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  1. The mother tongue of love and loss : Albert Cohen's "Le livre de ma mère"
    Published: 11.09.2023

    This article reads Albert Cohen's "Le Livre de ma mère", which mourns the death of his mother, as a poetics of love and loss. It is a poetics of otherness that disavows the claim to expression and selfhood. The mother, being the paradigmatic figure... more


    This article reads Albert Cohen's "Le Livre de ma mère", which mourns the death of his mother, as a poetics of love and loss. It is a poetics of otherness that disavows the claim to expression and selfhood. The mother, being the paradigmatic figure of otherness, is a figure for literature, a form of language that is characterized by saying things differently. Literature itself is a motherly space insofar as it others the language of the self. This argument is developed along close readings of both the French original and the English translation of Cohen's work, following three thematic axes: first, the peculiar kinship of love and death; second, the mother as the other; third, literature as filio-logy: a logic of filiation that does not leave the self unchanged.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Part of a book; Part of a book
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-96558-050-3; 978-3-96558-051-0; 978-3-96558-049-7
    DDC Categories: 800; 840
    Collection: ICI Berlin
    Subjects: Cohen, Albert; Le livre de ma mère; Tod <Motiv>; Liebe <Motiv>; Mutter <Motiv>; Muttersprache

