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  1. Marcella Fassio
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Poststructuralism; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Media studies; Narratology; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and cultural studies; Intermediality; Prose; autobiography; Digital literature; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  2. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 24.02.2022
    Archival Echoes: A transdisciplinary workshop in collaboration with the 90x collective, FU Berlin (hybrid)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Echo is a trope, a figure of sound and movement. Thinking through the echo in the context of visual representation shifts the focus to constellations of spatial reverberation, travelling images and recurring memories. How do images bounce back or...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Narratology,  Interdisciplinarity and 5 more
    Created on: 18.02.2022
  3. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 01.07.2021
    Der volatile Text. Formen, Verfahren und Medien der Unabgeschlossenheit
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Organisation: Sophie König (FU Berlin) und Alexander Weinstock (Hamburg) Mit dem gedruckten Buch als nach wie vor dominanter Verbreitungsform eines literarischen Textes geht für gewöhnlich auch die Vorstellung seiner Abgeschlossenheit...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Literary historiography,  Writtenness and 4 more
    Created on: 25.06.2021
  4. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 07.07.2021
    Worlds of Literature - Competing Notions of the Global, Annual Conference EXC 2020 Temporal Communities
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    With its first annual conference, "Worlds of Literature — Competing Notions of the Global", the Cluster of Excellence EXC 2020 Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective turns to the question of how competing notions of the global...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  World Literature,  Literature and other forms of art and 2 more
    Created on: 21.05.2021
  5. Agatha Frischmuth
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from North America; Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literature from UK and Ireland; French literature; Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary); Literary historiography; Literary theory; Poststructuralism; Deconstruction; New Historicism; Narratology; World Literature; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and philosophy; Poetics; Prose; Novel; Aesthetics; Themes, motifs, thematology; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century

  6. Kathrin Wittler
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literature from UK and Ireland; French literature; Literature from Israel; Near Eastern literature; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; Media studies; World Literature; Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and theology/study of religions; Literature and publishing/booktrade; Literature and visual studies; Literature and media studies; Intermediality; Poetics; Literary genre; Lyric poetry; Other lyrical forms; Prose; Letter; Drama; Formula literature; Aesthetics; Rhetoric; Rhetorical figure (allegory, symbol, metaphor); Themes, motifs, thematology; Translation; Literature of the 18th century; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century