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  1. Swallow, Swallow, Swallow
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  2. Writing against the odds : the south’s cultural and literary struggle against progress and modernity

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  3. Kitchen, Garden, Landscape
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: Frauenliteratur; Gegenerzählung; Willa Cather O Pioneers!; Marilynne Robinson Housekeeping; women's literature; counterhistory


  4. Iranica islamica historica
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: article


  5. Thrillseeking als postmoderne Metaerzählung
    Author: Szabo, Sacha
    Published: 2008

    Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von der Symbolkraft der Achterbahn in Stephen Kings Roman „Riding the Bullett“ wird gezeigt, wie die Mutprobe einer Achterbahnfahrt in einen semantischen Kontext eingeordnet wird. Dabei weist die Achterbahnfahrt nicht nur... more


    Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von der Symbolkraft der Achterbahn in Stephen Kings Roman „Riding the Bullett“ wird gezeigt, wie die Mutprobe einer Achterbahnfahrt in einen semantischen Kontext eingeordnet wird. Dabei weist die Achterbahnfahrt nicht nur die Merkmale eines Rituals auf, sondern wird als solches in einem neuen Sinnkontext verortet, der der Vorstellungskraft des Imageneers entstammt. So entstehen in den Vergnügungsparks nach dem attestierten Ende der alten Metaerzählungen neue Sinnordnungssysteme, die zugleich elementare anthropologische Grundbedürfnisse befriedigen


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: Achterbahn; Thrill; Freizeitpark; Disney; Other


  6. How to speak?
    Author: Lemke, Anja
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  7. “Mozeying on down ...”
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  8. Bookreview: American commodities in an age of empire. By Mona Domosh. New York: Routledge 2006. ISBN 0415945720
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
  9. “The Poet's Voice” : Dialogicity and Cultural Regeneration in Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  10. Fabricating the absolute fake: America in contemporary pop culture
    Published: 2008

    Abstract: The pageantry of Oprah Winfrey's talk show, the Coca-Cola empire, Michael Jackson's turn from the King of Pop into an iconic global recluse: American pop culture - Hollywood cinema, television, pop music - dominates the rest of the world... more


    Abstract: The pageantry of Oprah Winfrey's talk show, the Coca-Cola empire, Michael Jackson's turn from the King of Pop into an iconic global recluse: American pop culture - Hollywood cinema, television, pop music - dominates the rest of the world through its hegemonic presence. Does that make everyone a hybridized American, or do these elements find mediation within the other cultures that consume them? Fabricating the Absolute Fake applies concepts of postmodern theory - Baudrillard's hyperreality and Eco's "absolute fake," among others - to this globally mediated American pop culture in order to examine both the phenomenon itself and its appropriation in the Netherlands, as evidenced by such diverse cultural icons as the Elvis-inspired crooner Lee Towers, the Moroccan-Dutch rapper Ali B, musical tributes to an assassinated politician, and the Dutch reality soap opera scene. A fascinating exploration of how global cultures struggle to create their own "America" within a post-9/11 media cul


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Subjects: Nordamerika; USA; Popkultur; Gegenwart; Kunst; Medienkultur; Amerikanisierung; kulturelles Verhalten; Identität; Niederlande
  11. Rose Ausländers amerikanische Sprachwende
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810


  12. Writing against the odds : the south’s cultural and literary struggle against progress and modernity
    Published: 2008

    Die Literatur und Kultur der Südstaaten ist entscheidend geprägt von ihrer Orientierung an der eigenen Geschichte und Vergangenheit. Die düstere Vergangenheit, die die Gegenwart überschatten und die Zukunft determiniert ist ein Südstaatenthema par... more


