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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 183058.

  1. Progression analysis : a multi-method approach for investigating writing at the workplace
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 808

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  2. Collecting Images for Illustration : A Case Study on the Tianzhangge Edition of The Story of the Western Wing
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 890


  3. Chaucer's English
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Klasse C; Chaucer's English


  4. Batalin-Vilkovisky field-antifield quantisation of fluctuations around classical field configurations
    Published: 1996

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830


  5. Sigma models with Ak singularities in Euclidean spacetime of dimension 0 ≤ D < 4 and in the limit N → infinity
    Published: 1996

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  6. Lawrence of Bavaria. The english writer D. H. Lawrence in Bavaria and beyond. Collected Essays. Reisen David Herbert Lawrences in Bayern und in die Alpenländer
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  7. The student, a series of papers
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  8. Out-of-focus encoding in Gur and Kwa

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: ex-situ focus; focus marker; relative clause; conjunction; grammaticalization


  9. The last days of Pompeii : in one volume
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  10. Eugene Aram : a tale
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  11. Carl Friedrich Aichinger

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Carl Friedrich Aichinger; Sprachgeschichte


  12. Ty Pak: Korean American literature as 'guilt payment'

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  13. Jessica Hagedorn (1949 - )
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  14. Communicating novel and conventional scientific metaphors: a study of the development of the metaphor of genetic code
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: Metaphors are more popular than ever in the study of scientific reasoning and culture because of their innovative and generative powers. It is assumed, that novel scientific metaphors become more clear and well-defined, as they become more... more


    Abstract: Metaphors are more popular than ever in the study of scientific reasoning and culture because of their innovative and generative powers. It is assumed, that novel scientific metaphors become more clear and well-defined, as they become more established and conventional within the relevant discourses. But we still need empirical studies of the career of metaphors in scientific discourse and of the communicative strategies identifying a given metaphor as either novel or conventional. This paper presents a case study of the dis-cursive development of the metaphor of “the genetic code” from the introduction of the metaphor to its establishment as an entire network of interrelated conventional metaphors. Not only do the strategies in communicating the metaphor change as the metaphor becomes more established within the discourse, but the genres in which the metaphor is developed and interpreted change too during the career of the metaphor. Whereas the standard scientific article is centra


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
  15. Courses in science writing as literature
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: The best nonfiction science books and articles demonstrate that accurate science can be presented to the public so that it is understandable, yet as gripping as fine fiction. Some of these works serve as examples for students taking... more


    Abstract: The best nonfiction science books and articles demonstrate that accurate science can be presented to the public so that it is understandable, yet as gripping as fine fiction. Some of these works serve as examples for students taking science-writing workshops. However, programs in science writing, journalism, English, the sciences, and medicine may benefit from offering a course that explores science writing as literature. Nonfiction books published each year outnumber fiction books by more than six to one, yet relatively few nonfiction literature courses exist, and science-writing-as-literature courses are rare, although popular with students. Courses in science writing as literature are known to have been taught at six universities. Courses have varied in emphasis (biology, medicine, general) and approach (one compared scientists and nonscientists as science writers). This report surveys the readings and features of existing courses


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
  16. Reclaiming the Body of the ‘Hottentot’
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: The primary focus of this article is a reading of Venus Hottentot 2000, a performance-text that reperforms the hyperbolization of Black female sexuality. In using the corporeality of the Black body as a strategic site of postcolonial... more


    Abstract: The primary focus of this article is a reading of Venus Hottentot 2000, a performance-text that reperforms the hyperbolization of Black female sexuality. In using the corporeality of the Black body as a strategic site of postcolonial resignification, this performance is moreover an interrogation of the colonial gaze that has fetishized the Black body. In foregrounding Venus Hottentot 2000 as a point of departure for exploration, the article proceeds by delving broadly into the representational history of the ‘Hottentot’ female. Furthermore, to facilitate an understanding of the constitutive power of the colonial gaze and the possibilities of subverting and displacing that gaze from that of a postcolonial diasporic aesthetic practice, the article frames the postcolonial feminist reading of Venus Hottentot 2000 via an investigation of the processes by which the ‘Hottentot’ female has been festishized and scopically objectified within colonial discourse - processes whereby the ‘Hotten


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Black female sexuality; the gaze; Hottentot; Lacan; performance; postcolonialism; subjectivity;
  17. Ricoeur and the Girls
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: Schoolgirls writing short stories have surrendered themselves to some rules of a game, which, according to Ricoeur and Gadamer, delimits a field where everything ’is played’, and thereby, ’shatters the seriousness’ of ’the self-presence of... more


