CfP/CfA events

Traumas Beyond the Holocaust (Panel)

Abstract submission deadline

Call for Papers

Coalition of Women in German Conference

Nov. 4-7, 2021 in Portland, Oregon (see Covid statement below)

Abstracts due: February 15th, 2021

Traumas Beyond the Holocaust (Panel)

Trauma scholarship in Germanic Studies is very often tied to the Holocaust, but there are many other ways of thinking and writing about trauma that receive less attention. Feminist and queer approaches to trauma theory, such as by Ann Cvetkovich (An Archive of Feelings, 2003), as well as critical race approaches, such as by Christina Sharpe (In The Wake: On Blackness and Being, 2016), make it clear that the predominant discourses in trauma studies lack the vocabulary to theorize traumas that occur daily and are unacknowledged as well as unmemorialized. This panel will look at systemic, ongoing, and intersectional traumas, such as those caused by sexual violence and racism, as reflected in German-language cultural texts from any time period.  We understand texts widely as fictional and non-fictional literature, graphic novels, film, and other media that negotiate these issues.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Trauma caused by systemic violence (including racial violence, sexual violence, homophobic and transphobic violence, ableist violence)
  • Under-discussed effects and signs of trauma
  • Unmemorialized traumas
  • The timelessness or atemporality of PTSD
  • Traumas of COVID-19


  • Feb. 15, 2021: deadline to submit abstract (~250 words) and short bio to both organizers, and
  • March 1, 2021: contributors will be notified
  • Nov. 4-7, 2021: Women in German Conference

Please note:

  • All papers must accord with the WiG Mission Statement:

The Coalition of Women in German (WiG) provides a democratic forum for all people interested in feminist approaches to German literature and culture or in the intersection of gender with other categories of analysis such as sexuality, class, race, and ethnicity. Through its annual conference, panels at national professional meetings, and through the publication of the Feminist German Studies, the organization promotes feminist scholarship of outstanding quality. Women in German is committed to making school and college curricula inclusive and seeks to create bridges, cross boundaries, nurture aspiration, and challenge assumptions while exercising critical self-awareness. Women in German is dedicated to eradicating discrimination in the classroom and in the teaching profession at all levels.

Covid Statement:

Given the volatile situation presented by the pandemic, we are not certain what the WiG conference will look like next year. At the moment, we are planning for an in-person conference in Portland, Oregon on November 4–7, 2021. We will revisit this discussion at our spring leadership meeting and will notify the membership at that point as to whether any changes are necessary and forthcoming. Membership to the Coalition of Women in German will be required to present on this panel but is not required to submit an abstract.

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Literature and cultural studies
Trauma Studies ; COVID-19


Superordinate links



Coalition of Women in German (WiG)
Date of publication: 11.12.2020
Last edited: 11.12.2020