Digital Humanities Course Registry

The Digital Humanities Course Registry is an open online inventory of DH modules, courses and programmes in Europe which aims to help students, researchers, lecturers and institutions (from DARIAH and beyond) to find, promote and connect to teaching and training activities related to Digital Humanities.

The registry can be used freely and without registration by students, teachers and anyone interested. In order to add your own courses to the database, you only need to register at the website. Upon approval by the National Moderator of your respective country, the course becomes visible on our interactive map.

The DH Course Registry is a key DARIAH-EU service developed in the Working Group “Training and Education” of VCC 2 (Research and Education): a fine showcase of European collaboration, the registry has been conceptualized, realized and sustained by colleagues from The Netherlands, Germany, France and Austria, with additional data and feedback provided by colleagues from Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Serbia and many more.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Digital Humanities, Digitale Lehre
Digitales Handbuch ; Digitale Bibliothek



Datum der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2020
Letzte Änderung: 22.05.2020