CfP/CfA publications

Design and its Relations

Abstract submission deadline
Paper submission deadline


Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics

Special Issue: Design and its Relations

Vol. 45, No. 4, Winter 2022

Guest Editor: Michalle Gal

Shenkar College, Israel

Design is an omnipresent aesthetic visual phenomenon, culturally loaded and broadly influential. Moreover, design is internally linked to fields such as ontology, cognition and perception, ethics, politics, and social conduct, as well as to transcendent or popular art and everyday aesthetics, our environment, science, technology, and economics. While it is traced back to antiquity, design’s status as a self-standing discipline, whose practice and theory are taught, formulated, and researched in academia, is fairly new.

This special issue seeks to reveal and study the interactions between design as an aesthetic field and various concepts, ideas, phenomena, or disciplines. The issue thus joins the up-and-coming philosophical, mainly aesthetic, research of design—which we find required given that design furnishes so much of our surroundings.We invite potential contributors to submit an abstract of 500-1,000 words (with a brief bio-note) to the guest editor Michalle Gal at with a copy to papers must be original and unpublished with a short declaration of the same.

Important Dates

Submission of abstract: 31 May 2022

Intimation of selection of abstracts: 15 June 2022

Full Paper submission: 30 October 2022


The Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (ISSN 0252-8169) is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Vishvanatha Kaviraja Institute, India since 1977. Vishvanatha Kaviraja, most widely known for his masterpiece in aesthetics, Sahityadarpana or the “Mirror of Composition”, was a prolific 14th-century Indian poet, scholar, and rhetorician.The Institute was founded by Prof. Ananta Charan Sukla (1942-2020) on 22 August 1977, coinciding with the birth centenary of renowned philosopher, aesthetician, and art historian, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (1877-1947), to promote interdisciplinary studies and research in comparative literature, philosophy, aesthetics,  criticism of the arts, art history, and history of ideas. He edited and published the journal for over 40 years as the founding editor.The journal is committed to comparative and cross-cultural issues in literary understanding and interpretation, aesthetic theories, and conceptual analysis of art. It also publishes special issues on critical theories of current interest. It has published the finest of essays by authors of global renown like René Wellek, Harold Osborne, John Hospers, John Fisher, Murray Krieger, Martin Bucco, Remo Ceserani, J B Vickery, Menachem Brinker, Milton Snoeyenbos, Mary Wiseman, Ronald Roblin, T R Martland, Gordon Epperson, Judith Lochhead, Charles Altieri, Martin Jay, Jonathan Culler, Richard Shusterman, Robert Kraut, T J Diffey, T R Quigley, R B Palmer, Keith Keating, and others. Some of these celebrated essays have been published by Routledge in book form.The journal is indexed and abstracted in the MLA International Bibliography, Master List of Periodicals (USA), Ulrich’s Directory of Periodicals, ERIH PLUS, The Philosopher’s Index, CNKI, WorldCat Directory, PhilPapers, EBSCO, ProQuest, Literature Online, Gale (Cengage), ACLA, Academic Resource Index, United States Library of Congress, and the British Library.Celebrated scholars of the time like René Wellek, Harold Osborne, Mircea Eliade, Monroe Beardsley, John Hospers, John Fisher, M H Abrams, John Boulton, and many Indian and Western scholars had been members of its Editorial Board.

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Empirical Aesthetics


Superordinate links

ISSN: 0252-8169



HIG A-42, Sector-7, CDA
753014 CUTTACK
Submitted by: Viraj Sukla
Date of publication: 26.02.2022
Last edited: 26.02.2022