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  1. Thea Dorn e a arte de morrer Thea Dorn and the art of dying
    Published: 12.06.2017

    Rezension zu: Dorn, Thea. Die Unglückseligen. München: Knaus, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-3-8135-0598-6, ISBN-10: 3-8135-0598-7. [Inhaltstext aus den Verlagsangaben: Der große Roman über die Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit. Johanna Mawet ist Molekularbiologin... more


    Rezension zu: Dorn, Thea. Die Unglückseligen. München: Knaus, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-3-8135-0598-6, ISBN-10: 3-8135-0598-7.


    [Inhaltstext aus den Verlagsangaben: Der große Roman über die Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit. Johanna Mawet ist Molekularbiologin und forscht an Zebrafischen zur Unsterblichkeit von Zellen. Während eines Forschungsaufenthalts in den USA gabelt sie einen merkwürdigen, alterslosen Herrn auf. Je näher sie ihn kennenlernt, desto abstrusere Erfahrungen macht sie mit ihm. Schließlich gibt er sein Geheimnis preis. Er sei der Physiker Johann Wilhelm Ritter, geboren 1776. Starker Tobak für eine Naturwissenschaftlerin von heute. Um seiner vermeintlichen Unsterblichkeit auf die Spur zu kommen, lässt sie seine DNA sequenzieren. Als Johannas Kollegen misstrauisch werden, bleibt dem sonderbaren Paar nur eines: die Flucht, dorthin, wo das Streben nach wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und schwarze Romantik sich schon immer gerne ein Stelldichein geben - nach Deutschland.

    In ihrem ersten Roman seit "Die deutsche Seele" nimmt Thea Dorn uns mit in die Extreme moderner Biomedizin und zieht uns zugleich in die Untiefen einer romantischen Seele. "Die Unglückseligen" ist ein großes Lese- und Erkenntnisvergnügen, in dem sich die lange Tradition des Fauststoffes zeitgemäß spiegelt.]


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Review
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Dorn, Thea; Die Unglückseligen; Stoff <Literatur>



  2. Ideias napoleônicas e o grande inquisidor : sobre a militância comunista de Anna Seghers e Jorge Amado

    The lifelong friendship between Anna Seghers and Jorge Amado began in the late 1940s, when both were engaged in the international communist struggle for world peace. After becoming disillusioned with the Stalinist tyranny, Amado left the PC, whereas... more


    The lifelong friendship between Anna Seghers and Jorge Amado began in the late 1940s, when both were engaged in the international communist struggle for world peace. After becoming disillusioned with the Stalinist tyranny, Amado left the PC, whereas Seghers officially continued to follow the party line. She concealed her critique of (post-) stalinist theory and practice in some essays on literature history, especially on Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Schiller – essays which she dedicated to Amado, who would understand the problems and contradictions within her political involvement.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Seghers, Anna; Amado, Jorge; Stalinismus; Engagierte Literatur



  3. "Den Bösen sind sie los" : Überlegungen zu Mephistopheles und zum Bösen in Goethes Faust

    What's the reason for Mephistopheles in Goethe's "Faust" being less malicious than one might expect? Taking its cue from that question, this article discusses the figure of the devil in the European imaginary of the 16th century, especially in... more


    What's the reason for Mephistopheles in Goethe's "Faust" being less malicious than one might expect? Taking its cue from that question, this article discusses the figure of the devil in the European imaginary of the 16th century, especially in Christopher Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus". Some principal characteristics of Goethe's secular devil are analysed. Goethe's Mephistopheles neither is the demon found in Christian mythology nor represents the villain of the piece. Goethe holds the human characters of both parts of his "Faust" responsible for the evil that occurs. Por que o Mefistófeles no "Fausto" de Goethe, ao contrário de todas as expectativas, não apresenta uma natureza realmente má? Partindo desta pergunta, neste artigo discute-se a figura do diabo no imaginário europeu no sec. XVI e no "Doctor Faustus" de Christopher Marlowe. Em seguida são analisados alguns traços principais do diabo goethiano secularizado. O Mefistófeles de Goethe não é o demônio da mitologia cristã e tão pouco representa o grande vilão da peça. Seu autor deixa claro que a responsibilidade pelo mal produzido nas duas partes do "Fausto" é dos seus personagens humanos.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Mephisto; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Faust; Marlowe, Christopher / Doctor Faustus; Das Böse



