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  1. Die Dramaturgie des Sterbens
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Abstract ; Die Promotionsarbeit untersucht ca. 600 Stücke aus der Zeit von den ersten Vorläufern des Sturm und Drang bis zur Märzrevolution auf die Darstellung und die dramaturgische Funktion des Todes. Nachdem sie zunächst klärt, auf welche Weise... more


    Abstract ; Die Promotionsarbeit untersucht ca. 600 Stücke aus der Zeit von den ersten Vorläufern des Sturm und Drang bis zur Märzrevolution auf die Darstellung und die dramaturgische Funktion des Todes. Nachdem sie zunächst klärt, auf welche Weise der Tod dem Publikum bzw. dem Leser vermittelt wird, folgt eine Untersuchung im Hinblick auf vier verschiedene Aspekte: Struktur, Sprechakte, Szenenbilder und Figuren. Dabei werden unter anderem der Einfluss der Position des Todes im Stück auf dessen Darstellung geklärt, die typischen Merkmale des Sterbemonologs erläutert, das Arrangieren von Leichen im Szenenbild beschrieben und das Verhältnis des Todes von Haupt- und Nebenfiguren untersucht. In einem abschließenden Teil werden die einzelnen Ergebnisse zu einer Dramaturgie des Sterbens verknüpft und deren Leitlinien herausgearbeitet. ; Abstract ; The dissertation examines about 600 plays from the time of the first precursors of the Sturm und Drang up to the March Revolution on the depiction and dramaturgical function of death. After first clarifying the way in which death is conveyed to the public or the reader, an investigation follows with regard to four different aspects: structure, speech acts, scene images and characters. Among other things, it clarifies the influence of the position of death in the play on its representation, explains the typical features of the death monologue, describes the arrangement of corpses in the scene and examines the relationship between the death of main and minor characters. In a concluding part, the individual results are linked to a dramaturgy of dying and its guidelines are explained.


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: Undetermined
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: quantitative Literaturwissenschaft; Sterbemonolog; Todesdarstellung; Sterbeszene; Bühnentod; Theaterblut; Gewaltdarstellung; death monologue; depiction of death; distant reading; violence; on stage death

    (CC BY 3.0 DE) Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland ;

  2. Stratégies narratives et violence dans le roman post-colonial africain : le cas de la technique du fragmentaire dans Le Pleurer-rire d’Henri Lopès
    Published: 2018

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: French
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 840
    Subjects: postcolonial novel; narration; technique of fragmentary; dictatorship; violence


  3. Verbrechen - Fiktion - Vermarktung : Gewalt in den zeitgenössischen slavischen Literaturen
  4. Distanz, Nähe, Gewalt
    Published: 2008

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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: German
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 860
    Subjects: Gewalt; zentralamerikanische Literatur; Zusammenleben; violence; centralamerican fiction


  5. Die Dramaturgie des Sterbens
  6. Ricoeur and the Girls
    Published: 2005

    Abstract: Schoolgirls writing short stories have surrendered themselves to some rules of a game, which, according to Ricoeur and Gadamer, delimits a field where everything ’is played’, and thereby, ’shatters the seriousness’ of ’the self-presence of... more


    Abstract: Schoolgirls writing short stories have surrendered themselves to some rules of a game, which, according to Ricoeur and Gadamer, delimits a field where everything ’is played’, and thereby, ’shatters the seriousness’ of ’the self-presence of a subject’. This article proposes that this field has a serious side of its own that reveals something true about the everyday reality of being a girl. The proposed worlds in the girls’ short stories are places from which research on women’s lives should begin is a central argument, along with the contention that for the researcher to be able to take the seriousness of this playful writing into account, she also has to assume the position of a playful figure. The article suggests that the empirical data of schoolgirl writing invited the researcher to think Ricoeur and feminist epistemology together. Further, a suggestion is that the roles of reading given by the texts have consequences for a ’new’ process-oriented writing pedagogy and the teacher


