Displaying results 1 to 5 of 17.

  1. "Da aurora à meia-noite" e a questão da intermedialidade no expressionismo "From morn to midnight" and the question of intermediality in expressionism

    This article aims to reassess the question of intermediality in expressionism in regard to "From morn to midnight". Written between 1912 and 1915 by Georg Kaiser and published in 1916, the text has been staged in many theatres from 1917 on. In 1920... more


    This article aims to reassess the question of intermediality in expressionism in regard to "From morn to midnight". Written between 1912 and 1915 by Georg Kaiser and published in 1916, the text has been staged in many theatres from 1917 on. In 1920 director Karl Heinz Martin undertook its transposition into film. The first part of this investigation examines the text in relation to theatrical traditions and possible adaptations of cinematic techniques. It then analyzes the scenic aspects of its staging in the context of the new visuality of expressionist theatre while the third part takes a closer look at the cinematic adaption in the context of the long lasting debate on expressionist cinema. O presente artigo objetiva reavaliar a questão intermedial do expressionismo referente à "Da aurora à meia-noite", obra destacada de Georg Kaiser. O texto, escrito entre 1912 e 1915, e publicado em 1916, foi encenado em inúmeros teatros a partir de 1917. Em 1920, o diretor Karl Heinz Martin realizou sua transposição para o medium fílmico. A primeira parte do presente estudo analisa a forma textual de "Da aurora à meia-noite" entre tradição teatral e possíveis adaptações de técnicas cinematográficas. A seguir, investiga-se o aspecto visual de sua encenação no âmbito da nova visualidade expressionista no teatro, enquanto que a terceira parte se ocupa do filme "Da aurora à meia-noite" no contexto da permanente discussão sobre o chamado cinema expressionista


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    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Kaiser, Georg / Von morgens bis mitternachts; Martin, Karl Heinz; Expressionismus




  2. "Imperium" (2012) de Christian Kracht e a questão da auto(r)encenação Christian Kracht's novel "Imperium" and the question of self-enactment

    This paper aims to analyze the novel "Imperium" by Christian Kracht (2012) within the long tradition of self-enactments of writers and artists in general as a constitutive element of the aesthetic field. Concerning Kracht, this is done first in the... more


    This paper aims to analyze the novel "Imperium" by Christian Kracht (2012) within the long tradition of self-enactments of writers and artists in general as a constitutive element of the aesthetic field. Concerning Kracht, this is done first in the narrative text itself as a literary enactment with all its facets and second in Kracht's bewildering media appearances where his literary writings, in itself dubious, are once more rearranged, put in doubt or enriched. This procedure thus generates uncertainties, ambiguities and disfigurements that are the hallmark of Kracht in the contemporary literary universe. O artigo objetiva abordar o romance "Imperium" de Christian Kracht (2012) dentro da longa tradição estética de autoencenações de escritores e artistas em geral. No caso de Kracht, isso é feito inicialmente a partir do próprio texto narrativo como encenação literária em todas as suas facetas e, em seguida, a partir de suas desconcertantes aparições mediáticas, em que seus escritos literários, já de per si dúbios, são rearranjados, questionados ou enriquecidos. Geram-se assim incertezas, ambiguidades e desfigurações que são a marca registrada de Kracht no universo literário atual.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Kracht, Christian / Imperium




  3. A configuração medial da literatura

    This article will provide a general look on modern literature as partially configured by medial history. It parts from the impact of Gutenberg’s invention on social differentiation and the romantic literary concepts, and then looks on photography as... more


    This article will provide a general look on modern literature as partially configured by medial history. It parts from the impact of Gutenberg’s invention on social differentiation and the romantic literary concepts, and then looks on photography as an important reference for the realistic aesthetics as well as the initial struggle of film against the domination of the traditional literary medium. It closes with a brief historical overview on what one may call precursors of the hyperlink in literary communication.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Literatur; Medien




  4. A literatura e o cinema como novo medium artístico : Hanns Heinz Ewers e "O estudante de Praga" (1913)

    "The Student from Prague" (1913) is considered to be the first film d’art produced in Germany. The film is based on a script by Hanns Heinz Ewers, writer and ardent advocate of this new medium. With roots in German romanticism, particularly in regard... more


    "The Student from Prague" (1913) is considered to be the first film d’art produced in Germany. The film is based on a script by Hanns Heinz Ewers, writer and ardent advocate of this new medium. With roots in German romanticism, particularly in regard to motifs in the works by E.T.A. Hoffmann and Adelbert von Chamisso, "The Student from Prague" explored the optical possibilities offered by the doppelganger character. This literary framework supports the plot, gives credibility to the movie and contributes to the acceptance of films as an art medium. It also marks the rise of German cinema on an international level, which reached its peak in the 1920s with the movement known as 'German expressionism'. "O estudante de Praga" (1913) é considerado o primeiro filme de arte produzido na Alemanha. Baseado num roteiro de Hanns Heinz Ewers, escritor e defensor destacado do novo medium fílmico, o filme remonta a motivos da tradição literária do romantismo alemão, sobretudo em relação às obras de E.T.A. Hoffmann e Adelbert von Chamisso e à figura do doppelgänger. Todo esse arcabouço literário não só dava sustentação à trama como também credibilidade ao filme, contribuindo, junto com a exploração dos recursos técnicos de câmera, para a aceitação definitiva do filme como medium de arte, bem como para o início do sucesso do cinema alemão, que atingiria seu apogeu nos anos 1920, com o movimento conhecido como 'expressionismo alemão'.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Der Student von Prag; Ewers, Hanns Heinz; Expressionismus




  5. A literatura moderna como observação de segunda ordem : uma introdução ao pensamento sistêmico de Niklas Luhmann
    Published: 31.12.2012

    This study is an introduction to the systems theory developed by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) and its significance for literaty studies. It departs from a historical point of view which understands the period around 1800 as the... more


    This study is an introduction to the systems theory developed by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) and its significance for literaty studies. It departs from a historical point of view which understands the period around 1800 as the climax of the transformation from a stratified European society into a modern society with a social order structured by differentiated systems such as education, economy, law or literature, each with its specific function and characterized by its typical form of communication. In Germany, the literary system reflects this process in the poetology of Romantic writers. Literary communication is defined as a second order observation that oscillates between the real and potential and makes the ordered forms clearer. The autonomous and differentiated literary system becomes a field that is being observed by its environment. The history of literature in the 19th century instrumentalizes it for political goals, while the new copyright laws and the idea of the book as a profitable merchandise imbued the system of literature with accelerated dynamics. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Relevanz der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns (1927-1998) für die Literaturwissenschaften. Ausgangspunkt ist eine historische Analyse, die die Zeit um 1800 als Höhepunkt der Entwicklung von einer stratifizierten hin zu einer modernen Gesellschaftsstruktur begreift, die durch die Ausdifferenzierung von Funktionssystemen wie Wirtschaft, Erziehung, Recht oder Literatur gekennzeichnet ist in Deutschland reflektiert die romantische Poetik diesen Prozess. Literarische Kommunikation wird als Beobachtung zweiter Ordnung aufgefasst, die zwischen dem Aktuellen und Potenziellen oszilliert und so Ordnungsformen deutlich macht. Gleichzeitig wird das autonome und ausdifferenzierte Literatursystem von seiner Umwelt beobachtet. Die Literaturgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts instrumentalisiert es für politische Ziele, während das neue Urheberrecht und das Buch als Ware zu einer gesteigerten Dynamik der literarischen Produktion beitragen.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Luhmann, Niklas; Systemtheorie; Modernismus


