmgard Keun an Sichtbarkeit zu verhelfen als auch in einem intermedialen Rahmen zu betrachten und ferner die negativen Einflüsse der Massenmedien anhand des Fallbeispiels "Doris" stellvertretend für junge Frauen im 21. Jahrhundert darzustellen. Hierbei soll die Intermedialität und die leserbezogene Methode Richtlinien dieser Arbeit darstellen. Verschiedene Medien wie beispielsweise der Film, die Musik und die Werbung werden im Roman hinreichend aufgegriffen. Besonders um 1920, bedingt durch das neue Frauenbild, aus welchem durch die Medien ein enormer Umschwung der Geschlechterverhältnisse resultierte und außerdem die Gleichberechtigung zwischen Mann und Frau beeinflusste, zeigt sich eine deutliche Wendung der Frau des 20. Jahrhunderts. Medienpersönlichkeiten werden weitgehend zu Idealen der jungen Frauen, was in der Fallstudie Doris eine Schlucht zwischen Realität und Fiktion zur Folge hat. Diese Studie beabsichtigt die negativen Folgen der durch die Massenmedien vermittelten Schönheitsideale aufzuführen und in diesem Rahmen ein gegenwärtiges, soziales sowie zeitloses Problem vor Augen der Leser zu führen. In the following study, the novel "The Artificial Silk Girl" (1932) written by Irmgard Keun will be examined with special regard to intermedial aspects. The aim is to give visibility to Irmgard Keun’s work, to which no attention was paid in Turkey, as well as to look at it in an intermedial framework and furthermore to present the negative influences of the mass media using the case study "Doris" as a representative of young women in the 21st century. The intermediality and the reader-related method will be the guidelines of this work. Various media, such as film, music and advertising, are sufficiently addressed in the novel. Especially around 1920, due to the new image of women, which caused an enormous change in gender relations through the media and also influenced the equality between men and women, a clear turn of the woman of the 20th century becomes apparent. Media personalities largely become ideals for young women, resulting in a chasm between reality and fiction in the case study Doris. The aim is to list the negative consequences of the ideals of beauty conveyed by the mass media and, within this framework, to bring a contemporary, social as well as timeless problem before the readers' eyes.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Keun, Irmgard; Das kunstseidene Mädchen; Intermedialität; Massenmedien; Schönheitsideal <Motiv>



  5. Der Freiraum des Unbestimmten : Digitalisierung in utopisch-dystopischen Texten der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur The Free Space of the Indeterminate : Digitisation in Utopian-Dystopian Texts of Contemporary German Literature
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Utopisch-dystopische Romane der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur widmen sich vermehrt dem Thema Digitalisierung und damit verbundenen Themenkomplexe, Fragestellungen, Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen. Besondere Relevanz kommt dabei der Bewertung und... mehr


    Utopisch-dystopische Romane der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur widmen sich vermehrt dem Thema Digitalisierung und damit verbundenen Themenkomplexe, Fragestellungen, Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen. Besondere Relevanz kommt dabei der Bewertung und Kategorisierung von Individuen auf Basis von Datenanalysen zu, welche das Leben der Figuren bis ins kleinste Detail lenken und prägen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich zunächst der Frage, wie die Texte soziale Kategorisierungs- und Bewertungsmechanismen innerhalb digitalisierter Gesellschaften darstellen und inwiefern sich hier grundlegende kritische Kommentierungen herauslesen lassen. Zudem soll analysiert werden,inwiefern die Texte diese sozialen Positionierungen auch räumlich realisieren, ausgehend von der These, dass die Texte raumsemantische Strukturen nutzen, um Gefahrenpotenziale für die Freiheit und Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten des Einzelnen herauszustellen. Als theoretische Basis fungieren dabei Michel Foucaults Theorie der Gouvernementalität, sowie die von Gilles Deleuze und Felix Guattari entwickelte Theorie des glatten und gekerbten Raumes. Literarische Beispiele sind den Romanen "Qualityland" (2017) von Marc-Uwe Kling, "Die Hochhausspringerin" (2018) von Julia von Lucadou und "Technophoria" (2020) von Niklas Maak entnommen. Utopian-dystopian novels in contemporary German literature are increasingly devoted to the topic of digitalization and its related fields, as well as the questions, hopes and fears it entails. Of particular interest in this context is the evaluation and categorization of individuals based on data analyzes, which guide and shape the lives of the characters down to the smallest detail. The present work initially poses the question of how the texts represent social categorization and evaluation mechanisms within digitalized societies and to what extent these developments are critically commented on. The second part will then focus on the fact that these texts tend to realize this social positioning spatially and thereby use spatial-semantic structures to highlight potential dangers for the freedom and development possibilities of the individual. Michel Foucault's theory of governmentality and the theory of smooth and striated space developed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari serve as the theoretical basis here. Literary examples are taken from the novels "Qualityland" (2017) by Marc-Uwe Kling, "Die Hochhausspringerin" (2018) by Julia von Lucadou and "Technophoria" (2020) by Niklas Maak.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Philosophie und Psychologie (100); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Foucault, Michel; Deleuze, Gilles; Utopie; Anti-Utopie; Digitalisierung; Moderne Literatur; Raum <Motiv>

