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  1. "Für eine Kultur des Möglichkeitssinns" : Interview Willi Bolle mit Wilhelm Voßkamp ; (4. April 1997)
    Author: Bolle, Willi
    Published: 30.12.2012

    Wilhelm Voßkamp (University of Cologne) was visiting professor of German Literature at the University of Säo Paulo during the first semestre of 1997. This interview, given to Willi Bolle (USP), focuses on the following questions: 1. His most... more


    Wilhelm Voßkamp (University of Cologne) was visiting professor of German Literature at the University of Säo Paulo during the first semestre of 1997. This interview, given to Willi Bolle (USP), focuses on the following questions: 1. His most important professional and historical experiences; 2. the concept of formation (Bildung); 3. comparison of trends in Philosophy and the Humanities in Germany and France in the last decades; 4. the crisis cf education in the 60s, its causes and attempted solutions; 5. the history and tradition of Literary Studies and the Humanities; 6. modernization and interdisciplinarity; 7. scientific language: English v German; 8. deutsche Germanistik and German Studies; 9. Estudos Germánicos in Brazil; 10. utopia and tradition in Brazil and Germany; 11. institutional utopias; 12. Transformation of the humanities in Germany after unification. Wilhelm Voßkamp, da Universidade de Colonha (Alemanha), foi professor visitante do Literatura Alemã na Universidade de São Paulo, durante o primeiro semestre de 1997. A entrevista, realizada em abril desse ano por Willi Bolle (USP), abordou as seguintes questões: 1. As principais experiências profissionais e históricas decisivas para a formação do Prof. Voßkamp; 2. O conceito de formação (Bildung); 3. Comparação da produção em Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, na Alemanha e na França, nas últimas decadas; 4. Crise da Bildung, nos anos 1960, suas causas e tentativas de remediá-la; 5. Historia e tradição dos estudos1iterários e das humanidades; 6. Modernização e interdisciplinaridade; 7. Lingua científica: inglês vs. alemão? 8. Germanística alemã e German Studies; 9. Germanística no Brasil; 10. Utopia e tradição utópica no Brasil e na Alemanha; 11. Utopias institucionais; 12. Transformação da paisagem das Ciências Humanas na Alemanha, após a reunificação.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Bildungsbegriff; Utopie; Germanistik; Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung



  2. Etnopoesia : observações sobre a obra de Hubert Fichte
    Author: Bolle, Willi
    Published: 30.12.2012

    In this Paper, the idea of "ethnopoetics" is seen not exclusively as the characteristic trait of Hubert Fichte's (1935-1986) work, but as one among several forms of New Ethnology, which appeared in the context of the crisis of traditional ethnology... more


    In this Paper, the idea of "ethnopoetics" is seen not exclusively as the characteristic trait of Hubert Fichte's (1935-1986) work, but as one among several forms of New Ethnology, which appeared in the context of the crisis of traditional ethnology in the 20th century. The first part intends to conceptually clarify several issues introduced by Fichte, such as the transformation of the world into words, the connection between fieldwork and interpretation, the "participant observation", and the encounter between hegemonic and peripheral cultures, comparing them with the ethnographical essays of Lévi-Strauss, Malinowski, Evans-Pritchard and Ruth Benedict. The second part is devoted to Fichte's posthumous book "Explosion", published in 1993 – where he relates his experience of three journeys in Brazil, between 1969 and 1982, a text which may be considered as his working journal and guide to all his publications on Brazil. I discuss how far the author realized his proposals to write a "novel of ethnology" and to create a "new ethnology". Der Begriff der "Ethnopoesie" wird hier nicht ausschließlich als Merkmal des Werkes von Hubert Fichte (1935-1986) verstanden, sondern als eine unter verschiedenen Ausdrucksformen der "neuen Ethnologie", die im Zusammenhang mit der Krise der Ethnologie im 20. Jahrhundert entstand. Im ersten Teil dieses Beitrags geht es darum, von Fichte aufgeworfene Fragen wie die "Verwörterung der Welt", das Verhältnis von Feldforschung und Interpretation, die "teilnehmende Beobachtung" und die Begegnung von hegemonialen und peripheren Kulturen im Vergleich mit den ethnographischen Arbeiten von Lévi-Strauss, Malinowski, Evans-Pritchard und Ruth Benedict begrifflich zu erhellen. Im zweiten Teil wird die Frage erörtert, inwieweit Fichte in seinem posthum veröffentlichten Buch "Explosion" (1993), in dem die Erfahrungen seiner zwischen 1969 und 1982 unternommenen Brasilienreisen ihren Niederschlag fanden und das als Arbeitsjournal und Leitfaden für seine Publikationen über Brasilien gelten kann, seinen Anspruch eines "Romans der Ethnologie" bzw. einer "neuen Ethnologie" verwirklicht hat.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Ethnologie; Anthropologie; Afrobrasilianischer Kult; Brasilien; Reisebericht; Fichte, Hubert; Fichte, Hubert / Explosion



