Konferenzen, Tagungen

What is Literariness?

Conference organized by Massimo Salgaro (University of Verona / 2017-2018 Paris IAS fellow) and Paul Sopcak (MacEwan University), in collaboration with the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

In literary theory, there is no agreement on the defining properties of the aesthetic qualities and experience of literature, the so-called literariness. Roman Jakobson was the first linguist to introduce the concept of literariness in 1921. In his essay “On Realism in Art,” he stated that “the object of study in literary work is not literature but literariness, that is, what makes a given work a literary work”.

The featured presenters at this conference will describe, instantiate, and justify their approach to empirical studies of literariness, beginning with a keynote presentation by a leading figure in discussions of literariness (David S. Miall) and continuing with an array of presentations by researchers and scholars with varying levels of experience in the area. The goal of the conference is to put in dialogue these different approaches to literariness, a concept of almost 100 years, and to determine whether aspects of these dominant positions can be reconciled, when making finer distinctions, as well as to determine the theoretical and empirical grounding of each. As we are convinced that any new developments surrounding this important concept require a radical form of interdisciplinarity, we invited speakers with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as psycholinguistics (A. Jacobs), digital humanities (G. Lauer), comparative literature and empirical aesthetics (W. Menninghaus), cognitive poetics (M. Bruhn) and empirical literary studies (F. Hakemulder). This interdisciplinary and international will enable us to revisit and relocate “literariness” in contemporary literary theory.

The Paris Institute of Advanced Study (Paris-IEA) has requested that all participants at our conference (also non-presenting participants) register on their website: http://www.paris-iea.fr/fr/evenements/what-is-literariness?
Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Digital Humanities, Literaturtheorie, Empirische Ästhetik




Institut d'Études Avancées de Paris (IEA)
International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL)
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2018
Letzte Änderung: 12.12.2018