
Funded PhD Studentship in German and Austrian Exile, Institute of Modern Languages Research


School of Advanced Study | University of London

Funded PhD Studentship in German and Austrian Exile at the IMLR

A Martin and Hannah Norbert-Miller Trust doctoral studentship is available for entry in October 2020 to graduates wishing to focus their research on German-speaking exile, preferably in the UK. Relevant disciplines are: history, politics, sociology, migration, the arts. The Miller Scholarship provides a fee waiver of up to 100% of the full-time or part-time Home/EU tuition fee, tenable for three (full-time) or five years (part-time), plus maintenance. Applications for research based on the archival holdings of the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies at the IMLR, such as the papers of the Anglo-Austrian Society or those of the writer and broadcaster Robert Lucas, would be particularly welcome. A working knowledge of German is necessary.

The award provides the successful applicant with a fee waiver equivalent to up to 100% of the full-time or part-time Home/EU tuition fee, and is tenable for three years (full-time) or five years (part-time), plus maintenance equivalent to that offered by the AHRC LAHP doctoral consortium. The successful candidate will register at the Institute of Modern Languages Research (University of London School of Advanced Study) for the MPhil/PhD degree of the University of London and will be able to draw on the expertise of the Institute’s Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies.

Candidates should hold a Masters degree or equivalent. Professional qualifications are also accepted.  Applications should be made on the School of Advanced Study application form (closing date: 31 July 2020) and copied to Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview. 

Queries regarding possible research proposals may be directed to Professor Charmian Brinson (


Institute of Modern Languages Research

School of Advanced Study | University of London

Room 239, Senate House | Malet Street | GB- London WC1E 7HU
Telephone 0044 (0)20 7862 8966


Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Literatur aus Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz, Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies




University of London (UL)
Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR)
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2020
Letzte Änderung: 10.02.2020