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Displaying results 6 to 10 of 14.

  1. Shock and Aura : Benjamin on Dada
    Published: 22.06.2017

    If we take Benjamin's definitions to their logical conclusion, then the monad and the reproduced copy are set unequivocally into binary opposition, as we, the masses capable and most needful of action, are implicitly denied the potential for... more


    If we take Benjamin's definitions to their logical conclusion, then the monad and the reproduced copy are set unequivocally into binary opposition, as we, the masses capable and most needful of action, are implicitly denied the potential for liberation through aesthetic experience. This denial could not have been his long-term intention. When we take into account the breadth of his writings in response to Fascism, and we look at the artistic movements, Dada in particular, that Benjamin defines as 'politicizing art,' it seems as though we risk too narrow a reading of Benjamin's theories by assuming the aura can be, or must be, done away with. Rather, I would argue that this moment of auratic interaction is crucial to effectively politicizing art at all. Mechanically-produced art, in order to function politically, must allow its audience the space necessary to step back, awaken their 'Geistesgegenwart', and take action 'before' the present moment is finished and past. The elimination of aura - as per Benjamin’s own definitions of aura - neuters the interaction this awakening requires. While Benjamin provides the framework and asks the right questions, when determining what will allow his definitions to realize their aims most fully, I submit that he draws his line in the wrong place.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7705-5782-0
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
    Subjects: Benjamin, Walter; Dadaismus



  2. The Painter through the Fourth Wall of China : Benjamin and the Threshold of the Image
    Published: 22.06.2017

    Walter Benjamin had a revealing fascination with the legend of a Chinese artist who entered his painting and disappeared in it. In his writings this character becomes an emblematic figure that enables the philosopher to discuss the nature of... more


    Walter Benjamin had a revealing fascination with the legend of a Chinese artist who entered his painting and disappeared in it. In his writings this character becomes an emblematic figure that enables the philosopher to discuss the nature of representation in its various infections (in games and in painting, in theater and in cinema); to explore the status of the image and of the threshold that simultaneously separates and connects image and reality; to analyse the different bodily (i. e. "aesthetic") attitudes of the beholder in his/her close or distant relationship to the image; to investigate the manifold implications of empathy ('Einfühlung ') toward the figurative world; and finally, to approach a peculiar kind of dialectics, namely the "Chinese". My paper aims at considering such varied aspects in Benjamin's interpretation of the Chinese painter, understanding it as a true "dialectical image" that in its 'non-coincidentia oppositorum' provokes not only significant hermeneutic oscillations, but even a radical inversion of its fundamental meaning.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7705-5782-0
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
    Subjects: Benjamin, Walter; Wu, Daoxuan



  3. Pain and memory in Benjamin's mourning play
    Published: 22.06.2017

    One of the cruxes of Walter Benjamin’s work is the tension between an indebting and an expiating "memoria", i. e. the afflicting and the salvific insistence of history within the present moment. On the one hand, memory inscribes itself onto spaces... more


    One of the cruxes of Walter Benjamin’s work is the tension between an indebting and an expiating "memoria", i. e. the afflicting and the salvific insistence of history within the present moment. On the one hand, memory inscribes itself onto spaces and bodies in the violent and painful fashion of Kafka's "Penal Colony" apparatus. On the other hand, it can, in the form of rememoration ('Eingedenken'), sublate these very inscriptions. This sublation usually involves some form of redemptive, timely (re-)verbalization, but Benjamin’s conception of it varies. To gain a better insight into this inherent, varying tension, the article will take a closer look at the connection between pain, memory and law-positing violence in some Benjaminian texts, occasionally relating them to the historical background of his discussion.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7705-5782-0
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
    Subjects: Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels; Benjamin, Walter; Erinnerung <Motiv>; Schmerz <Motiv>



  4. "Schmerz war ein Staudamm" : Benjamin on pain
    Author: Ferber, Ilit
    Published: 22.06.2017

    To explicate what distinguishes pain, Benjamin elaborates: "Of all corporeal feelings, pain alone is like a navigable river which never dries up and which leads man down to the sea. [...] Pain [...] is a link between worlds. This is why organic... more


