Results for *

Displaying results 1 to 25 of 45.

  1. Anna Luhn
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and computer science/cybernetics; Digital literature; Aesthetics; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  2. Joelle Renstrom
    University or institution: Boston University
    Fields of research: Literature from North America; Textual criticism, editing, codicology; Literature and computer science/cybernetics; Literary genre; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  3. Anna Puzio
    University or institution: Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
    Fields of research: Digital Humanities; Poststructuralism; Deconstruction; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Media studies; Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and theology/study of religions; Literature and philosophy; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Literature and computer science/cybernetics; Digital teaching

  4. Johannes Kaminski
    University or institution: Slowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften
    Fields of research: World Literature; Literature and computer science/cybernetics; Literature of the 18th century; Literature of the 21st century

  5. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 28.02.2022
    12. Studierendenkongress der Komparatistik: „Literatur & Zukunft“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (28.02.2022)
    Submitted by: Ben Sulzbacher

    Der Studierendenkongress der Komparatistik (SKK), der in seiner 12. Edition am 27. und am 28.05.2022 an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal stattfinden wird, bietet einen Rahmen für deutsch- und englischsprachige Bachelor- und Master-Studierende...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Digital Humanities,  Literary historiography and 26 more
    Created on: 13.01.2022
  6. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 08.12.2019
    Mediale Signaturen von Überwachung und Selbstkontrolle
    Submitted by: Torsten Erdbrügger

    Internationale Tagung, 24.-26.09.2020, Universität Łódź Überwachung hat in Zeiten des digitalen und ‚user generated capitalism‘ offenkundig eine neue Qualität gewonnen. User geben immer mehr Freiheiten auf und private Daten freiwillig...

    Fields of research Media studies,  Literature and sociology,  Literature and law and 7 more
    Created on: 23.10.2019
  7. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.06.2020
    Künstliche Intelligenz – Interdisziplinär, Tagung an der Hochschule München, 6. & 7. November 2020
    Submitted by: Nicole Brandstetter

    Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist eines der großen Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsthemen unserer Zeit. Die Technologie bietet Chancen und birgt Risiken, weshalb weltweit Mittel bereitgestellt und Wege eröffnet werden, um die Potenziale zu erforschen. Die...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and theology/study of religions and 4 more
    Created on: 07.05.2020
  8. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 16.02.2020
    Variations 27: social media / Soziale Medien / réseaux sociaux
    Submitted by: Variations Literaturzeitschrift der Universität Zürich

    The peer-reviewed journal Variations invites proposals for its 27th issue, dedicated to aesthetic practices—especially (but not exclusively!) of the literary kind—on/in dialogue with/in spite of/against social media platforms! Like,...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary theory,  Literature and computer science/cybernetics and 4 more
    Created on: 01.02.2020
  9. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 10.01.2021
    Submitted by: Soapbox Journal

    For the next volume of Soapbox, a graduate peer-reviewed journal for cultural analysis, we invite young researchers and established scholars alike to submit work that critically engages with the theme of the impasse. [Border] In its first...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Digital Humanities,  Literary theory and 49 more
    Created on: 28.12.2020
  10. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.12.2022
    CFP-Kremenets Comparative Studies-Vol. 12-2022-2023
    Submitted by: Denys Chyk

    Dear Colleague, Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets and NGO “Volyn Cultural Initiatives” (Ukraine) invites you to submit a paper to the 12th annual scientific journal “Kremenets Comparative Studies” ...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Ibero-American literature (incl. Caribbean),  Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland) and 75 more
    Created on: 18.08.2022
  11. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.03.2023
    Materialität und Immaterialität im digitalen Kapitalismus: Kunst und Literatur aus geistes-, sozial-, rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Perspektive
    Submitted by: Alena Heinritz

    »Materialität und Immaterialität im digitalen Kapitalismus: Kunst und Literatur aus geistes-, sozial-, rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Perspektive« Internationale Tagung / 2.-3. November 2023 / Universität Innsbruck (UNO-Saal) ...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary theory,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies and 8 more
    Created on: 12.01.2023
  12. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 31.05.2023
    Kreativität und Translation im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz
    Submitted by: Katharina Walter

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, gerne möchte ich Sie auf den Call for Papers für eine Tagung aufmerksam machen, die im Januar 2024 am Institut für Translationswissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck stattfindet. Der Titel der Tagung lautet...

    Fields of research Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality,  Literature and computer science/cybernetics,  Translation and 1 more
    Created on: 11.04.2023
  13. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.09.2023
    Corporeal Technologies: Modifying and Augmenting the Body (NeMLA 2024, Boston)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    The intersection of technology and the human body has given rise to a myriad of possibilities that transform our perception of self, relationships, and the world around us. In this panel, we will delve into representations of corporeal technologies...

    Fields of research French literature,  North African literature,  Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa and 6 more
    Created on: 23.08.2023
  14. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 11.12.2023
    Spielgeschichte(n) – Games und Game Studies in medienkulturgeschichtlicher Perspektive, Innsbruck
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Die Konferenz “Spielgeschichte(n)” möchte der Frage nachgehen, wie sich unser Verständnis vom Spiel im Allgemeinen und vom Computerspiel im Besonderen konstituiert – sei es als Freizeitbeschäftigung, kulturelles Artefakt oder als wissenschaftlicher...