    Die Literatur und Kultur der Südstaaten ist entscheidend geprägt von ihrer Orientierung an der eigenen Geschichte und Vergangenheit. Die düstere Vergangenheit, die die Gegenwart überschatten und die Zukunft determiniert ist ein Südstaatenthema par exellence und allgegenwärtig in ihrer Kultur und Literatur. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg und der Reconstruction Era ist der Süden kulturell und ökonomisch ausgeblutet, am Boden und isoliert. Nach dem Krieg weitet sich die Kluft zwischen Nord- und Südstaaten immer weiter aus, ein Prozess, der jedoch schon so alt ist wie die Vereinigten Staaten selbst und bereits im beginnenden 18. Jahrhundert seinen Anfang nimmt. Die Isolation ist gleichzeitig gewollt und ungewollt, bewusst und unbewusst. Die Scham des verlorenen Krieges und die Marginalisierung sind die Katalysatoren für die Kultivierung und das Bestreben nach Erhalt der Besonderheiten der Südstaaten, mit ihrer vermeintlich überlegenen Kultur und Moral. Es beginnt die kommerzialisierte, hoch ideologisierte Konstruktion der Geschichte und Identität der Südstaaten, die in alle Lebensbereiche strahlt. Der melancholische Blick in die Vergangenheit als wichtigste Referenz und kulturellen Fluchtpunkt ersetzt den Eintritt in die Moderne und Modernität mit ihrer Schnelllebigkeit, Austauschbarkeit und die Aufgabe der Tradition für eine rasante Gegenwart. Das Individuum der Südstaaten sieht sich statt mit einer Flut an Wahlmöglichkeiten und Optionen, mit einer einengenden Gesellschaft konfrontiert, die wenig Spielraum für Abweichungen übriglässt und ein harsches Kontrollsystem hat. Es ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Stolz, Scham und einem Gefühl der gleichzeitigen Unter- und Überlegenheit, die einen besonders guten literarischen Nährboden hervorbringt. In dieser Arbeit wird den historischen, kulturellen, und literarischen Wurzeln der Südstaatenliteratur seit der Southern Renaissance nachgegegangen, um dann die ständig perpetuierten formalen und inhaltlichen Strukturen darzustellen, die wenig Veränderungen erfahren haben. Diese ...


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 810
    Rights: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  13. English and American studies in German
    summaries of theses and monographs
    Published: 1969-2019; -2008; früher
    Publisher:  <<de>> Gruyter, Berlin ; Niemeyer, Boston, Mass.

  14. The Things of Civilization, the Matters of Empire: Representing Jemmy Button
    Author: Mayer, Ruth
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; history; literarystudies

    L::CC BY-NC 4.0 ;

  15. Two John Smiths and a Tent
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

    L::CC BY 3.0 ;

  16. “An Older Light Than Ours”: Faulkner’s Reflections on Race and Racism in Light in August
    Author: Cyba, Frank
    Published: 2008

    This article examines William Faulkner’s reflections on race and racism in Light in August, by focusing on the crucial role that consciousness and psychology play in the novel for the construction of characters and their view of reality and of... more


    This article examines William Faulkner’s reflections on race and racism in Light in August, by focusing on the crucial role that consciousness and psychology play in the novel for the construction of characters and their view of reality and of themselves. Light in August does not reproduce the South’s pervading racism as experienced by Faulkner, but undertakes a close dissection of a collective racialized imaginary. In order to support this argument, the analysis focuses on three different aspects: First, the narrative strategy of alternating subjective perspectives that explores the consensus-building dynamics, which condition perception and cognition as much as they generate prejudice and racism. Second, the community’s conception of race as an existential condition of insurmountable ontological difference appears to be intimately wedded to common concepts of gender. This conception is radicalized through a Protestant spirit of guilt and punishment as existential imperatives. Finally, the article analyzes Joe Christmas as a psychotic character by examining the process of his narrative construction and analyzing the extent to which his dubious racial identity and existential dilemma are presented as the result of racist discourse and not of “incompatibilities of blood.”


