CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen

Cross-Cultural Matches and Dispatches: Nizami and Dante

Deadline Abstract
Deadline Beitrag

Nizami Ganjavi International Center and Azerbaijan Comparative Literature Association in collaboration with: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Università di Pisa, Università di Siena, Università del Piemonte Orientale, under the patronage of: Associazione degli Italianisti (ADI), Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura (COMPALIT) and PEN Club Italy are pleased to invite interested scholars and Ph.D. students from related fields to submit proposals for a conference Cross-Cultural Matches and Dispatches: Nizami and Dante which is to be held on 7th-8th October 2021, the eve of the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi and 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri.

Call for papers: Cross-Cultural matches and dispatches: Nizami and Dante

Date of the conference – 7th-8th October 2021

Deadline for abstract submission – 30th June 2021

Deadline for full paper submission – 15th July 2021

Venue – Online, via ZOOM Platform

Abstracts are required in English

Working languages: (English, Azerbaijani, Italian)

Paper Presentations are expected to be submitted in English. Otherwise, the author should submit full paper translations into Italian or Azerbaijani.

There is no participation fee.

Please send abstracts no longer than 200 words in English along with a brief bio by 30th June 2021, to

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Italienische Literatur, Südosteuropäische Literatur (Albanien, Balkanstaaten, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Rumänien, Türkei), Literatur des Vorderen Orients
Medieval studies; Dante studies; Nizami studies.



Azerbaijani Comparative Literature Association
Nizami Ganjavi International Centre
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
Beitrag von: Olga Springer
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2020
Letzte Änderung: 09.06.2021