Conferences, Congresses

A New Language – a New Life? Translingual Literature by Contemporary Women Writers

A New Language – a New Life? Translingual Literature by Contemporary Women Writers

Date & Time: Thursday 1 March 2018 | 14.00-18.00
Venue: Senate House, University of London, Gordon Room (G34), ground floor

This symposium will bring together scholars working on translingual women’s writing in the language fields of Italian, French and German. We will explore the particular richness of texts produced by writers in languages that are not their mother tongues. Among the questions we will explore are the following:

- Is translingual writing perceived by the authors in question as a liberation and a new beginning, or as a requirement demanded by the literary market?
- How does the particular attention to language required in translingual writing affect the text?
- What are the distinctive literary and linguistic strategies employed in translingual writing?
- Does writing in a foreign tongue go hand in hand with establishing a new identity?
- What can translingual writing achieve that goes beyond the possibilities of texts produced by mother-tongue writers?

The symposium is conceived as a springboard for a larger international conference on women’s translingual writing, which is being planned for 2019. It is part of the AHRC-funded Open World Research Initiative project ‘Cross-Language Dynamics – Reshaping Communities’, generously supported by the Cassal Trust Fund and co-organised with the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing (CCWW).

Speakers include Anne Fleig (FU Berlin), Maria Cristina Seccia (Hull), Loredana Polezzi (Cardiff), Godela Weiss-Sussex (IMLR, London), Mary Gallagher (University College Dublin) and Anna-Louise Milne (University of London Institute in Paris).

Full programme and further details:

All are welcome to attend this free event. Places are limited so please book in advance.

Institute of Modern Languages Research
School of Advanced Study, University of London
Senate House
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Telephone 020 7862 8732

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Literature of the 20th century, Literature of the 21st century
Translingualität, Gegenwartsliteratur, Frauenliteratur



University of London (UL)
Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR)
Date of publication: 12.12.2018
Last edited: 12.12.2018