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    Source: BASE Selection for Comparative Literature
    Language: English
    Media type: Undefined
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 820
    Subjects: feminist epistemology; hermeneutics; incest; play; schoolgirl writing; short story; violence; writing pedagogy;
  7. Old Futures
    Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility
    Published: [2018]; © 2018
    Publisher:  New York University Press, New York, NY

    Finalist, 2019 Locus Award for Nonfiction, presented by the Locus Science Fiction FoundationTraverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving speculative visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film,... more


    Finalist, 2019 Locus Award for Nonfiction, presented by the Locus Science Fiction FoundationTraverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving speculative visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film, and digital mediaOld Futures explores the social, political, and cultural forces feminists, queer people, and people of color invoke when they dream up alternative futures as a way to imagine transforming the present. Lothian shows how queer possibilities emerge when we practice the art of speculation: of imagining things otherwise than they are and creating stories from that impulse. Queer theory offers creative ways to think about time, breaking with straight and narrow paths toward the future laid out for the reproductive family, the law-abiding citizen, and the believer in markets. Yet so far it has rarely considered the possibility that, instead of a queer present reshaping the ways we relate to past and future, the futures imagined in the past can lead us to queer the present. Narratives of possible futures provide frameworks through which we understand our present, but the discourse of "the" future has never been a singular one. Imagined futures have often been central to the creation and maintenance of imperial domination and technological modernity; Old Futures offers a counterhistory of works that have sought-with varying degrees of success-to speculate otherwise. Examining speculative texts from the 1890s to the 2010s, from Samuel R. Delany to Sense8, Lothian considers the ways in which early feminist utopias and dystopias, Afrofuturist fiction, and queer science fiction media have insisted that the future can and must deviate from dominant narratives of global annihilation or highly restrictive hopes for redemption.Each chapter chronicles some of the means by which the production and destruction of futures both real and imagined takes place: through eugenics, utopia, empire, fascism, dystopia, race, capitalism, femininity, masculinity, and many kinds of queerness, reproduction, and sex. Gathering stories of and by populations who have been marked as futureless or left out by dominant imaginaries, Lothian offers new insights into what we can learn from efforts to imaginatively redistribute the future


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  8. Geschichten der Zer/Verstörung : zur Fiktionalisierung der traumatischen Gewalterfahrung der Post-Duvalier-Ära im zeitgenössischen haitianischen Roman am Beispiel von Lyonel Trouillot und Yanick Lahens ; Narrating Violence and Trauma : the Fictionalization of the Post-Duvalier-Era in Contemporary Haitian Novels by Lyonel Trouillot and Yanick Lahens
    Author: Borst, Julia
    Published: 2014
    Publisher:  Universität Hamburg ; Sprach-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften. Sprach-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften

    Die Studie setzt sich mit der Fiktionalisierung der Gewalterfahrung der haitianischen Gesellschaft nach dem Sturz der Duvalier-Diktatur im Jahr 1986 auseinander. Nach fast drei Jahrzehnten diktatorialer Repression waren die Hoffnungen in Haiti auf... more


