Conferences, Congresses

Haunted Landscapes of German Eastern Europe


Registration is now open for the free, online conference Haunted Landscapes of German Eastern Europe (see CfP last circulated April 22). The conference will take place online from Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th of August, with panels from approximately 11am to 7.30pm (UK time) each day. 

This link leads to the Eventbrite sign up form 

The programme is below. The keynotes will be advertised separately but signing up for the full conference will mean you get the invitations to those public events automatically too.

Wednesday, August 4

Panel 1 (11.00-12.30): Memory and Forgetting

Imke Hansen, “Germans´ ghosts haunt here, and the bread will never rise in this oven.” Narrative and memorial Landscapes in Upper Silesia

Shivani Chauhan, Reading Photographic Images and Identifying Mnemonic Threads of the Post-memorial Project in Sie kam aus Mariupol (2017) by Natascha Wodin

Ernest Schonfield, The Nazi Ghost and the Sinti Woman in Kerstin Hensel’s Bell Vedere (1982)

Panel 2 (13.00-14.30): Landscape, History and Identity

Bidyum Medhi, The ‘optical illusion’ in Horst Stern’s The Last Hunt (1989)


Paul Peters, THE LOST WORLD OF THE BUKOVINA: Heimat and Heimatverlust in Paul Celan


Deirdre Byrnes, The Haunted Landscape of Babi Yar: Holocaust Spaces and the Challenges of Post-Memory in Katja Petrowskaja’s Vielleicht Esther

Panel 3 (15.00-16.30): Beyond the Concentration Camp

Judith Vöcker, Jewish ghettos during Nazi occupation as legal spaces under foreign law


Dennis Schaefer, Hannah Arendt’s Theresienstadt


Mona Becker, Provisional Constructions, Ab/normal Violence: Forced Labour and Satellite Concentration Camps in Germany, 1944-45.

17.30-19.00, Keynote Lecture

Kristin Kopp, The Haunting of the “Drang nach Osten”


Thursday, August 5


Panel 4 (11.00-13.00): Exploring Multilingualism

Bogdan Nita, The bilingual condition of the German identity in Herta Müller and Oskar Pastior

Nishant K Narayanan, The Binding Element(s) – Languages and Borders as haunted spaces

Paulian Petric, Eastern European Judaism in German Literature: A few reflections on language and identity in texts by Martin Buber and Nelly Sachs

Panel 5 (14.00-15.30): Transnational Memory Entanglements

Amy Leech, Expanding the Nationalgeschichte: Entangled European Memory in Nino Haratischwili and Saša Stanišić

Karolina Watroba, Navid Kermani’s Entlang den Gräben and Its Readers: Remapping Europe’s East

Katy McNally, Building Memory: Victim Narratives and Empathy in Recent German Fiction

16.00-17.30 Keynote Lecture

Kristin Rebien, Contested Eastern Borderlands: Conflict and Community in Johannes Bobrowski’s Novels

Panel 6 (18.00-19.30): Memory and Transformation  

Amber Nickell, A Valley of Hope and "River of Blood": Ethnic German Imaginaries of the East and their Consequences in Romanian and German occupied Southern Ukraine

Raluca Cernahoschi, “Auch bei uns im fernen Transsilvanien”: The Transylvanian Saxons and the Long Shadow of the Third Reich in the Work of Bettina Schuller

Gábor Kerekes, Die moderne ungarndeutsche Literatur und ihr Verhältnis zu Deutschland und zur deutschen Geschichte

Friday, 6 August

Panel 7 (11.00-12.30): 19th Century Orientalisms

Marion Dotter, Vom Grundbesitz zum Adel. Die Darstellung des östlichen Europas in Habsburgischen Verwaltungsakten


Ana Foteva, The Merger between East and West in Vojvodina and the Gap between Orient and Occident in Bosnia-Herzegovina during Habsburg Rule


Eva Tamara Asboth, Imaginationen des „europäischen Orients“ im deutschsprachigen Raum des 19. Jahrhunderts

Panel 8 (13.00-14.30): Colonial Continuities

Enikő Dácz, Colonizing a Central European City: Transnational Perspectives on Kronstadt/Brașov/Brassó in the First Half of the 20th century


Jenny Watson, Discovering the East: Colonial Adventurers in German Novels of the Eastern Front


Jakub Kazecki, Through an Orientalist Lens: Colonial Renderings of Poland in German Cinema after 1989

15.00-16.30 Keynote Lecture

Lenny Ureña Valério, Narrating the Eastern Borderlands: Medical Accounts and Colonial Discourse in the Prussian-Polish Territories

17.00-17.45 Roundtable discussion and conference close

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine), Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary), Literature of the 20th century
Osteuropastudien ; Kolonialismus ; Kommunismus ; Imperialismus ; Holocaust-Studien; Genozid




The University of Edinburgh


United Kingdom


Calls for papers

Haunted Landscapes of German Eastern Europe, Online
Date of publication: 12.07.2021
Last edited: 12.07.2021