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Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.

  1. Der Leib des Gedichts. Balance und Epiphanie bei André Gide und T.S. Eliot
    Submitted by: Lukas Müsel

    Fields of research Literature from UK and Ireland,  French literature,  Literature and philosophy and 5 more
    Created on: 18.06.2020
  2. Übersetzen als Poetik des Verstehens. Innerlichkeit und Äußerlichkeit zwischen Schleiermachers romantischer Hermeneutik und den übersetzerischen Praxen bei Gérard de Nerval und Karl Marx
    Submitted by: Florian Gödel

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  French literature,  Literary theory and 7 more
    Created on: 16.06.2020
  3. Utopie als Spur und Werk. Am Beispiel Ernst Bloch und Rainald Goetz
    Submitted by: Troels Andersen

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literary theory,  Literature and philosophy and 2 more
    Created on: 29.11.2021
  4. Biopoethik der Gegenwart: Subjekt, Narration und Lebenswissen im eugenetischen Roman
    Submitted by: Ronja Hannebohm

    „All creatures would agree that it was better to be healthy than sick, vigorous than weak, well fitted than ill-fitted for their part in life. In short, that it was better to be good rather than bad specimens of their kind, whatever that kind might...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature from UK and Ireland and 7 more
    Created on: 08.08.2023
  5. ‚A dream within a dream within a dream ...‘? – Formen, Funktionen und komparatistische Analysen von Traum-im-Traum-Strukturen
    Submitted by: Kathrin Neis

    Ausgehend von Edgar Allan Poes Gedicht A Dream Within a Dream (1849) behandelt die Dissertation als erste kulturwissenschaftliche und komparatistische Monografie das Phänomen des Traum im Traum in Literatur, Film, Fernsehserie und Comic. Sie...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature from UK and Ireland and 23 more
    Created on: 17.06.2020