CfP/CfA events

The Routledge Handbook of Ecofeminism and Literature

Abstract submission deadline
Paper submission deadline

Chapter proposals are invited for The Routledge Handbook of Ecofeminism and Literature (hereafter simply The Handbook), to be published in 2022 within the series Routledge Literature Handbooks. Interested authors should send a 300- to 500-word abstract, 200-word biography, and sample of a previously published chapter or article to Dr. Douglas Vakoch at by March 25, 2021. Authors will be notified whether their proposals are accepted by March 30, 2021. Solid first drafts of full chapters are due by August 1, 2021, and final versions that cross-reference other chapters extensively are due October 1, 2021. Preference will be given to authors who have completed their doctorates. Only previously unpublished works will be considered. We seek a broadly international group of scholarly contributors.

Contributors will receive two copies of The Handbook: a hard cover version initially, followed by a paperback volume. 

Each chapter will provide a comprehensive survey and analysis of a clearly defined topic at the interface of literature and ecofeminism, with chapters grouped into three parts. High priority topics for which we especially encourage proposals are noted.

Part I provides a review and analysis of ecofeminism in the literatures of a diverse sample of languages. High priority literatures include:

  • Arabic Literature and Ecofeminism
  • English Literature and Ecofeminism
  • French Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Hindi Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Indonesian Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Japanese Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Russian Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Swahili Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Yoruba Literature and Ecofeminism
  • Additional African and Asian literatures not listed

Part II examines core issues and topics that inform contemporary ecofeminist literary theory and criticism. High priority issues and topics include:

  • Classical Studies and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Disability and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Intersectionality and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Modernism and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Queer Studies and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Race and Ecofeminist Literature
  • Trans Studies and Ecofeminist Literature

Part III explores wide-ranging literary genres through an ecofeminist lens. High priority genres include:

  • Autobiography and Ecofeminism
  • Biography and Ecofeminism
  • Creative Writing and Ecofeminism
  • Digital Humanities and Ecofeminism
  • Drama and Ecofeminism
  • Fantasy and Ecofeminism
  • Historical Fiction and Ecofeminism
  • Horror and Ecofeminism
  • Narrative Nonfiction and Ecofeminism
  • Poetry and Ecofeminism
  • Popular Culture and Ecofeminism
  • Science Fiction and Ecofeminism
  • Travel Writing and Ecofeminism
  • Westerns and Ecofeminism 

Proposals should make clear how the author will provide a broad survey of the proposed topic, identifying major themes, rather than providing in-depth studies of one or a few authors or works. 

Proposals are invited on other topics not listed above, but proposals should avoid the topics listed below, for which we already have confirmed contributors:


  • Patrick Murphy, PhD, English Department, University of Central Florida, USA

Part I. Literatures in Diverse Languages

  • Bengali Literature and Ecofeminism, Abhik Gupta, PhD, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar, India
  • Chinese Literature and Ecofeminism, Amy Chan Kit-sze, PhD, English Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
  • Estonian Literature and Ecofeminism, Julia Kuznetski, PhD, School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia, and Kadri Tüür, PhD, School of Humanities, Tallinn University and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Tartu, Estonia
  • German Literature and Ecofeminism, Melissa Etzler, PhD, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Butler University, USA
  • Native American and First Nations Literature and Ecofeminism, Benay Blend, PhD, Central New Mexico Community College (Retired), USA
  • Persian Literature and Ecofeminism, Zahra Jannessari Ladani, PhD, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Isfahan, Iran
  • Portuguese Literature and Ecofeminism, Izabel F. O. Brandão, PhD, Department of English, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
  • Slovene Literature and Ecofeminism, Katja Plemenitaš, PhD, Department of English and American Studies, University of Maribor, Slovenia
  • Spanish Literature and Ecofeminism, Irene Sanz Alonso, PhD, Department of Modern Philology, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
  • Taiwanese Literature and Ecofeminism, Peter I-min Huang, PhD, Department of English, Tamkang University, Taiwan
  • Turkish Literature and Ecofeminism, Hatice Övgü Tüzün, PhD, Department of American Culture and Literature, Bahçe?ehir University, Turkey
  • Welsh Literature and Ecofeminism, Michelle Deininger, PhD, Humanities Department, Continuing and Professional Education, Cardiff University, Wales

Part II. Core Issues and Topics

  • Animal Studies and Ecofeminist Literature, Lesley Kordecki, PhD, Department of English, DePaul University, USA
  • Cultural Studies and Ecofeminist Literature, Nicole Anae, PhD, Department of Literary and Cultural Studies, Central Queensland University, Australia
  • Hegemonic Masculinity and Ecofeminist Literature, Lydia Rose, PhD, Department of Sociology, Kent State University, USA
  • Material Ecocriticism and Ecofeminist Literature, Basak Agin, PhD, School of Foreign Languages, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
  • Postcolonialism and Ecofeminist Literature, Asli Degirmenci Altin, PhD, Department of English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University, Turkey
  • Postmodernism and Ecofeminist Literature, Karen Yu-Chu Yang, PhD, Department of English, Tamkang University, Taiwan
  • Social Reform and Ecofeminist Literature, Emine Geçgil, PhD, Bilkent University School of English Lan­guage in Ankara, Turkey

Part III. Literary Genres

  • Children’s Fiction and Ecofeminism, Anja Höing, PhD, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück, Germany
  • Climate Fiction and Ecofeminism, Iris Ralph, PhD, English Department, Tamkang University, Taiwan
  • Mystery/Detective Fiction and Ecofeminism, Casey Cothran, PhD, Department of English, Winthrop University, USA
  • Nature Writing and Ecofeminism, Christian Hummelsund Voie, PhD, Department of Languages and Literature Studies, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
  • Sentimental Literature and Ecofeminism, Richard Magee, PhD, Department of English, Sacred Heart University, USA
  • Utopian Literature and Ecofeminism, Ildney Cavalcanti, PhD, Department of English, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
  • Young Adult Literature and Ecofeminism, Michelle Deininger, PhD, Humanities Department, Continuing and Professional Education, Cardiff University, Wales

The editor of The Handbook has published extensively in ecofeminism, with previous books including:

  • Ecofeminist Science Fiction: International Perspectives on Gender, Ecology, and Literature (2021)
  • Dystopias and Utopias on Earth and Beyond: Feminist Ecocriticism of Science Fiction (2021)
  • Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersectional and International Voices (2018)
  • Ecofeminism in Dialogue (2017)
  • Women and Nature?: Beyond Dualism in Gender, Body, and Environment (2017)
  • Feminist Ecocriticism: Environment, Women, and Literature (2012)
  • Ecofeminism and Rhetoric: Critical Perspectives on Sex, Technology, and Discourse (2011)
Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Feminist studies, Ecocriticism



Date of publication: 22.02.2021
Last edited: 22.02.2021