CfP/CfA Publikationen

The wonderful, the fantastic, and the preternatural and their verisimilar representation from the Gothic novel to Fin-de-Siècle Literature

Deadline Abstract
Deadline Beitrag

We shall be happy to consider essays that address the representation of the marvellous, the wonderful, the preternatural, the abnormal, the monstrous, the hybrid, and in general the ‘fantastic’ and improbable in the English novels and/or prose works from the early Gothic to the long Fin de siècle. In particular, the articles should consider how writers negotiated with the ruling style of modern novel, realism, and adapted the wonderful/preternatural/monstrousetc. to the poetics and forms of mimetic presentation of events, characters, scenes, places etc. (and viceversa), and to the expectations of the reading public (when the wonderful clashed, and/or collaborated, with mimesis; when the wonderful substituted, supplemented, or integrated realistic ways of fictional representation, when mimetic expectations suppressed or supplanted implausible or illusory stories etc.).

The journal will also consider proposals for the Miscellany section of the journal on any topic, issue, subject-matter related to English literature and literatures in English.

The deadline for sending a proposal and abstract is May 15th, 2020.

To send your proposal online please refer to the journal webpage: English Literature ( ), scroll down and click on “Contacts”, open and fill in the form complete with proposed title and abstract, then click on “Submit”.
Alternatively, you may write to the journal’s director, prof. Flavio Gregori: attaching the abstract as word file.
Shortly after your submission of proposal you will receive an answer from the editors informing on how to access the journal website, where you will be able to upload the article and be updated about the peer reviewing and publication process.

The deadline for uploading the articles is September 1st, 2020.

All proposed articles will go through double-blind revision by two peers. The outcome of the revision can be accessed on your personal page within 45 days from the submission of your article.
English literature started its publication in December 2014 and is a fully open access journal. It is indexed in Scopus, ERIH-plus, MLA Directory of periodicals, Crossref, DOAJ.
More information about the journal and its policy can be read here: English Literature(

In full compliance with open-access policies, the journal applies no costs for publication of articles. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Contributors can keep their articles’ copyrights and are allowed to re-use their articles for further publication, provided they do not publish the same or modified version before one full year from its publication in English Literature.
English Literature’s policy is inspired by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) ethical code.
If you have any query concerning the journal or the present call, please write to

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Stoffe, Motive, Thematologie, Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts, Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts
Gothic Novel ; Fin-de-Siècle ; Das Wunderbare ; Das Phantastische ; Das Übernatürliche



Datum der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2020
Letzte Änderung: 30.03.2020