    To explicate what distinguishes pain, Benjamin elaborates: "Of all corporeal feelings, pain alone is like a navigable river which never dries up and which leads man down to the sea. [...] Pain [...] is a link between worlds. This is why organic pleasure is intermittent, whereas pain can be permanent. This comparison of pleasure and pain explains why the cause of pain is irrelevant for the understanding of man's nature, whereas the source of his greatest pleasure is extremely important. For every pain, even the most trivial one, can lead upward to the highest religious suffering, whereas pleasure is not capable of any enhancement, and owes any nobility it possesses to the grace of its birth - that is to say, its source. (SW I, 397)" In these important lines, pain's unique strength is linked not to its origin (this is reserved for pleasure), but rather to the way that its strenuous flow throughout the suffering body has the power to lead it to infinite heights. In contrast to pleasure, which is forever seeking out its sources, pain manifests itself most consummately when it is intensified; it fulfills itself most deeply by gradually reenforcing its own fortitude. To make sense of pain, therefore, we must understand the nature of its 'movement': and in Benjamin's metaphor of the "navigable river" - its flow. In what follows, I develop Benjamin's idea of the nature of pain as manifested in the internal law of its ,ow in two other of Benjamin's texts: 'Berlin Childhood Around 1900' (1934) and 'Thought Figures' (1933).


    Export to reference management software
    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7705-5782-0
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
    Subjects: Benjamin, Walter; Schmerz <Motiv>; Berliner Kindheit um neunzehnhundert



  5. Überschreibungen : Transtextualität und Figuraldeutung in Walter Benjamins Geschichtsdenken
    Published: 22.06.2017

    Während der Arbeit an den 'Thesen über den Begriff der Geschichte' hat Walter Benjamin den in der Geschichtsschreibung gebräuchlichen Begriff der "Quelle" einer radikalen Kritik unterworfen, die die Formen der Überlieferung überhaupt infrage stellt.... more


    Während der Arbeit an den 'Thesen über den Begriff der Geschichte' hat Walter Benjamin den in der Geschichtsschreibung gebräuchlichen Begriff der "Quelle" einer radikalen Kritik unterworfen, die die Formen der Überlieferung überhaupt infrage stellt. Statt sich an das Schauspiel eines Stroms der Überlieferung zu verlieren, zu dem sich die Quellen vereinigt haben, frage der historische Materialist danach, wessen Mühlen der Strom treibe, wer sein Gefälle verwerte, wer ihn eindämmte, und indem er die Kräfte beim Namen nenne, "die in ihr am Werke gewesen sind", verändere er "das Bild der Landschaft" (GS I, 1160 f.). Diese Kritik sieht die "Quellen" in einen selber von Interessen und Macht bestimmten, weitgehend 'verderbten' Prozess der Überlieferung eingebunden. In der echten Geschichtsschreibung, heißt es in einem Entwurf der 'Thesen', erwachse daraus, und eben so stark wie ihr destruktiver Impuls, "der Impuls der Rettung", nicht nur vor "dem Verruf und der Mißachtung", in die Gewesenes geraten ist, sondern eben "vor einer bestimmten Art seiner Überlieferung" (WuN XIX, 128) selber. Der Begriff der "Quelle" gehört für Benjamin einer positivistisch verstandenen 'reinen' Wissenschaft der Geschichte an; der "wissenschaftliche" Charakter der Geschichte aber wird "erkauft mit der gänzlichen Ausmerzung alles dessen, was an ihre ursprüngliche Bestimmung als Eingedenken erinnert. Die falsche Lebendigkeit der Vergegenwärtigung, die Beseitigung jedes Nachhalls der 'Klage' aus der Geschichte bezeichnet ihre endgültige Unterwerfung unter den modernen Begriff der Wissenschaft." (GS I, 1231) Die 'Thesen' legen theoretisch-methodisch den Grund dafür, dass Referenztexte ganz anders aufgefasst werden als "Quellen" in einer begriffs- oder ideengeschichtlichen Darstellung. Wie aber dann, zumal in den 'Thesen' selber? Die Frage nach der Funktion der Referenzen in den 'Thesen' ist anders zu stellen als die nach einer Verwendung von Quellen, nämlich als die Frage danach, in welcher Weise Benjamin 'in' ihnen, 'mit' ihnen und 'gegen' sie denkt. So kommen auch die unterschiedlichen Formen der nicht explizit gemachten, verborgenen Referenzen ins Spiel.


    Export to reference management software
    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-7705-5782-0
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL)
    Subjects: Benjamin, Walter; Transtextualität; Geschichtsphilosophie