  3. Mesa-redonda - a estética do teatro de Brecht
    Published: 31.12.2012

    Drei Erfahrungsberichte über Bertolt Brechts Theater auf brasilianischen Bühnen. Caco Coelho spricht über den Zyklus der Brecht-Lesungen, -Aufführungen und -Vorträge seiner Theatergruppe 'Os Fodidos Privilegiados ' 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. Fernando... more


    Drei Erfahrungsberichte über Bertolt Brechts Theater auf brasilianischen Bühnen. Caco Coelho spricht über den Zyklus der Brecht-Lesungen, -Aufführungen und -Vorträge seiner Theatergruppe 'Os Fodidos Privilegiados ' 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. Fernando Peixoto vertritt die Ansicht, daß der zentrale Punkt von Brechts Theater darin besteht, Emotionen im zwischenmenschlichen Verhalten und in ihren politisch-historischen Kontexten verstehbar zu machen. Er erzählt unter anderm von einer "Wiederentdeckung" der Brechtschen Theaterästhetik durch eine Laiengruppe in Amazonien und vertritt insgesamt ein undogmatisches, auf die heutigen Verhältnisse ausgerichtetes Lernen mit Brecht. Willi Bolle berichtet von seiner Inszenierung von Brechts 'Die Hochzeit ' (1919) mit einer Laien-Theatergruppe in São Paulo 1997-1998, in der die lineare Struktur des Textes durchbrochen wurde durch die Einführung einer neuen Perspektive sowie einer neuen Figur, der Braut, die sich das Hochzeitsfest in der Erinnerung vergegenwärtigt. Three practical experiences with Bertolt Brecht's theatre on Brazilian Stages. Caco Coelho speaks about the series of dramatical readings, presentations and lectures performed by his group 'Os Fodidos Privilegiados' in 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. Fernando Peixoto argues hat the central point of Brecht's theatre is the method of turning emotions in interpersonal behaviour and in their historical and political contexts comprehensible. Among other Things, he reports on a "rediscovery" of Brecht's aesthetics by a small amateur group in the Amazon and advocates the concept of an undogmatic way of learning with Brecht, oriented by the conditions of our actuality. Willi Bolle relates his experience of staging 'Die Hochzeit' ('The Murriage', 1919) with an amateur group in São Paulo in 1997-1998. In this production, the linear structure of Brecht's text was broken up by the introduction of a new perspective and a new character, the bride who recalls the wedding party from her memory.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Brecht, Bertolt; Rezeption; Brasilien; Theaterarbeit



  4. Sonnenaufgang am Amazonas : Goethes Farbenlehre und die Brasilianische Moderne
    Author: Bolle, Willi
    Published: 31.12.2012

    Two tableaux de la nature, two descriptions of the sunrise in the Amazon, from the travel journals of Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1819) and Mário de Andrade (1927), are discussed from the perspective of Goethe's 'Theory of colours' (1810).... more


