Workshops, seminars

Online Webinar:The Animal Turn(s): Animals in Literature and Culture


The Department. of Germanic Studies, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India is organizing a webinar with three talks on 12th October, 14th October and 16th October, 2020 through Google meet.

12th Oct, 2020 at 6 pm (IST): “Wie in Verzweiflung stürzten beide aufeinander los.” Georg Büchner’s Lenz is encountering a cat. (Prof. Roland Borgards, University of Frankfurt)

14th Oct, 2020 at 6 pm (IST): The Stories Animals Tell: Literary Autozoographies and Animal (Non-) Knowledge in the Long Nineteenth Century. (Prof. Frederike Middelhoff, University of Frankfurt)

16th Oct, 2020 at 6 pm (IST): “No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of This Film”: The Cinematic  Life of Dead Animals. (Dr. Suvadip Sinha, University of Minnesota)

The e-certificate of participation will be issued based on the details given in this form to those who attend all the three sessions and submit the feedback form at the end of the webinar.

Looking forward to your participation.

For any query, please send your query to:

Registration Form:

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Literature and cultural studies
Literary Animal Studies ; Animal Studies




English and Foreign Languages University (Hyderabad)
Department of Germanic Studies
Date of publication: 09.10.2020
Last edited: 09.10.2020