    Die Studie setzt sich mit der Fiktionalisierung der Gewalterfahrung der haitianischen Gesellschaft nach dem Sturz der Duvalier-Diktatur im Jahr 1986 auseinander. Nach fast drei Jahrzehnten diktatorialer Repression waren die Hoffnungen in Haiti auf ein Ende der Gewalt nach 1986 zunächst groß. Doch auch in der Post-Duvalier-Ära hielten die politisch-gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen an und es kam zu einer zunehmenden Veralltäglichung der Gewalt. Trotz einer beachtlichen Zahl an Romanen zur Thematik wurde der haitianischen Literatur als Ort der kulturellen Verhandlung dieser Erfahrung bislang kaum Aufmerksamkeit zuteil. Die Studie schließt diese Lücke und erörtert vor der Folie einer kritischen Bestandsaufnahme der Diskurse über Gewalt in Haiti, wie diese verstörende Gewalterfahrung im zeitgenössischen haitianischen Roman in französischer Sprache aufgegriffen und narrativ inszeniert wird. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf den beiden Romanen "Rue des pas-perdus" (1996) von Lyonel Trouillot und "La couleur de l’aube" (2008) von Yanick Lahens. Es wird die erinnerungsstiftende Funktion von Literatur herausgearbeitet, die die ausufernde Gewalt im symbolischen Raum der Fiktion über ein Narrativ des Traumas erfahrbar macht und sie so im kollektiven Gedächtnis bereithält. Zudem zeigt die Untersuchung auf, wie über die Literatur zum einen gesellschaftliche Aufarbeitungsprozesse angeregt und zum anderen aus der Perspektive einer marginalisierten Kultur einseitige Stigmatisierungen subversiv aufgebrochen werden können. ; Cette étude porte sur la fictionnalisation de l’expérience de la violence dans la société haïtienne après la chute de la dictature des Duvalier en 1986. Malgré un nombre important de romans qui traitent du sujet de la prolifération de la violence dans la vie quotidienne des Haïtiens durant l’ère post-Duvalier, la littérature en tant qu’espace culturel abordant ce sujet n’a pas encore été suffisamment étudiée. Tout en dressant un bilan critique des discours sur la violence en Haïti qui existent dans l’opinion publique, cette thèse de doctorat comble cette lacune et répond à la question de savoir comment des romans haïtiens contemporains traitent de cette expérience traumatique de la violence et la mettent en scène dans leurs discours narratifs. L’étude, qui met l’accent sur les deux romans "Rue des pas-perdus" (1996) de Lyonel Trouillot et "La couleur de l’aube" (2008) de Yanick Lahens, souligne que les textes permettent un travail de mémoire sur ce trop-plein de violence à travers un discours narratif qui souligne la dimension traumatique de cette expérience et inspire une réflexion critique collective. This study focuses on how the violence experienced by Haitian society after the overthrow of the Duvalier dictatorship in 1986 has been fictionalized in Haitian literature. Although numerous novels exist that grapple with the issue of the proliferation of violence in everyday life of Haitians in the post-Duvalier-era, literature discussing this traumatic experience has not yet been adequately studied. To close this gap, this thesis examines how contemporary Haitian novels narrate violence and which particular esthetics the texts use to discursively and symbolically display this disturbing experience. By analyzing the novels "Rue des pas-perdus" (1996) by Lyonel Trouillot et "La couleur de l’aube" (2008) by Yanick Lahens, this study shows that fiction allows for articulating excessive violence and dealing with this traumatic experience on a symbolic and cultural level. The novels are read as encouraging Haitian society to engage in a collective process of working through this trauma from the perspective of a globally marginalized culture.


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  9. A hermeneutics of violence
    a four-dimensional conception
    Published: [2019]; © 2019
    Publisher:  University of Toronto Press, Toronto ; Buffalo ; London

    Attention to the elusiveness of violence opens up a rich landscape of analysis, whereby social scientists can examine the often-overlooked transformative dimensions of violent acts. Theories of violence are numerous today, but because of the... more

    Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Attention to the elusiveness of violence opens up a rich landscape of analysis, whereby social scientists can examine the often-overlooked transformative dimensions of violent acts. Theories of violence are numerous today, but because of the mysterious nature of violence, and how each individual or group may endure it uniquely, its study cannot be limited to one specialized and highly restricted field. A Hermeneutics of Violence seeks to remedy this problem by placing in dialogue various theories of violence from the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, international relations, and philosophy. This study uses a four-dimensional lens to examine the many facets of violence, including its instrumental, linguistic, mimetic, and transcendental dimensions. Far from irreconcilable, these positions, when placed within a four-dimensional outlook, open up new avenues for the study of particular cases of violence. Exploring the complex interactions, for instance, of "enemy-siblings," Mark M. Ayyash reveals "postures of incommensurability" that continuously produce conflictual positions across a spectrum of time and space and demand the release of violence. The book concludes that these postures must be understood and deconstructed before we can have a legitimate chance to achieve peace and justice, the conceptions of which must come with the intent of not necessarily opposing violence but rather replacing our conceptions of what the violences have come to constitute as "real."


