Wissenschaftliche Stellen

Lectureship in Modern Languages/Comparative Literature (French and Francophone Literature), University of York


Lectureship in Modern Languages/Comparative Literature (French and Francophone Literature),

Département : English and Related Literature

Based at University of York - Heslington Campus

Hours of work : Full-time

Contract status : Open

Salary : £40,322 a year

Apply by 29/03/2020

The Department of English and Related Literature at the University of York seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Modern Languages/Comparative Literature, with expertise in any period of study from the nineteenth century to the present. The successful candidate will join one of the world’s leading English departments, which boasts an outstanding research record, a distinctive international outlook, and a deep-rooted commitment to excellence in learning and teaching. You will contribute effectively to our undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, making a particular contribution to our teaching of literature in languages other than English, both in translation and in the original. An ability to contribute to core teaching on our wide-ranging curriculum is also essential.

We welcome applications in any area of Modern Languages and/or Comparative Literature. Candidates with expertise in Francophone literatures may be preferred. The successful candidate may also contribute to our developing profile in Translation Studies and the Creative Industries. We will especially welcome applications from BAME candidates, who are currently under-represented within the department.


The successful candidate will design, develop and deliver teaching across our BA in English and Related Literature, and will make a distinctive contribution to our teaching of literature in languages other than English (World Literature Modules), both in translation and in the original. They will undertake research that leads to high-quality publications and will share the results of that research with a wide range of audiences within and beyond the academy. The successful candidate will undertake academic supervision of students (including research students) and act as a research supervisor within the relevant subject area as well as set and mark assessments and provide constructive feedback to students. They will have a clear plan to develop a portfolio of external funding, which may involve collaborative and interdisciplinary working, and will seek to develop new research collaborations and partnerships with a strong international aspect. They will undertake administrative responsibilities at the request of the Head of Department, and will be a champion for diversity and equality within and beyond the department.

Skills, Experience & Qualification nee

  • A PhD in English or Modern Languages or Comparative Literature, or other relevant subject area, or equivalent experience
  • Appropriate academic professional and teaching qualifications or a willingness to complete York’s Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
  • Specialist knowledge in any area of Modern Languages and/or Comparative Literature, with a sophisticated understanding of relevant research techniques and methodologies, and the ability to inspire students through varied and appropriate teaching techniques.
  • Demonstrable ability to develop research objectives, projects and proposals, to publish in appropriate, high-profile venues, and to deliver presentations at conferences and other events.
  • A commitment to citizenship, including the ability to perform administrative tasks in a timely fashion, and to contribute to the collegial and collaborative ethos of the department.
  • A clear plan to apply for external funding in support of an ambitious programme of research, and to maximise the social, cultural or other impact of research

The University is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive community  – a place where we can all be ourselves and succeed on merit. We offer a range of family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, staff engagement forums, campus facilities and services to support staff from different backgrounds.


A place where we can ALL be ourselves #EqualityatYork

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Französische Literatur
Comparative Literature



University of York
Department of English and Related Literature
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2020
Letzte Änderung: 16.03.2020