
Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (CEC), Universidade de Lisboa

The Centre for Comparative Studies (CEC) is a scientific unit of the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. Its activities encompass the comparative analysis of literatures, arts and cultures, using interdisciplinary methodologies and highly theorised approaches. CEC’s scientific identity is strongly grounded in the fields pertaining to Comparatism within the Humanities (Culture Studies, Literary and Artistic/Interart Studies, in dialogue with the Social Sciences). Spatial questions and approaches articulating these with the aesthetic and cultural dimensions of time, history and memory are common to all groups, notwithstanding the variety of approaches and methodological procedures adopted. CEC promotes the necessary discussion about the epistemological challenges raised by Comparatism, continually refocusing the reflection on this field of knowledge. The comparatist practice, situated at an interdisciplinary and interdiscursive focal point, depends on that inward gaze that is the first condition of its possibility. One of the most consolidated features of CEC is its high-standard international profile in terms of its members and partnerships, attracting a large number of foreign PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and fostering a significant number of international networks and doctoral schools. IWL-Institute of World Literature, LACE-Literature and Change in Europe, INCH-International Network for Comparative Studies, CHCI-Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes, ECHIC-European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres and The Hermes Consortium for Literary and Cultural Studies are outstanding examples of the international networking of our centre. Several projects have received national and international funding, including “Comparative World Literature”, undertaken in partnership with Harvard University and sponsored by the Presidency of the Republic, and “Heriligion”, developed in cooperation with other four countries and funded by HERA. CEC’s members contribute regularly to international publications, making use of multidisciplinary and cross- cultural approaches. Examples of its research lines include comparative and world literature, as well as postcolonial, intermedia and interart studies, translation, critical security and gender studies, and memory, emotion and cognitive studies. Issues of inter- and transculturality, as well as textual and cultural translation are also studied in the Centre, along with a critical approach to Digital Humanities. CEC is organised into 4 Groups (CITCOM, LOCUS, MORPHE and THELEME) comprising several clusters that carry out research within the scope of specific topics; most of these clusters host projects (presenting a timeline and planned outcomes). CEC is coordinated by a Director, working with a Vice-director and the coordinators of the groups and funded projects. It has a Scientific Board, composed of PhD members, 2 Advisory Boards (Internal and External). For management purposes it has a body of clerical staff (4 persons). CEC fosters the integration of graduate students, who work with the researchers and participate in doctoral schools and consortia. CEC publishes a book series (ACT/Alterities, Crossings, Transfers), 2 peer-reviewed interdisciplinary periodicals (Textos&Pretextos and the ejournal Estrema), and supports Dedalus – Portuguese Revue of Comparative Literature, edited by the Portuguese Association of Comparative Literature (APLC). It operates through a website (http://cec.letras.ulisboa.pt/en/), public databases and a monthly digital newsletter that disseminates the CEC’s activities and publications. It supports academic education at FLUL, fostering a six-semester BA course and a postgraduate programme, including an MA and an international PhD programme. CEC will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2019.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Literaturtheorie, Gender Studies/Queer Studies, Postkoloniale Literaturtheorie, World Literature/Weltliteratur, Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie, Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies, Intermedialität, Ästhetik, Übersetzung allgemein
Critical Security Studies; Memory studies; Emotion studies; Cognitive Studies




Universidade de Lisboa (ULISBOA) / University of Lisbon
Faculdade de Letras
Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (CEC)

Verknüpfte Ressourcen

Projekte und Forschung

HERILIGION. The Heritagization of Religion and Sacralization of Heritage; TECOP. Texts and Contexts of Portuguese Orientalism - The International Congresses of Orientalists (1873-1973); Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1870-1930); National Identities in Dialogue: Political and Literary Identity Constructions in Portugal, Angola and Mozambique (1961-Present); The Portuguese Representations of India: Power and Knowledge in a Peripheral Orientalism (19th and 20th Centuries); Portuguese Colonial Empire and Urban Popular Culture: Comparing Visions from the Metropolis and the Colonies (1945-1974); Comparative World Literature
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 08.04.2019
Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2019