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    Volltext (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9781487532857
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Hans-Georg Gadamer; Jacques Derrida; Palestinian-Israeli conflict; enemy; hermeneutics; political theory; self-other; social theory; violence; war; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General; Violence; Hermeneutik; Gewalt; Politische Philosophie
    Scope: 1 Online-Ressource (viii, 279 Seiten)
  10. Xenophon on Violence
    Contributor: Kapellos, Aggelos (Publisher)
    Published: [2019]; © 2019
    Publisher:  De Gruyter, Berlin ; Boston

    This volume examines the issue of violence in Xenophon's works, who lived in circumstances of war for many years. All the papers address issues of violence from different aspects. The exclusive focus on this issue is justified, since no previous... more

    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    This volume examines the issue of violence in Xenophon's works, who lived in circumstances of war for many years. All the papers address issues of violence from different aspects. The exclusive focus on this issue is justified, since no previous detailed study exists on the subject. Most of the chapters focus on the Hellenica, because this work records more aspects of violence than the rest of his works. The volume is more concerned with examining violence in practice rather than the theory of violence, and violent practices are more frequently recorded in the Hellenica, which is the main historical work of Xenophon.This volume attempts to provide a comprehensive study of the subject of violence in Xenophon's works and to demonstrate the coherence and consistency of his thought on it. This work aspires to be a contribution to classical scholarship since it attempts to: (1) shed further light on the literary character of Xenophon's oeuvre; (2) offer new interpretation of passages and themes; and (3) put emphasis on passages that scholars have not pointed out and which offer important insights to the thought of Xenophon


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    Volltext (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Contributor: Kapellos, Aggelos (Publisher)
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783110671469
    Other identifier:
    Series: Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes ; 88
    Subjects: Gewalt; Greek world; Griechische Literatur; Xenophon; violence; LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical; Gewalt <Motiv>
    Other subjects: Xenophon (v430-v354)
    Scope: 1 online resource (VI, 204 pages)

    Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 26. Nov 2019)

  11. Memory and Complicity
    Migrations of Holocaust Remembrance
    Published: [2015]; © 2015
    Publisher:  Fordham University Press, New York, NY

    Since World War II, French and Francophone literature and film have repeatedly sought not to singularize the Holocaust as the paradigm of historical trauma but rather to connect its memory with other memories of violence, namely that of colonialism.... more

    Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Since World War II, French and Francophone literature and film have repeatedly sought not to singularize the Holocaust as the paradigm of historical trauma but rather to connect its memory with other memories of violence, namely that of colonialism. These works produced what Debarati Sanyal calls a "memory-in-complicity" attuned to the gray zones that implicate different regimes of violence across history as well as those of different subject positions such as victim, perpetrator, witness, and reader/spectator. Examining a range of works from Albert Camus, Primo Levi, Alain Resnais, and Jean-Paul Sartre to Jonathan Littell, Assia Djebar, Giorgio Agamben, and Boualem Sansal, Memory and Complicity develops an inquiry into the political force and ethical dangers of such implications, contrasting them with contemporary models for thinking about trauma and violence and offering an extended meditation on the role of aesthetic form, especially allegory, within acts of transhistorical remembrance. What are the political benefits and ethical risks of invoking the memory of one history in order to address another? What is the role of complicity in making these connections? How does complicity, rather than affect based discourses of trauma, shame and melancholy, open a critical engagement with the violence of history? What is it about literature and film that have made them such powerful vehicles for this kind of connective memory work?As it offers new readings of some of the most celebrated and controversial novelists, filmmakers, and playwrights from the French-speaking world, Memory and Complicity addresses these questions in order to reframe the way we think about historical memory and its political uses today


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    Volltext (URL des Erstveröffentlichers)
    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780823265503
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Algeria; Allegory; Memory; complicity; ethics; france; transculturual; transnational; trauma; violence; witness; LITERARY CRITICISM / Comparative Literature; Art; Collective memory; Collective memory; Colonization; Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945); Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in literature; Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in motion pictures; Violence
    Scope: 1 online resource (352 pages)

    Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 23. Jul 2020)

  12. Sacred violence
    Paul's hermeneutic of the cross
    Published: 1992
    Publisher:  Fortress Press, Minneapolis

    Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt / Zentrale
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    Institut für Theologie und Frieden, Bibliothek
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    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 0800625293
    Subjects: Violence; Christianity and other religions; Judaism; Love; Gewalt; Neues Testament; Sünde/Rechtfertigung; Liebe; Passion; Paulusbriefe; Erbsünde; Hermeneutik; Bibel; Literaturverzeichnis/Bibliographie; violence; New Testament; sin/justification; love; Letters of Paul; original sin; hermeneutics; Bible; bibliography
    Other subjects: Girard, René (1923-2015)
    Scope: ix, 230 p, 24 cm

    Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-216) and indexes


  13. Writing War in Britain and France, 1370–1854
    A History of Emotions
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  Routledge, Milton ; Taylor & Francis Group, London

    Hessisches BibliotheksInformationsSystem hebis
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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Lynch, Andrew; O'Loughlin, Katrina
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780429821127; 0429821123; 9780429821110; 0429821115; 9780429821103; 0429821107; 9780429446245; 0429446241
    Other identifier:
    Series: Themes in Medieval and Early Modern History Ser
    Subjects: HISTORY / Europe / France; HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain; Anger; Armagnac-Burgundian Feud; Battle of Newburn; Confessions; Emotion; Literature; Monuments; Performance; Pity; peace; Rhetoric; Theatre; violence; War; Waterloo
    Scope: 1 Online-Ressource (259 p.)

    Description based upon print version of record

    13 'A possession for eternity': Thomas De Quincey's feeling for warIndex

  14. Gewalt und Gegengewalt in den Flugschriften der Reformation
    Author: Lucke, Peter
    Published: 1974
    Publisher:  Kümmerle, Göppingen

    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Language: German
    Media type: Dissertation
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 3874522695
    RVK Categories: GG 4715 ; NN 1770
    Series: Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik ; 149
    Subjects: Gewalt; Theologie; Reformation; Literaturverzeichnis/Bibliographie; violence; theology; bibliography
    Other subjects: Array; Array; Array; Array; Array; Array
    Scope: 211 S., 21 cm

    Literaturverz. S. 197 - 211

    Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 1974

  15. Das Heilige und die Gewalt
    Published: 1987
    Publisher:  Benziger, Zürich

    Literaturverz. S. 477 - [484] more

    Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, Bibliothek
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    Literaturverz. S. 477 - [484]


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  16. Überzeichnete Spektakel
    Inszenierungen von Gewalt im Comic
    Published: 2018
    Publisher:  Nomos, Baden-Baden

    Comic und Gewalt teilen eine lange Geschichte. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg hatte der Comic ein Image als gewaltaffines Medium. Diese konstruierte Nähe zur Gewalt hat sein Selbstverständnis nachhaltig geprägt. Die Studie geht davon aus, dass Inszenierungen... more

