CfP/CfA Veranstaltungen

Intersecting perspectives: Representations of Epidemics in the Arts. From Catastrophe to Resilience (8th International Congress of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association)

Deadline Abstract

The Eighth International Congress of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association, “Intersecting perspectives: Representations of Epidemics in the Arts. From Catastrophe to Resilience”, organised by Universidade de Évora and Universidade da Madeira, will look at fundamental interest in conducting research into catastrophic epidemics such as the Black Death, Spanish Flu, cholera and AIDS. They all wrought profound changes in ways of life and in forms of human relationships.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken the form of a global crisis, which has caught humankind off guard and shattered their view of the world. It has triggered trauma, fears and high anxiety and caused unexpected ruptures in culture and the economy, among other areas. Over time, the different arts (cinema, dance, photography, literature, painting and digital art) have been able to depict the bafflement caused by different epidemics and have enabled the different languages to explore the allegorical value of chaos, denounce societies’ dysfunctions and question the value of humanity. An epidemic is a limit-experience of uncertainty and unpredictability that questions man’s relationship with his finitude.

In this comparative encounter, for example, we will explore how the visual arts, literature, dance and music express a warning of “the teaching of catastrophe” (2002:73), as Peter Sloterdijk put it: it is possible to learn in the midst of the wreckage and (re)create in a context of adversity.

In the context of this comparative examination of the chaos and crises caused by pandemics, we would like to invite the academic community to reflect on the different configurations of epidemics from antiquity to the present day based on the following subjects:

  • Representations and rereadings of the different epidemics
  • epidemic, catastrophe and trauma
  • the epidemic as an allegory of society
  • epidemics and moral decline
  • epidemics and ruptures in accepted discourses
  • the epidemic and apocalyptic representation
  • epidemics and testimonies
  • the pandemic, philosophy and the society of control
  • epidemics and dystopia
  • the epidemic and new post-pandemic utopias
  • isolation as a driver of creativity
  • epidemics and resilience

Important Deadlines

  • Submissions of abstracts: 30/06/2022
  • Notification of acceptance of proposals by 18/07/2022
  • Reduced price payment until: 31/07/2022
  • Fee Payment up to: 22/08/2022
  • Submission of texts for publication by 31/03/2023


VIII Congresso Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada - “Olhares Cruzados: Representações das Epidemias nas Artes. Da Catástrofe à Resiliência”

VIII Congresso Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, “Olhares Cruzados: Representações das Epidemias nas Artes. Da Catástrofe à Resiliência” /  Eighth International Congress of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association - “Intersecting perspectives: Representations of Epidemics in the Arts. From Catastrophe to Resilience”

date butoir non indiquée

O congresso organizado pela Universidade de Évora e pela Universidade da Madeira, pretende contemplar os interesses de investigação fundamentalmente centrados na temática das diferentes epidemias como a peste negra, a gripe espanhola, a cólera e a sida, e o modo como têm sido concebidas enquanto catástrofes que provocaram alterações profundas nos modos de existência e nas formas de relacionamento humano.

A pandemia da Covid-19 inscreve-se na perspectiva de uma crise global, que surpreendeu o Homem sem defesas e estilhaçou a sua visão do mundo, causando traumas, medos e estados de angústia, e provocando rupturas inesperadas na cultura e na economia, entre outras áreas. Ao longo dos tempos, as diversas artes (cinema, dança, fotografia, literatura, pintura, arte digital) têm tido a capacidade de confrontar o homem com a estranheza provocada por distintas epidemias, permitindo às diferentes linguagens explorar o valor alegórico do caos, denunciar as disfuncionalidades das sociedades, questionar o valor da Humanidade. A epidemia é uma experiência-limite de incerteza e de imprevisibilidade que interroga a relação do homem com a sua finitude.

Neste encontro comparatista, procura-se explorar como, por exemplo, as artes visuais, a literatura, a dança e a música formulam um aviso que potencia “o ensino da catástrofe” (2002: 73), segundo a expressão de Peter Sloterdijk: é possível aprender no meio dos destroços e (re)criar num contexto de adversidade.

Neste contexto de indagação sobre o caos e a crise causado pelas pandemias, assumindo uma perspectiva comparatista, convidamos a comunidade académica a reflectir sobre as várias configurações das epidemias desde a Antiguidade até aos nossos dias a partir dos seguintes eixos temáticos:

  • Representações e releituras das diversas epidemias;
  • Epidemia, catástrofe e trauma;
  • Epidemia como alegoria da sociedade;
  • Epidemia e declínio moral;
  • Epidemia e ruptura dos discursos instituídos;
  • Epidemia e representações apocalípticas;
  • Epidemia e testemunho;
  • Pandemia, filosofia e sociedade de controle;
  • Epidemia e distopia;
  • Epidemia e novas utopias pós-pandemia;
  • O confinamento como motor de criatividade;
  • Epidemia e resiliência;
  • Epidemia e arte digital.

Quelle der Beschreibung: Information des Anbieters


Literaturgeschichtsschreibung (Geschichte; Theorie), Literaturtheorie, Literatur und Psychoanalyse/Psychologie, Literatur und Soziologie, Literatur und Philosophie, Literatur und Naturwissenschaften, Rhetorische Figuren (Allegorie, Symbol, Metapher)
epidemic, catastrophe and trauma, the epidemic as an allegory of society epidemics and moral decline, epidemics and ruptures in accepted discourses, the epidemic and apocalyptic representation, epidemics and testimonies, the pandemic, philosophy and the society of control, epidemics and dystopia the epidemic and new post-pandemic utopias, isolation as a driver of creativity, epidemics and resilience




Universidade de Évora
Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada / Portuguese Comparative Literature Association


Datum der Veröffentlichung: 14.03.2022
Letzte Änderung: 14.03.2022