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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 12.

  1. Present directions of German exile studies in the USA
    Published: 30.12.2012

    This essay considers the present state of U.S. scholarship on German exile Literature, focusing on the recent move from a purely literary toward a social and cultural perspective. This move becomes evident in research projects on refugee children as... more


    This essay considers the present state of U.S. scholarship on German exile Literature, focusing on the recent move from a purely literary toward a social and cultural perspective. This move becomes evident in research projects on refugee children as well as in the growing interest for women in exile. The article presents the abundant research opportunities in the U.S., but mentions also voices of frustration and fatigue. Perhaps the generational replacement among North-American Germanists contributes to bring forth a different attitude toward the subject of literary exile. In view of political shifts and technological changes, some reorientation in literary exile studies may be inevitable. Este ensaio trata da presente situação dos estudos norte-americanos sobre literatura alemã de exílio, focalizando a volta recente de um enfoque puramente literário a uma percpectiva social e cultural. Essa volta torna-se evidente em projetos de pesquisa sobre filhas de exilados, bem como no interesse crescente em mulheres no exílio. O artigo apresenta as oporhinidades abundantes de pesquisa nos Estados Unidos, mas observa também indícios de frustração e cansaço. Talvez, a troca de gerações entre os germanistas norte-americanos contribua para criar uma atitude diferente em relação ao assunto do exílio literário. Em vista de modificações políticas e mudanças tecnológicas, uma reorientação dos estudos literários do exílio pode ser inevitável.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Exilliteratur; Deutsch; Weiblicher Flüchtling; Flüchtlingskind



  2. German studies in the U.S.: history, theory and practice
    Published: 30.12.2012

    This paper discusses the profile of German Studies in the context of interdisciplinary intercultural area studies, as it has been developed during the last decades at universities in the United States, particularly at the University of California at... more


    This paper discusses the profile of German Studies in the context of interdisciplinary intercultural area studies, as it has been developed during the last decades at universities in the United States, particularly at the University of California at Berkeley. In its first part, it deals with the institutional history of German Studies, in the second, with the underlying cultural theory, and in the third, with its hermeneutic practice. Este artigo discute o perfil dos German Studies no contexto de estudos interdisciplinares e interculturais, Corno desenvolvidos, especificamente, nas universidades dos Estados Unidos, em particular na Universidade de Califórnia, em Berkeley, nas últimas décadas. A primeira parte trata da história institucional dos Gennon Studies, a segunda, da teoria cultural que lhe serve de base, e a terceira, da prática hermenêutica.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Germanistik; Interkulturalität; Interdisziplinarität



  3. Recent developments in phonology
    Author: Vater, Heinz
    Published: 31.12.2012

    Corno quase nenhuma outra disciplina lingüística, a fonologia passou por uma evolução turbulenta nas duas últimas décadas. Ao contrário da abordagem cöássica da Gramática Gerativa, que se concentrou na descrição de cadeias de segmentos fonológicos e... more


    Corno quase nenhuma outra disciplina lingüística, a fonologia passou por uma evolução turbulenta nas duas últimas décadas. Ao contrário da abordagem cöássica da Gramática Gerativa, que se concentrou na descrição de cadeias de segmentos fonológicos e de suas transformações em virtude de regras fonológicas, a Fonologia Não-linear colocou as relações prosódicas em enunciados em primeiro plano. A sílaba foi redescoberta como unidade prosódica; muitos trabalhos foram dedicados à análise de estruturas silábicas e de relações de sonoridade. Acima da sílaba, o pé a palavra fonológica foram utilizados como unidades prosódicas relevantes para a descrição das estruturas de acento e entonação. Abaixo da sílaba, reabilitou-se a mora já conhecida a partir da Filologia Clássica. No presente artigo, descrevem-se, a partir de exemplos do alemão e de outras línguas, as duas abordagens principais da Fonologia Não-linear, a Fonologia Autosegmental e a Fonologia Métrica. Procura-se mostrar que, com esses modelos, alguns fenômenos prosódico-fonológicos que antes só podiam ser descritos com grandes dificuldades ou eram até mesmo indescritíveis podem ser analisados de maneira adequada e elegante. Wie kaum eine andere linguistische Disziplin hat die Phonologie in den letzten zwei Dekaden eine stürmische Entwicklung durchgemacht. Im Gegensatz zum klassischen Ansatz der Generativen Grammatik, der sich auf die Beschreibung phonologischer Segmentketten und ihrer Veränderungen durch phonologische Regeln. konzentrierte, hat die Nichtlineare Phonologie prosodische Relationen in Äußerungsketten in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Die Silbe wurde als prosodische Einheit wiederentdeckt; viele Arbeiten widmeten sich der Analyse von Silbenstrukturen und Sonoritärsrelationen. Oberhalb der Silbe wurden der Fuß und das phonologische Wort als relevante prosodische Einheiten zur Beschreibung von Akzent- und Intonationsstrukturen verwendet. Unterhalb der Silbe kam die aus der Klassischen Philologie bekannte Wort zu neuen Ehren. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz werden die beiden Hauptansätze der Nichtlinearen Phonologie, Autosegmentale und Metrische Phonologie, anhand von Beispielen aus dem Deutschen und anderen Sprachen beschrieben. Es wird versucht zu zeigen, des einige vorher nicht oder nur sehr umständlich beschreibbare prosodisch-phonologische Phänomenen ach diesen Ansätzen adäquat und elegant analysierbar sind.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 410; 414
    Subjects: Autosegmentale Phonologie; Metrische Phonologie; Nichtlineare Phonologie; Prosodie; Silbe; Sonorität



  4. Arthur in the Tristan Tradition
    Published: 26.10.2012

    The bringing together of the two realms, that of Tristan and Isolde and that of Arthur, thus has a mutually corrosive effect. However, in the further course of the action Tristan and Isolde’s love regains some of its absoluteness: for instance... more


    The bringing together of the two realms, that of Tristan and Isolde and that of Arthur, thus has a mutually corrosive effect. However, in the further course of the action Tristan and Isolde’s love regains some of its absoluteness: for instance Heinrich refrains from taking over the quarrel of lovers from Eilhart. He plays a double game, on the one hand reducing the absoluteness and self-sufficiency of love, on the other hand building it up again and thus preventing the establishment of a firm doctrine in the course of the narrative (…), as neither the Arthurian court nor the love of Tristan and Isolde provides an absolute norm. Heinrich wrote his romance for the Bohemian noble Raimund von Lichtenburg, and the account of the foundation of the Round Table and the self-directed activities of the knights have belonged (…). The initial Arthurian ideal has become a confirmatory ritual for an exclusive body of noblemen – that matches the spirit of the knightly societies.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Part of a book; Part of a book
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 0-7083-1595-X
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Artusepik; Gottfried <von Straßburg> / Tristan und Isolde; Eilhart <von Oberg> / Tristrant



  5. The dual economy of medieval life
    Published: 13.01.2012

    The works of the author who called himself “der stricker“ (“the weaver“) are generally assigned to the reign of Emperor Frederick II (1212-1250). He wrote in a German of southern Franconian coloring, and his main area of activity is thought to have... more


    The works of the author who called himself “der stricker“ (“the weaver“) are generally assigned to the reign of Emperor Frederick II (1212-1250). He wrote in a German of southern Franconian coloring, and his main area of activity is thought to have been the duchy of Austria.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Part of a book; Part of a book
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 0-674-01503-7
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Mittelhochdeutsch; Friedrich <Preußen, König, II.>