    Two tableaux de la nature, two descriptions of the sunrise in the Amazon, from the travel journals of Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1819) and Mário de Andrade (1927), are discussed from the perspective of Goethe's 'Theory of colours' (1810). While Martius' text is obliged to the Naturalist and Romantic tradition, Mário de Andrade, one of the voices of the avant-garde in the 20th century, expresses a "new aesthesia", within a conjunction of aesthetic and anthropological materialism. In this paper I intend to find out the extent to which the Naturalist Martius, the Poet Mário de Andrade and the scientist-and-poet Goethe propose a vision, in which Nature, far from being dominated, is respected as the true Partner of Civilization. Dois tableaux de la nature, duas descripções do nascer do so1 no Amazonas, da autoria dos viajantes Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1819) e Mário de Andrade (1927), são comentados à luz da teoria das cores de Goethe (1810). Enquanto o texto de Martius é tributário da tradição naturalista e romântica, Mário, uma das vozes das vanguardas do século XX, expressa uma nuova estesia, numa conjunção de materialismo estético e antropológico. O objetivo deste estudo é examinar até que ponto naturalista Martius, o poeta Mário e o cientisia-poeta Goethe apresentam uma visão da natureza em que esta não seja dominada, mas reconhecida corno parceira igual pela civilizaqição.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Natur; Zivilisation; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Zur Farbenlehre; Modernismo; Brasilien; Andrade, Mário de



  5. Ethnopoesie und Ethnographie
    Author: Bolle, Willi
    Published: 31.12.2012

    This paper is a comparative investigation of two kinds of anthropological fieldwork – ethnopoetry and ethnography – made by two authors on the same subject, at the same place and time: the Afro-Brazilian temple Casa das Minas, in São Luis do... more


    This paper is a comparative investigation of two kinds of anthropological fieldwork – ethnopoetry and ethnography – made by two authors on the same subject, at the same place and time: the Afro-Brazilian temple Casa das Minas, in São Luis do Maranhão, in 1981-1982. The analysis focuses on the work of the German writer Hubert Fichte(1935-1986), 'Das Haus der Mina in São Luis do Maranhão (l989), and on the study of the Brazilian anthropologist Sergio FERRETTI, 'Querenbentã de Zomadônu. Etnografia da Casa das Minas do Mamnhão' (1983 and 1996). The comparison of methods and results reveals, on the one hand, advantages of the ethnopoetical approach in the art of interview, priority given to the informants' discourse, and the interpretation of religious rituals, from a general point of view. On the other hand, the special qualities of the ethnographical approach are the theoretical understanding and the didactic transmission of the other culture, combined with the translation of basic concepts through a glossary. – See also, in this number of Pandaemonium Germanicum, Sergio Ferretti's complementary article on "Ethnography and Ethnopoetry". Este trabalho investiga que tipo de conhecimentos específicos proporciona a antropologia poética ou etnopoesia, de Hubert FICHTE (1935-1986) em comparação com a etnografia atual. Para tanto, são analisados contrastivamente o Lvro de FICHTE, 'Das Haus der Mina in São Luiz de Maranhão' (1989), e o estudo do antropologo Sergio FERRETTI, 'Querebentã de Zomadônu. Etnografia da Casa das Minas do Maranhão' (1983 e 1996) – tendo ambos os autores trabalhado juntos, no mesmo local, sobre o mesmo assunto. Na comparação de métodos e resultados, a etnopoesia leva vantagem quanto à arte da entrevista, à primazia dada ao discurso dos informantes e à interpretação psicossocial dos rituais religiosos que são relacionados com temas de interesse geral. Por outro lado, realçam-se como pontos mais fortes da etnografia, a maior penetição teórica e a qualidade da transmissão didática da cultura do outro, juntamente com a tradução dos conceitos básicos, através de um glossário. – Veja-se também, neste mesmo número da revista Pandaemonium Germanicum, o artigo complementar de Sergio FERRETTI, "Etnogtafia e Etnopoesia".


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Anthropologie; Ethnologie; Fichte, Hubert

