Konferenzen, Tagungen

"Experiential Literary Mapping in Minecraft: Bringing the text to life" mit Sally Bushell | Bielefeld


Die Teilprojekte E06 und INF des SFB1288 "Praktiken des Vergleichens" an der Universität Bielefeld laden herzlich zum Workshop »Experiential Literary Mapping in Minecraft: Bringing the text to life« mit Sally Bushell (Lancaster University) ein. Der Workshop findet am 15.6. von 9-12 Uhr an der Universität Bielefeld statt. Da die Plätze (leider) begrenzt sind, bitten wir bei Interesse um rechtzeitige Anmeldung über folgendes Formular: https://forms.gle/ZyZNt9wpinwSMiKu8

Experiential Literary Mapping in Minecraft: Bringing the text to life
This workshop session explores the potential of using gaming platforms such as Minecraft to explore literary place and space in a digitally immersive way.  When we read a text we immerse individually through imaginative engagement; when we play in a game world that corresponds to that text, immersion is doubled in ways that have educational and cultural value. The resource can be used in schools to increase motivation in reluctant and low ability readers and this has been done with great success in relation to texts such as Treasure Island, Kensuke’s Kingdom and with the poetry of William Wordsworth.
At the same time Minecraft as a gaming environment also offers considerable potential for the application of storyworld theory to multimodal and transmedia experiences. The talk will discuss the integration of theories of reading and play in relation to the creation of a Steampunk Sherlock Holmes build for Victorian London currently underway in 2023. In a Knowledge Exchange partnership academics work with Minecraft designers to create an interdisciplinary in-game experience mapped accurately onto 1890s London with the narratives of Sherlock Holmes embedded into the gaming environment.
New experiences of literary geography for the twenty-first century emerge across different forms of literary place and space.  In the second half of the workshop, participants will be trained up and can have a play for themselves in the Literary Minecraft worlds.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Literaturdidaktik, Literatur und Geographie/Kartographie, Literatur und Informatik/Kybernetik, Game Studies, Intermedialität



Universität Bielefeld
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2023
Letzte Änderung: 19.05.2023