CfP/CfA events

Intralingual Translation: Language, text and beyond

Abstract submission deadline

Call for Papers: Intralingual Translation: Language, text and beyond International Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation Hilla Karas (Bar-Ilan University) and Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (Tel Aviv University) Intralingual translation occurs within what is considered to be the “same” language. Depending on one’s approach, this broad term can encompass translation between dialects, sociolects or historical layers of a language, expert-to-lay person communication, intralingual subtitles for the deaf, dubbing, voice-over, transliteration, modernizations or various cross-cultural adaptations (Zethsen 2018; Zethsen & HillMadsen 2016). Understandably, the precise meaning of the “same” language varies according to political, cultural and historical perceptions. 

Intralingual translations can be very revealing if one is interested in extra-linguistic aspects of translation. Given that source and target languages are viewed as the “same”, other factors can take the front stage, such as historical and political circumstances, educational programs and the consolidation of a literary canon, issues of identity, national or religious ideology, or (de)colonization. Intralingual translation has also been used as a tool to simultaneously reevaluate and renew linguistic continuity. 

It has been suggested by Sakai (2009), based on Derrida (1992a: 198) that the concept of “same language” presupposes the unity and identity of a historic-natural language. Sakai explains that translation draws a border between the self and the other through its very use. Given his assumption that nations, languages and cultures are defined through a confrontation with entities considered as other nations, languages or cultures, one may conclude that intralingual translation can sometimes disrupt a given group’s perception of its history or its synchronic boundaries. Thus, much importance should be attributed to the use of notions such as translation, adaptation or modernization of texts between for instance, so-called Turkic dialects (Berk-Albachten 2014) or historical layers of the same language such as Old and Modern French (Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot & Karas, forthcoming; Karas 2016). Therefore, the chosen designation for a transfer procedure depends on the attitude towards the linguistic codes involved: The terms transfer or translation are selected according to the speakers’ view on dialect, jargon, languages, historical layers or stylistic features. 

Intralingual translation can also reflect and pinpoint cultural connections and power relations between distinct social entities using the “same” language, as in the case of Flemish and Netherlandic Dutch. Certainly, cultural gaps between communities of the same pluricentric language can be emphasized or downplayed, exercising significant influence on the reception of literary works, as shown in the context of British and American editions of children’s books, such as Harry Potter or the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole (Denton 2007; Eastwood 2010). 

The diachronic component of intralingual translation has always been quite productive. For example, oral narratives have been documented and fixated through modern editions and have undergone mass reproduction; also modernized old texts have been proliferated to various types of readership. 

 Since the beginning of the 21st century, languages, ideologies and values have been destabilized and even transformed, due to factors such as the recent worldwide immigration waves, the establishment of new geographical borders and new methods of communication. In this new global linguistic and political setting, intralingual translation seems to have gained particular importance and relevance. Therefore, new contributions are necessary to analyze the relationship between all these elements and their impact on the communication within linguistic communities and among them. Further studies of intralingual translation in its diverse forms have the potential to provide powerful insights for the entire discipline of translation studies on several levels. 

We invite the submission of papers treating various aspects of intralingual translation or any theoretical, historical and methodological research on the topic, including but not limited to: 

  • Establishment or disruption of historical continuities through intralingual translation
  • Modernization, adaptation and the literary canon 
  • National representations and practices facilitating the accessibility to texts (e.g. critical or grammatical apparatus, gloss or exegesis) 
  • Intralingual retranslation 
  • Translation policies: language planning, linguistic rights of social and ethnic groups, linguistic simplification and accessibility 
  • Intralingual translation and decolonization or colonization 
  • Cross-cultural adaptation and power relations between social groups 
  • Translator agency in intralingual translation 

The Universities of Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan in Israel will host this International conference on intralingual translation. The event will take place on June 13-15, 2022 and will bring together scholars interested in diverse aspects of the topic. 

The working languages of the conference will be English and French. 

Submissions should be sent by email to by October 30, 2021. They should include the subject area, five keywords, the name of the presenter, email address, institutional affiliation, and short bio sketch. Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 1st 2022. Submissions should include a title and an abstract of 300 words excluding references. 

Source of description: Information from the provider

Fields of research

Literary historiography, Literary theory, Postcolonial studies, Writtenness, Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality, Translation, Theory of translation




Universiṭat Tel Aviv / Tel Aviv University
Ûnîversîṭat Bar-Îlān (Ramat Gan)


Tel Aviv
Date of publication: 04.06.2021
Last edited: 04.06.2021