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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 7.

  1. Zur brasilianischen Textart "Memorial Acadêmico" - wie man sich in Brasilien auf eine akademische Stelle bewirbt

    This paper analyses the Brazilian genre "Memorial acadêmico" and its function, outlining similarities and differences in comparison with the German Genre "Akademischer Lebenslauf". Based on a corpus of seven "Memoriais", differences in terms of... more


    This paper analyses the Brazilian genre "Memorial acadêmico" and its function, outlining similarities and differences in comparison with the German Genre "Akademischer Lebenslauf". Based on a corpus of seven "Memoriais", differences in terms of proposition and illocution between these two genres were identified. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o gênero "Memorial Acadêmico" e as suas funções, propõe também uma discussão entre as semelhanças e diferenças entre esse gênero e o gênero "Akademischer Lebenslauf", usual na Alemanha. O estudo baseou-se em seis Memoriais nos quais podem-se constatar as diferenças do gênero tanto na proposição quanto na ilocução, assim como o seu uso nos respectivos países. Um sich in Brasilien auf eine wissenschaftliche Stelle zu bewerben, muss oftmals ein "Memorial Acadêmico" eingereicht werden. Eine Textart, die es so im deutschsprachigen Raum nicht gibt. Eine in funktionaler Hinsicht ähnliche Textart liegt im "Akademischen Lebenslauf" vor. In diesem Artikel sollen anhand eines Korpus von sechs "Memoriais" Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in Illokution und Proposition dieser beiden Textarten aufgezeigt werden.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 410; 418
    Subjects: Autobiographie; Wissenschaftlicher Text; Kontrastive Textlinguistik



  2. Estudo linguístico comparativo sobre onomatopeias em histórias em quadrinhos : Português / Alemão

    This study investigates the peculiar use of onomatopoeia in the language of comics as well as how the process of creation of new expressions in this context respects the phonetic and phonotactic systems of each language. An empirical investigation... more


    This study investigates the peculiar use of onomatopoeia in the language of comics as well as how the process of creation of new expressions in this context respects the phonetic and phonotactic systems of each language. An empirical investigation was conducted, in which native speakers of both German and Portuguese were asked to suggest or create the onomatopoeia that they judged adequate for several edited comic panels, in which the original onomatopoeia had deliberately been omitted. The analysis of the data made it possible to identify some specific characteristics regarding the phonetic sequence and the syllabic organization of the onomatopoeia in these languages. Nesta pesquisa foi investigado o uso peculiar das onomatopeias na linguagem das histórias em quadrinhos e como o processo de criação de novas expressões nesse context respeita o sistema fonético e fonotático de cada língua. Foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica, para a qual falantes nativos de língua portuguesa e alemã foram solicitados a sugerir ou criar as onomatopeias que julgassem adequadas para diversas cenas de histórias em quadrinhos que lhes foram apresentadas editadas, com as onomatopeias originais retiradas. Através da análise dos dados foi possível identificar algumas características específicas quanto à sequência fonética e a organização silábica das onomatopeias nesses idiomas.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 418
    Subjects: Interjektion; Lautmalerei; Comic; Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft



  3. Fórmulas de rotina : uma porta de entrada para padrões interacionais
    Author: Glenk, Eva

    In this paper we try to show that formulae give evidence of as well as initiate conventional patterns of interaction. These interactional patterns, shaped by a particular linguistic community, are not universal. Their knowledge is part of idiomatic... more