    Fields of research Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and media studies,  Literature and computer science/cybernetics and 2 more
    Created on: 23.10.2023
  15. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 10.04.2023
    Posthumanistische Narrationen und Narratologien. Auftaktworkshop zur Konstitution und Vorbereitung eines DFG-Netzwerks, Köln
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Call for Papers: Posthumanistische Narrationen und Narratologien Auftaktworkshop zur Konstitution und Vorbereitung eines DFG-Netzwerks Dr. Charlotte Coch, Universität zu Köln In den unter dem Stichwort...

    Fields of research Ecocriticism,  Narratology,  Interdisciplinarity and 5 more
    Created on: 10.03.2023
  16. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 08.04.2024
    Interspecies Friendships and Non-human Companionships (2024 annual conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE))
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Friendship and companionship offer complementary relationships with the world as they in various ways undermine the idea of singularity. As Jean-Luc Nancy notes in Being Singular Plural, what makes the idea of the singular pure and simple an...

    Fields of research Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Postcolonial studies,  Ecocriticism and 5 more
    Created on: 22.03.2024
  17. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.03.2024
    MLA 2025: Thinking Beyond Brecht – Collective and/or Artificial Intelligence, New Orleans
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Thinking Beyond Brecht – Collective and/or Artificial Intelligence Panel sponsored by the International Brecht Society Modern Language Association Convention (January 9 – 12, 2025), New Orleans, LA This panel examines Brecht’s or Brechtian...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Digital Humanities,  Literature and sociology and 4 more
    Created on: 13.03.2024
  18. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 12.06.2024
    Small Forms in Circulation: Infrastructures, Practices, Publics
    Submitted by: Morten Schneider

    Call for Papers Small Forms in Circulation: Infrastructures, Practices, Publics Humboldt University of Berlin, November 28-30, 2024 Submission deadline: June 12, 2024 Acceptance letters in August Small textual and material...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and other forms of art,  Literature and sociology and 10 more
    Created on: 07.05.2024
  19. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 24.07.2024
    Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd) 2025: Call for papers
    Submitted by: Berenike Herrmann

    Liebe Kolleg*innen, (English version below), ich freue mich sehr, dass ich heute den Call for Papers für die DHd2025 „Under Construction“ in Bielefeld verschicken darf! Die Tagung findet statt vom 03.03.2025–07.03.2025. DHd...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Didactics of Literature,  Literary historiography and 17 more
    Created on: 03.06.2024
  20. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.04.2024
    ‚What – If‘ - Szenarien und Prognosen in einer nach-probabilistischen Welt, Frankurt a. M.
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    ‚What – If‘ - Szenarien und Prognosen in einer nach-probabilistischen Welt Interdisziplinäre Tagung der Forschungsgruppe Figurationen von Unsicherheit an der FernUniversität in Hagen. Die Tagung findet am 24./25. Oktober in Frankfurt/Main...

    Fields of research Literature and sociology,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and computer science/cybernetics and 3 more
    Created on: 19.04.2024
  21. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.09.2024
    The Implications of Generative AI for Human Creativity, Originality—and Deception (NeMLA )
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI) are currently transforming literary and visual studies—raising issues that range from copyright infringement; to human-computer interaction and collaboration; to the inspirations for...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literature and other forms of art,  Literature and visual studies and 4 more
    Created on: 26.07.2024
  22. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.11.2024
    Disasters and Apocalypses (Pop Culture Association Annual Conference)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Disasters and Apocalypses Call for Papers The Disasters and Apocalypses area of the Pop Culture Association offers a forum for analysis and critical approaches surrounding the culture of disasters, catastrophes, accidents, and apocalypses in...

    Fields of research Ecocriticism,  Literature and visual studies,  Literature and music/sound studies and 6 more
    Created on: 29.11.2024
  23. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 21.11.2019
    Forms, History, Narrations, Big Data: Morphology and Historical Sequence
    Submitted by: Roberto Gilodi

    FORMS, HISTORY, NARRATIONS, BIG DATA: MORPHOLOGY and HISTORICAL SEQUENCE International Conference Locations: Università degli Studi di Torino Rettorato, Università degli Studi di Torino - 17, Via Po Cavallerizza Reale - 9, Via Verdi ...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary historiography,  Literary theory and 3 more
    Created on: 11.11.2019
  24. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 25.01.2019
    Künstliche Intelligenz in der Buchwelt – Maschinen als Lektoren, Maschinen als Vorleser? (XXIV. Mainzer Kolloquium)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    XXIV. Mainzer Kolloquium Künstliche Intelligenz in der Buchwelt – Maschinen als Lektoren, Maschinen als Vorleser? Freitag, 25. Januar 2019 9.30 Uhr Atrium Maximum der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz »Alte Mensa«...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literature and computer science/cybernetics
    Created on: 09.01.2019
  25. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 12.07.2019
    Objekte & Organismen. Verlebendigung, Verdinglichung, Verwandlung
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Museum Mensch und Natur, 12. - 13.07.2019 In dem immer komplexer werdenden Feld der Material Culture Studies ist es mittlerweile selbstverständlich, das anthropozentrische Verständnis von Handlungsmacht...

    Fields of research Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and other forms of art,  Literature and cultural studies and 1 more
    Created on: 28.06.2019