  4. Schillers Gott : Bemerkungen zu den "Göttern Griechenlands"

    In his poem "Die Götter Griechenlands", Schiller highlights the difference between an idealised classical Greek society conceived as an organic whole in harmony with itself, on one hand, and modern eighteenthcentury Europe, on the other, with its... more


    In his poem "Die Götter Griechenlands", Schiller highlights the difference between an idealised classical Greek society conceived as an organic whole in harmony with itself, on one hand, and modern eighteenthcentury Europe, on the other, with its fragmentation and challenging materialism. It is argued that the author is more interested in emphasizing the task of art than condemning Christianity. In the last stanza, the beautiful in art is offered as the only possible means to preserve Sinn and humanity. The almost religious status which is given to art by Schiller is crucial for the German literary and cultural thought throughout the nineteenth century. No poema "Die Götter Griechenlands", Schiller elabora a diferença entre uma Grécia clássica idealizada, entendida como totalidade orgânica em harmonia consigo mesmo, e a Europa moderna do sec. XVIII com sua fragmentação e seu materialismo temível. Afirma-se que o autor está menos condenando o cristianismo do que enfatizando a função da arte. Na última estrofe, a beleza da arte é oferecida como último recurso de preservar sentido e humanidade. O status quase religioso que Schiller reserva para a arte é crucial para entender o pensar literário e cultural na Alemanha do sec. XIX.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Schiller, Friedrich / Die Götter Griechenlands; Religion; Kunst



  5. A peça radiofônica alemã dos últimos sessenta anos

    This lecture deals with the development of the post-war radio drama in Germany. After a short introduction to the genre, we discuss three exemplary radio dramas: Günter Eich’s "Träume", NWDR 1951, typical for the literary radio drama, and "Träume... more


    This lecture deals with the development of the post-war radio drama in Germany. After a short introduction to the genre, we discuss three exemplary radio dramas: Günter Eich’s "Träume", NWDR 1951, typical for the literary radio drama, and "Träume 1951 - Musikalischer Epilog" by Hans Schüttler, NDR 2007, a small play which could be considered as representative of contemporary German audio art. The last example comes from a radio drama following the current pop culture trends. "Eisstadt" (WDR 2005, by Schorsch Kamerun), mixes high and low culture, different speeches and music styles and shows the same political ambitions present in the play "Träume". Recently, the German radio play has been going through a period of revitalization, even though under quite different conditions from those observed in the fifties. O artigo aborda a trajetória da peça radiofônica alemã do pós-guerra. Depois de uma introdução ao gênero da radiopeça, são comentados três peças exemplares: "Träume" de Günter Eich, NWDR 1951, como exemplo típico de uma radiopeça literária, e "Träume 1951 - Musikalischer Epilog" de Hans Schüttler, NDR, do ano 2007, uma obra representativa da Audio-Art contemporânea. O último exemplo é de uma radiopeça pop, "Eisstadt", WDR 2005, de Schorsch Kamerun. Eisstadt, uma bricolagem com a mesma pretensão política de "Träume", mistura a cultura erudita com a cultura de massa e combina os mais diversos estilos de língua e de música. Ultimamente, com a valorização do audio na Alemanha, a peça radiofônica está passando por uma fase de revitalização, porém sob condições diversas daquelas dos anos cinquenta.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Hörspiel; Eich, Günter / Träume; Schüttler, Hans; Kamerun, Schorsch