    In this paper we try to show that formulae give evidence of as well as initiate conventional patterns of interaction. These interactional patterns, shaped by a particular linguistic community, are not universal. Their knowledge is part of idiomatic competence. A bilingual semasiological and onomasiological dictionary can contribute not only to the acquisition of formulae but can also transmit knowledge of conventional patterns of interaction. In diesem Beitrag soll gezeigt werden, dass Formeln Indizien für konventionelle Interaktionsmuster sind und diese umgekehrt auch initiieren. Diese von der jeweiligen Sprachgemeinschaft geprägten Interaktionsmuster sind nicht universell; ihre Kenntnis ist Teil der idiomatischen Kompetenz. Ein zweisprachiges semasiologisch-onomasiologisches Wörterbuch kann nicht nur zum Erwerb von Formeln beitragen sondern auch das Wissen über Interaktionsmuster vermitteln. Nesse trabalho, será mostrado que fórmulas dão evidência de padrões convencionais de interação e também os inicializam. Esses padrões de interação não são universais, mas são configurados por cada comunidade lingüística. Conhecê-los faz parte da competência idiomática. Um dicionário bilíngüe semasiológico e onomasiológico pode contribuir tanto para a aquisição de fórmulas, quanto transmitir o conhecimento de padrões de interação.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 418
    Subjects: Kontrastive Phraseologie; Lexikographie; Portugiesisch; Deutsch; Formel; Konvention; Interaktion



  4. Zentrum und Peripherie der Fehlertoleranz : zum Scheitern internationaler Kommunikation
    Published: 24.07.2018

    Im Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass sich mündliche Kommunikation im Zentrum sprachlicher Fehlertoleranz bewegt, während schriftliche Texte an seiner Peripherie verortet sind. Übersetzungen hingegen basieren auf Fehler-Intoleranz. Jede Übersetzung in die... more


    Im Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass sich mündliche Kommunikation im Zentrum sprachlicher Fehlertoleranz bewegt, während schriftliche Texte an seiner Peripherie verortet sind. Übersetzungen hingegen basieren auf Fehler-Intoleranz. Jede Übersetzung in die Fremdsprache, die ohne Rücksprache mit einem linguistisch geschulten und translatorisch erfahrenen Muttersprachler der Zielsprache in den Druck gegeben wird, weist ihren Urheber als unprofessionellen Einzelkämpfer aus, der respektlos gegenüber dem Autor des Originals, geringschätzig gegenüber seinem Auftraggeber, zynisch gegenüber dem Leser seiner Übersetzung und leichtfertig gegenüber seinen Landsleuten handelt, weil er das Scheitern internationaler Kommunikation billigend in Kauf nimmt. Indessen minimieren Übersetzungsteams aus Muttersprachlern der Ausgangs- und der Zielsprache, die eng mit dem Auftraggeber, dem Autor und ggf. mit den entsprechenden Fachleuten zusammenarbeiten, sprachliche und inhaltliche Fehler und dokumentieren dadurch ihren tiefen Respekt und ihre aktive und kreative Toleranz gegenüber dem anderen Land, seinen Menschen, Sprachen und Kulturen. The present article sets out to demonstrate that oral communication takes place in the centre of linguistic error tolerance, whereas written texts are located at ist periphery. Translations, in contrast, are based on intolerance to any error. A translation into a foreign language that goes into print without prior consultation with a native speaker who has a grounding in linguistics and experience in the theory and practice of translation reveals its writer to be an unprofessional loner who acts disrespectfully towards the author of the original, has scant regard for his client, and is both cynical towards the reader of the translation and irresponsible towards his compatriots because he consciously accepts the potential failure of international communication. In contrast, translation teams made up of native speakers of both the source and target language and working in close co-operation with the client, the author and, if need be, with appropriate specialists in the field minimize linguistic and subject-related error and so demonstrate their deep respect and their active and creative tolerance towards the other country, its people, languages and cultures.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Part of a book; Part of a book
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-80-7510-251-5
    DDC Categories: 400; 410; 418
    Subjects: Fremdsprachenkenntnis; Fremdsprache; Muttersprache; Übersetzung; Fehler; Gesprochene Sprache; Schriftliche Kommunikation; Nichtverbale Kommunikation



  5. Höflichkeit als ein Schnittstellenphänomen im Rahmen der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion [Rezension]

    Rezension zu Claus Erhardt et al. (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Höflichkeit zwischen Etikette und kommunikativer Kompetenz more


    Rezension zu Claus Erhardt et al. (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Höflichkeit zwischen Etikette und kommunikativer Kompetenz


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Review
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 410; 418
    Subjects: Höflichkeit; Diskussion; Wissenschaftssprache