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

    L::CC BY 3.0 ;

  17. Hybridity as a “Narrative of Liberation” in Trevor D. Rhone’s Old Story Time
    Published: 2008

    “The problem is important. I propose nothing short of the liberation of the man of color from himself” (8), writes Frantz Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks. Patrick Taylor has been identifying what he calls the “narrative of liberation” throughout... more


    “The problem is important. I propose nothing short of the liberation of the man of color from himself” (8), writes Frantz Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks. Patrick Taylor has been identifying what he calls the “narrative of liberation” throughout Fanon’s critical work, and his analysis of this can be linked with phenomena of hybridity. In Trevor D. Rhone’s play Old Story Time, hybridity is presented as such a liberating narrative. Hybridity is included in the play on several levels, beginning with the setting. The vernacular used by many of the play’s characters also reveals its hybrid character. Furthermore, on the formal level Trevor Rhone has created a drama that resists categorization into the Western form of epic drama by emphasizing the role of the Caribbean storytelling tradition. On the level of characters, Miss Aggy overcomes her self-destructive internalized racism in the final scene when she accepts the hybrid nature of her identity. In this sense, Old Story Time incorporates what Taylor terms an “imperative of liberation” (188). Read as an allegory to the society of the West Indies, the play calls for the acceptance of its hybrid nature as a means of overcoming the colonial legacy.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

    L::CC BY 3.0 ;

  18. Don DeLillo and Society’s Reorientation to Time and Space: An Interpretation of Cosmopolis
    Published: 2008

    This essay reads Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis as a novelization of social theories of time and space as expressed across various academic disciplines. Changing conceptions of time and space point to an underlying change in the social structure. I thus... more


    This essay reads Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis as a novelization of social theories of time and space as expressed across various academic disciplines. Changing conceptions of time and space point to an underlying change in the social structure. I thus view DeLillo’s novel as social theory. Economist Jeremy Rifkin recently wrote, “[t]he great turning points in human history are often triggered by changing conceptions of space and time. Sometimes, the adoption of a single technology can be transformative in nature, changing the very way our minds filter the world” (89). Eric Packer lives in a world with a multitude of adopted new technologies. His reflections on language embody this mental filtering. Cyber-capital, and digitization in general, represent these new technologies. Packer’s desire to “live on a disc” (105), epitomizes the novel’s portrayal of changing conceptions of time and space. This paper thus explores expressions of the inadequacy of contemporary language under these “turning points in human history.” It demonstrates how statements on language reflect society’s mental filtering or changing orientation to time and space. Cosmopolis could be viewed as a redescription project.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

    L::CC BY 3.0 ;

  19. Seeing Through the Bell Jar: Distorted Female Identity in Cold War America
    Author: Smith, Rosi
    Published: 2008

    Through the character of Esther in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, this essay investigates the struggle of middle-class white women coming of age in 1950s America to achieve personalized identities. It argues that the Cold War era led to the creation of... more


    Through the character of Esther in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, this essay investigates the struggle of middle-class white women coming of age in 1950s America to achieve personalized identities. It argues that the Cold War era led to the creation of an ideology of cultural containment, enforcing prescriptive roles on women within an American suburban, conservative, and conformist setting. Investigated here are methods by which this model of domesticity was promoted. Also, examined here is the fracturing of identity those methods caused in women, who were unable to fully assimilate themselves into this role. Butler’s theory of performativity is employed to assess strategies of female identity formation. Furthermore, it indicates how functionalist approaches arising from popular Freudianism defined gender roles as principally biologically determined and saw differing models of sexuality and female dissatisfaction as illnesses treatable by psychology. In this context, Esther’s search for a self with whom she can identify becomes the novel’s principal quest and is, by drawing on the concept of hyper-realism, explored through the processes of observation, reflection, and image reproduction.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 305; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; genderstudies; literarystudies

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  20. Signs of Violence: Terrorism, (Post-)Modernism, and the Nostalgia for Disaster
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Universitätsverlag Winter more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (edited volume)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

    L::CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 ;

  21. The Reflection of Race and Law in African American Literature
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Center for United States Studies more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; englishlanguageteaching; law; literarystudies

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  22. Introduction
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Center for United States Studies more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies; culturalstudies

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  23. Arab-American Literature: Origins and Developments
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Center for United States Studies more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies

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  24. Arab Americans in Literature and the Media
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Center for United States Studies more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; literarystudies; mediastudies

    L::CC BY-SA 3.0 ;

  25. Amazing Acrobatics of Language: The Theatre of Yussef El Guindi
    Published: 2008
    Publisher:  Center for United States Studies more

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Article (journal)
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 792; 810; 941; 993
    Subjects: americanstudies; theatrestudies

    L ; L::CC BY-SA 3.0 ;