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Displaying results 26 to 50 of 168.

  1. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.06.2021
    Interdisziplinäre Tagung "Loriot und die Bundesrepublik"
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Interdisziplinäre Tagung "Loriot und die Bundesrepublik" Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 31.03./01.04.2022 Konzeption und Organisation: Dr. Anna Bers, PD Dr. Claudia Hillebrandt ER: Wehner könnte sich schon was ausdenken für die...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literary historiography,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies and 5 more
    Created on: 23.04.2021
  2. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 20.07.2021
    Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    A special issue of Cycnos Deadline for proposals: 20 July 2021 It is our pleasure to launch a call for papers for a special issue of Cycnos entirely dedicated to Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria . The volume is mainly meant for the...

    Fields of research Australian/Oceanian literature,  Postcolonial studies,  World Literature and 3 more
    Created on: 03.05.2021
  3. Category: Various (summer schools etc.)
    Beginning: 01.02.2022
    Narrating Lives: Storytelling, (Auto)Biography, (Auto)Ethnography - Winter school organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    1-6 February 2022 – London/Online organised by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research The winter school will cover the key concepts and ideas of narrative theory and will offer an opportunity of creative engagement in storytelling and...

    Fields of research Narratology,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology,  Narrative and 1 more
    Created on: 02.08.2021
  4. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 04.10.2021
    Sektion Romanistentag 2021: Europäische Ästhetik(en). Körperbilder in Kunst und Literatur zwischen europäischem Kanon und regionalen Heterodoxien (13.-17. Jahrhundert), Göttingen & Online
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Die Sektion findet im Hybridmodus an der Universität Göttingen statt: Adresse: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Verfügungsgebäude, Platz der Göttinger sieben 7, Raum 0.111 Zoom-Link: ...

    Fields of research French literature,  Italian literature,  Spanish literature and 10 more
    Created on: 27.09.2021
  5. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 22.10.2021
    8 Promotionsstipendien sowie bis zu 6 praxis- und berufsfeldbezogene Promotionsstipendien, a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Zum 1. April 2022 schreibt die a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne 8 Promotionsstipendien im Integrated Track aus. Bewerbungsfrist: 22.10.2021 Die fakultätsweite a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and philosophy and 1 more
    Created on: 27.09.2021
  6. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 29.10.2021
    Borrowed Wor(l)ds. Jenseits des Anführungszeichens: 11th Annual Conference of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School, Berlin / Livestream
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    BORROWED WOR(L)DS Aneignung jenseits des Anführungszeichens 29. 10. 2021 UG Holzlaube Freie Universität Berlin This conference ventures beyond the traditional purview of literary studies, seeking to highlight the...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Postcolonial studies,  Literature and sociology and 3 more
    Created on: 15.10.2021
  7. Category: Lecture series
    Beginning: 19.10.2021
    Mauss Revisited. Aktuelle Überlegungen zu (Gaben-)Tausch und Sozialität
    Submitted by: Rebecca Seewald

    Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Transdisciplinary Research Area „Individuals and Societies“, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Wintersemester 2021/22 Organisation: Sabine Mainberger / Christian Moser (Institut für Germanistik,...

    Fields of research Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland),  French literature,  Literature and sociology and 3 more
    Created on: 13.10.2021
  8. Category: Fellowships, stipends, scholarships etc.
    Application deadline: 22.02.2019
    Würzburg Winter School Konfigurationen der Mobilität: Transition – Transformation – Transgression (24.–28.02.2020, JMU Würzburg)
    Submitted by: Frederike Middelhoff

    Ausschreibung 30 Stipendien für fortgeschrittene Masterstudierende, Doktorand*innen und Postdocs Würzburg Winter School Konfigurationen der Mobilität: Transition – Transformation – Transgression 24.–28.02.2020 ...

    Fields of research Ecocriticism,  Narratology,  World Literature and 2 more
    Created on: 13.11.2019
  9. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.01.2019
    "Saisir l’intime" / "Grasping the Intimate"
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    April 17–18, 2020 | Brown University | Providence, Rhode Island Keynote: Stéphanie Boulard Associate Professor of French, Georgia Institute of Technology The notion of Saisir l’intime / Grasping the Intimate stands...

    Fields of research Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Postcolonial studies,  Media studies and 8 more
    Created on: 06.12.2019
  10. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.01.2020
    Representations of Race and Ethnicity in German Modernity
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Representations of Race and Ethnicity in German Modernity Graduate Student Conference at Cornell University, 6-7 March 2020 Keynote Speaker: Robert Bernasconi (Penn State University) Since the late 20th century, critical race...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and philosophy and 2 more
    Created on: 29.11.2019
  11. Mira Shah
    University or institution: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Fields of research: Literature from North America; Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literature from UK and Ireland; French literature; Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa; Australian/Oceanian literature; Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Poststructuralism; Deconstruction; New Historicism; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Postcolonial studies; Ecocriticism; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Literature and natural science; Literature and geography/cartography; Literary genre; Prose; Non-fictional literature; autobiography; travel literature; The fictional; Rhetoric

  12. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.02.2020
    Ein Telefonat mit den Toten. Totengespräche und Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert / A Phone Call with the Dead: Dialogues with/of the Dead and Media in the 20th and 21st Century (Ghent University, 9-11 September 2020)
    Submitted by: Elena Fabietti

    Call for Papers Ein Telefonat mit den Toten Totengespräche und Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert (Universität Gent, 9-11 September 2020) Seit jeher ist die Kommunikation mit und zwischen den Toten durch...