    Abstract: Schoolgirls writing short stories have surrendered themselves to some rules of a game, which, according to Ricoeur and Gadamer, delimits a field where everything ’is played’, and thereby, ’shatters the seriousness’ of ’the self-presence of a subject’. This article proposes that this field has a serious side of its own that reveals something true about the everyday reality of being a girl. The proposed worlds in the girls’ short stories are places from which research on women’s lives should begin is a central argument, along with the contention that for the researcher to be able to take the seriousness of this playful writing into account, she also has to assume the position of a playful figure. The article suggests that the empirical data of schoolgirl writing invited the researcher to think Ricoeur and feminist epistemology together. Further, a suggestion is that the roles of reading given by the texts have consequences for a ’new’ process-oriented writing pedagogy and the teacher


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: feminist epistemology; hermeneutics; incest; play; schoolgirl writing; short story; violence; writing pedagogy;
  18. The limitations of whiteness and the boundaries of Englishness

    Abstract: The focus of this article is the second-generation Irish in England. It is based on data collected as part of the Irish 2 project, which examined processes of identity formation amongst the second-generation Irish population in England and... more


    Abstract: The focus of this article is the second-generation Irish in England. It is based on data collected as part of the Irish 2 project, which examined processes of identity formation amongst the second-generation Irish population in England and Scotland. The article examines and maps identifications and positionings of second-generation Irish people and discusses how two hegemonic domains - Ireland and England - intersect in the lives of the children of Irish-born parents, with material and psychological consequences. Their positionings in multiethnic Britain are compared with those of ‘visible’ minority ethnic groups, and their narratives of belonging and non-belonging are analysed in terms of the limitations of whiteness and the boundaries of Englishness


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Irishness; minority ethnic group;
  19. Northern cultures: myths, geographies and representational practices
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
  20. Pavel Janáček: Literární brak. Operace vyloučení, operace nahrazení, 1938–1951
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Czech
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
  21. Cultural variability in the effects of question design features on respondent comprehension

    Abstract: Um Charakteristika gleicher Fragen in Gesundheitsumfragen im Zusammenhang mit interkulturellen Unterschieden im Verständnis dieser Fragen zu identifizieren, analysieren die Verfasser Befragungen zum Gesundheitssystem, wobei die Befragten... more


    Abstract: Um Charakteristika gleicher Fragen in Gesundheitsumfragen im Zusammenhang mit interkulturellen Unterschieden im Verständnis dieser Fragen zu identifizieren, analysieren die Verfasser Befragungen zum Gesundheitssystem, wobei die Befragten vier verschiedene kulturelle Subgruppen in den USA repräsentieren (weiße Nicht-Hispanics, Afroamerikaner, mexikanische Amerikaner und Puerto Ricaner) mit Hilfe des Instruments des Behaviour Coding. Untersucht werden die Auswirkungen von vier Merkmalen der Fragebogenkonstruktion auf kulturelle Schwierigkeiten beim Verständnis der Fragen. Die empirische Datenbasis bilden 13514 Antworten von 345 Befragten auf 42 Fragen. Es zeigt sich, dass das Antwortformat, die Länge der Frage sowie das Lese- und Abstraktionsniveau der Fragen einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Verständnis der Fragen bei den Befragten haben. Die Kultur der Befragen hatte einen moderierenden Einfluss auf die Effekte von Antwortformat, Fragenlänge und Leseniveau. Verschiedene Aspekte d


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: kulturelle Faktoren; Verstehen; Fragebogen; Befragung; USA; Farbiger; Lateinamerikaner; Nordamerika
  22. Queering the bitch: Spike, transgression and erotic empowerment
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: According to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, queer exists when the constituent elements of anyone's gender or sexuality are not made (or cannot be made) to signify monolithically. By this definition Spike is the queerest character in the... more


    Abstract: According to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, queer exists when the constituent elements of anyone's gender or sexuality are not made (or cannot be made) to signify monolithically. By this definition Spike is the queerest character in the 'Buffyverse': both his gender and sexuality are fluid - neither is secure and both are based around excess. His gender switches from male to female and his sexuality from 'vanilla' to more varied and non-traditional forms of eroticism. The article argues that the character of Spike opens up opportunities for the resignification of what it means to be male or female, man or monster, dominant or submissive, ‘vanilla’ or an exponent of erotic variation - opportunities we need to seize if we are to challenge the all-pervasive binaries which govern our understanding of sex, gender and sexuality, and the interrelationship between these terms


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: Gender; Buffy; eroticism; femininity; liminality; masculinity; queer; sexuality; Spike; vampire
  23. 'A Litanie'
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820


  24. The White Spot of Western Feminisms : Conceptions of Whiteness in African-Feminist Literatures
    Author: Arndt, Susan
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 300; 800; 900
  25. White Myths, What Masks? : the 'Racial Turn' and Conceptions of Whiteness in Literatures from Africa
    Author: Arndt, Susan
    Published: 2005

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 300; 800