    Fields of research Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology,  Literature and media studies and 3 more
    Created on: 14.11.2019
  13. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 31.12.2019
    The General and the Particular in the Contemporary World. Philosophical, Anthropological, Theological, Empirical, Aesthetic and Political-Economic Implications
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    In the age of globalization and transcultural networking, and of growing nationalism and isolationism, the dichotomy of universalism and particularism becomes a central focal point for scientific, cultural, political, religious and social debates....

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and theology/study of religions and 3 more
    Created on: 11.11.2019
  14. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 21.02.2020
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    21./22. Februar 2020 HU Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2249a Stimmungen und Affekte werden in ihrer philosophischen Betrachtung in der Regel in enger Verbundenheit mit sprachlichen Vorgängen diskutiert. Davon zeugt unter anderem ihre...

    Fields of research Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and philosophy,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology and 1 more
    Created on: 07.02.2020
  15. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 29.02.2020
    CfP: Internationale Konferenz – Eine haarige Angelegenheit: Gegenständliche Poetiken des Haares (Graduiertenschule Sprache & Literatur, LMU München, 9.–11. Juli 2020)
    Submitted by: Fabiola Valeri

    Rapunzel lässt ihr Haar in Form eines geflochtenen Zopfes 20 Ellen tief hinunter, damit ihr Prinz in den hermetisch verschlossenen Turm aufsteigen kann. Donald Trumps Haartolle – ein in sich verwobenes Gewebe ohne sichtbaren Anfang und Ende – wird...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and other forms of art,  Literature and sociology and 3 more
    Created on: 26.01.2020
  16. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 25.02.2020
    Die Zukunft der Inseln. Passagen zwischen Literatur und Wissenschaft (Bad Homburg, 25.–27.2.2020)
    Submitted by: Mira Shah

    Die Zukunft der Inseln. Passagen zwischen Literatur und Wissenschaft 25.-27.2.2020 Eine Tagung des DFG-Projekts „Entangled Island Times. Zu einer Literatur- und Wissensgeschichte der Inselbiogeographie“ (Roland Borgards, Lena Kugler,...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland),  Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and 13 more
    Created on: 22.01.2020
  17. Alexander Nebrig
    University or institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; French literature; Digital Humanities; Literary historiography; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; New Criticism; Reader-response criticism; Media studies; Oral poetry / Orality; World Literature; Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality; Literature and law; Literature and publishing/booktrade; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Literature and media studies; Poetics; Literary genre; Lyric poetry; Elegy; Sonett; Epic poetry; Prose; Novel; Narrative; Short forms (anecdote, fable, fragment); autobiography; travel literature; Tragedy; Domestic drama; Folk literature; Digital literature; Aesthetics; Rhetoric; Rhetorical figure (allegory, symbol, metaphor); Themes, motifs, thematology; Translation; Theory of translation; Literature of the 17th century; Literature of the 18th century; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century

  18. Category: Fellowships, stipends, scholarships etc.
    Application deadline: 31.10.2019
    Doctoral Scholarships in the Humanities, a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Starting in April 2020 , the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne , the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne, will award 8 doctoral scholarships and up to...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology and 2 more
    Created on: 16.09.2019
  19. Category: Professorships
    Application deadline: 15.10.2019
    Assistant professor in francophone studies, Cornell University
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The department of Romance Studies at Cornell University is searching for an Assistant Professor (tenure line) in Francophone Studies. Preference will be given to a researcher working on Sub-Saharan Francophone literatures and/or cultures (including...

    Fields of research French literature,  Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa,  Literature and cultural studies and 4 more
    Created on: 30.09.2019
  20. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 31.05.2019
    Naturkraft. Wissensgeschichtliche Annäherung an ein Begriffsfeld
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Vortrag & Workshop // Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (31.05.2019) In Kooperation mit der Graduate School of Humanities (Würzburg) und der DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe "Imaginarien der Kraft" (Hamburg) Über 'Naturkraft' wurde...

    Fields of research Literature and philosophy,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology,  Aesthetics and 3 more
    Created on: 24.05.2019
  21. Category: Projects
    Institutions: ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
    Breathing under Blockade: Notes on Affect, Ecology, and Resistance
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    At the ICI Berlin, Yıldırım would like to build an anthro/political perspective to explore the conceptual act of ‘breathing’ as a materially organized and affectively sensed life force in relation to environmental activism and anti-colonial...

    Fields of research Ecocriticism,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  22. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Stockholm University
    In the Frame: Social and Cultural Geographies of Documentary Modernism
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Irina Rasmussen Goloubeva’s project explores modernist collaborative projects: the modes of reading they invite, the values they generate, and the worlds that they project. It argues that the adaptation of journalistic, ethnographic, and analytical...

    Fields of research World Literature,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology and 1 more
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  23. Category: Projects
    Institutions: Stockholm University
    African Women Writers
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    This project explores transnational dynamics in the literary production of African women writers in Nigeria and Tanzania, with an emphasis on feminism and cosmopolitanism. Drawing on anthropological theory and method, it is an ethnographic study...

    Fields of research Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  World Literature and 1 more
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  24. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.10.2020
    La fiction posthumaniste : projections, représentations et critiques du transhumanisme
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    La fiction posthumaniste : projections, représentations et critiques du Transhumanisme - Colloque organisé dans le cadre du projet « Transhumanisme et posthumanisme entre réalités et imaginaires » géré par ...

    Fields of research Literature and sociology,  Literature and philosophy,  Literature and social and cultural anthropology
    Created on: 22.05.2020
  25. Reinhard M. Möller
    University or institution: Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Fields of research: Literature from North America; Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland); Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literature from UK and Ireland; South Asian literature; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Narratology; World Literature; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and philosophy; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Novel; Short forms (anecdote, fable, fragment); travel literature; Aesthetics; Rhetoric; Themes, motifs, thematology; Literature of the 18th century; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century