    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Universität Potsdam, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Comic und Gewalt teilen eine lange Geschichte. Über Jahrzehnte hinweg hatte der Comic ein Image als gewaltaffines Medium. Diese konstruierte Nähe zur Gewalt hat sein Selbstverständnis nachhaltig geprägt. Die Studie geht davon aus, dass Inszenierungen von Gewalt im Comic zu untersuchen heißt, dass man dessen formale Aspekte nicht ignorieren kann und legt exemplarische Fallstudien vor. Dabei gilt: Die Form bestimmt den Inhalt. Gewaltdarstellungen im Comic lassen sich nicht verstehen ohne Berücksichtigung der Formbedingungen ihrer Darstellung. Als Teil einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Bildlichkeit der Welt geht der Comic von einem visuellen Kern von Kultur aus und setzt dies konsequent um. Dazu nutzt er vor allem Techniken der Überzeichnung und des Spektakels – was früher als Zeichen seiner „Primitivität“ galt, stellt eine besondere Kompetenz des Comic dar.Dies ist die erste Monographie zum Thema.Mit Studien zu ‚Sin City‘, ‚Helden ohne Skrupel‘, ‚100 Bullets‘, ‚DMZ‘, Baru, Joe Sacco, Hermann Huppen und Winshluss. Comics and violence share a long history. For decades the comics medium was regarded as being closely related to violence. Such made up closeness had huge influence on the medium’s self-understanding. This study stems from the assumption that studying the production of violence in comics means that its formal aspects can’t be ignored. Therefore, it analyzes a number of case studies, considering that content is following form. The production of violence in comics cannot be understood without acknowledging its formal conditions for representation. Being part of a broader reflection on the visuality of the world, comics do refer to a visual core of culture. For its production the medium of comics is mostly making use of techniques of exaggeration and spectacle. What has been regarded as proof for its ‘primitiveness’ has now become a particular competence of comics.This is the first monography on this subject.Containing analyses of ‚Sin City‘, ‚Les immomables‘, ‚100 Bullets‘, ‚DMZ‘, Baru, Joe Sacco, Hermann Huppen, and Winshluss.


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    Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783845262468
    Other identifier:
    RVK Categories: EC 7120
    Edition: 1. Auflage
    Subjects: Medien; Kommunikation; Ästhetik; Kultur; Jugend; Gewalt; Kindermedien; Gewaltdarstellung; Gewaltdiskurs; Comic; Spektakel; media; violence; Comics; comic
    Scope: 1 Online-Ressource (337 Seiten), Illustrationen
  17. Dekonstruktion als Gerechtigkeit
    Jacques Derridas Staatsverständnis und politische Philosophie
    Published: 2019
    Publisher:  Nomos, Baden-Baden

    Nicht auf Konsens, auf Gewalt beruhen Staat und Recht. Derridas Staatsverständnis orientiert sich an der Emanzipation und am Pluralismus, nicht an der Identität. Dekonstruktion spürt dem Anderen wie dem Ereignis in die letzten Aporien nach. Erst im... more

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    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Universität Potsdam, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Nicht auf Konsens, auf Gewalt beruhen Staat und Recht. Derridas Staatsverständnis orientiert sich an der Emanzipation und am Pluralismus, nicht an der Identität. Dekonstruktion spürt dem Anderen wie dem Ereignis in die letzten Aporien nach. Erst im Kommen sind Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit daher, um die sich Derridas Werk dreht.


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    Volltext (lizenzpflichtig)
    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Language: German
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9783748900085
    Other identifier:
    RVK Categories: MC 6500 ; CI 5603
    Edition: 1. Auflage
    Series: Staatsverständnisse ; Band 126
    Subjects: Ethik; Staat; Gerechtigkeit; Dekonstruktion; Jacques Derridas; Philosophie; Demokratie; Denken; Gewalt; Idee; politische Philosophie; Staatsverständnis; philosophy; democracy; state; law; political philosophy; violence; conception of statehood; justice; thinking; Recht; idea; Jacques Derrida; deconstruction; Jacques Derrida
    Scope: 1 Online-Ressource (282 Seiten)
  18. Gewalt im Mittelalter
    Realitäten - Imaginationen
    Contributor: Braun, Manuel (HerausgeberIn); Herberichs, Cornelia (HerausgeberIn)
    Published: [2005]; © 2005
    Publisher:  Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München

    Schwertkampf, Blutrache, Folter - es sind Bilder voller Grausamkeit und Drastik, die dem >dunklen< Mittelalter anhaften. Doch wie verhalten sie sich zur realen Gewaltpraxis der Epoche? Welchen Status besass physische Gewalt für die verschiedenen... more

    Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Akademiebibliothek
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    Schwertkampf, Blutrache, Folter - es sind Bilder voller Grausamkeit und Drastik, die dem >dunklen< Mittelalter anhaften. Doch wie verhalten sie sich zur realen Gewaltpraxis der Epoche? Welchen Status besass physische Gewalt für die verschiedenen Gruppen der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft? Und wie imaginierte das Mittelalter selbst seine Gewalt? Eine Geschichte der Gewalt des Mittelalters lässt sich nicht einfach den Text- und Bilddokumenten entnehmen, denn diese folgen bestimmten Darstellungskonventionen. Ein adäquates Verständnis mittelalterlicher Gewaltpraxis setzt die Kenntnis jener Vorstellungen und Phantasmen voraus, die ihre Akteure - Fehdeherren, Kreuzfahrer, Geissler - zu Akten der Gewalt gegen sich und andere angetrieben haben. Im interdisziplinären Zusammenwirken von Archäologie, Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Ethnologie entfaltet das Buch eine neue Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Gewalt


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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Braun, Manuel (HerausgeberIn); Herberichs, Cornelia (HerausgeberIn)
    Language: German
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 3770538811
    RVK Categories: NM 5860 ; GE 7001 ; NT 3010 ; NW 1500 ; NW 7000 ; NM 1500
    Subjects: Violence; Civilization, Medieval; Violence in literature; Gewalt; Mittelalter; violence; Middle Ages
    Scope: 436 Seiten, Illustrationen, 24 cm

    Literaturverzeichnis: Seite [425]-436

    Die meisten der Beitr. dieses Bd. wurden auf einem Arbeitsgespräch (Zürich, 27. - 29. März 2003) diskutiert

  19. Menschenrechte, Kulturen und Gewalt
    Ansätze einer interkulturellen Ethik
    Contributor: Kühnhardt, Ludger (Hrsg.)
    Published: 2005
    Publisher:  Nomos-Verl.-Ges., Baden-Baden

    Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Bibliothek
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    Informationszentrum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.
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    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Contributor: Kühnhardt, Ludger (Hrsg.)
    Language: German; English; French
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 3832910387
    Other identifier:
    RVK Categories: MD 4700
    Edition: 1. Aufl.
    Series: Schriften des Zentrums für Europäische Integrationsforschung ; 64
    Subjects: Intercultural communication; Human rights; Violence; Menschenrechte; Kulturdifferenzen/Zivilisationsdifferenzen; Ethik/Sittenlehre; Gewalt; human rights; civilizational conflict/cultural diversity; ethics; violence; Aufsatzsammlung
    Scope: 474 S., 23 cm

    Beitr. teilw. engl., teilw. dt

    Banchoff, T.: Value conflict and world politics : the case of unilateralism. - S. 13-24 Ogino, H.: Augustine on the Christian justification of violence. - S. 27-44 Roetz, H.: The intercultural debate on human rights and the case of China. - S. 47-58 Kamp-por Yu: Human rights and cultures. - S. 65-76 Göller, T.: Internationales Völker- und Menschenrecht vor den Herausforderungen postmoderner Formen der Gewalt. - S. 83-105 Mishima, K.: Menschenrechte als Traditionsbruch und Abschied von der Gewalt. - S. 115-129 Döring, O.: To bend, or to mend human nature? : a cross-cultural and hermeneutic meditation about violence and ethics. - S. 137-155 Jing-bao Nie: State violence in twentieth-century China : some shared features of Japanese's army's atrocities and the Cultural Revolution's terror. - S. 161-176 Simonis, W.: Über das Böse in der abendländischen Philosophie. - S. 185-195 Takayama, M.: Der Begriff des Bösen in Japan. - S. 201-213 Herf, J.: Terrorism and Europe's long twentieth century. - S. 221-232

  20. The changes of Cain
    violence and the lost brother in Cain and Abel literature
    Published: 1991
    Publisher:  Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J [u.a.]

    Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Bibliothek
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    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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    Source: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
    Language: English
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 0691068836; 0691015023
    Subjects: Violence in literature; Human sacrifice in literature; Brothers in literature; Gewalt; Altes Testament; Genesis; Literatur; violence; Old Testament; literature
    Other subjects: Cain (Biblical figure); Abel (Biblical figure)
    Scope: VIII, 284 S., 25 cm

    Includes bibliographical references (p. [249]-277) and index

  21. Die Reden des Osama bin Laden
    Published: 2006
    Publisher:  Diederichs, Kreuzlingen

    Verbund der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken Berlins - VÖBB
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    Universität Potsdam, Universitätsbibliothek
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    Source: Union catalogues
    Contributor: Abou Taam, Marwan (Hrsg.)
    Language: German
    Media type: Book
    Format: Print
    ISBN: 3720527735; 9783720527736
    Other identifier:
    RVK Categories: MC 9120 ; MH 16040 ; BE 8680
    Subjects: Bin Laden, Osama; Dokumentensammlung; Quellensammlung; Terrorismus; Internationaler Terrorismus; Attentat; Islamischer Fundamentalismus; Religion; Islam; Gewalt; Heiliger Krieg; Terrorismus/Terrorismusbekämpfung; Dokumente; violence; terrorism/measures against terrorism; Holy War; documents
    Scope: 255 S., 220 mm x 140 mm

    Literaturverz. S. 241 - 246

  22. Violent conflict and the transformation of social capital
    lessons from Cambodia, Rwanda, Guatemala and Somalia
    Published: 2000
    Publisher:  World Bank, Washington, DC

    Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Bibliothek
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    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Haus Unter den Linden
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  23. Memory and Complicity
    Migrations of Holocaust Remembrance
    Published: [2015]; © 2015
    Publisher:  Fordham University Press, New York, NY

    Since World War II, French and Francophone literature and film have repeatedly sought not to singularize the Holocaust as the paradigm of historical trauma but rather to connect its memory with other memories of violence, namely that of colonialism.... more

    Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden / Hochschulbibliothek Amberg
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    Hochschule Landshut, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Bibliothek
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    Universitätsbibliothek Passau
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    Since World War II, French and Francophone literature and film have repeatedly sought not to singularize the Holocaust as the paradigm of historical trauma but rather to connect its memory with other memories of violence, namely that of colonialism. These works produced what Debarati Sanyal calls a "memory-in-complicity" attuned to the gray zones that implicate different regimes of violence across history as well as those of different subject positions such as victim, perpetrator, witness, and reader/spectator. Examining a range of works from Albert Camus, Primo Levi, Alain Resnais, and Jean-Paul Sartre to Jonathan Littell, Assia Djebar, Giorgio Agamben, and Boualem Sansal, Memory and Complicity develops an inquiry into the political force and ethical dangers of such implications, contrasting them with contemporary models for thinking about trauma and violence and offering an extended meditation on the role of aesthetic form, especially allegory, within acts of transhistorical remembrance. What are the political benefits and ethical risks of invoking the memory of one history in order to address another? What is the role of complicity in making these connections? How does complicity, rather than affect based discourses of trauma, shame and melancholy, open a critical engagement with the violence of history? What is it about literature and film that have made them such powerful vehicles for this kind of connective memory work?As it offers new readings of some of the most celebrated and controversial novelists, filmmakers, and playwrights from the French-speaking world, Memory and Complicity addresses these questions in order to reframe the way we think about historical memory and its political uses today


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    Source: Union catalogues
    Language: English
    Media type: Ebook
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 9780823265503
    Other identifier:
    Subjects: Algeria; Allegory; Memory; complicity; ethics; france; transculturual; transnational; trauma; violence; witness; LITERARY CRITICISM / Comparative Literature; Art; Collective memory; Collective memory; Colonization; Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945); Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in literature; Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in motion pictures; Violence
    Scope: 1 online resource (352 pages)

    Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 23. Jul 2020)

  24. Old Futures
    Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility
    Published: [2018]; © 2018
    Publisher:  New York University Press, New York, NY

    Finalist, 2019 Locus Award for Nonfiction, presented by the Locus Science Fiction FoundationTraverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving speculative visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film,... more


    Finalist, 2019 Locus Award for Nonfiction, presented by the Locus Science Fiction FoundationTraverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving speculative visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film, and digital mediaOld Futures explores the social, political, and cultural forces feminists, queer people, and people of color invoke when they dream up alternative futures as a way to imagine transforming the present. Lothian shows how queer possibilities emerge when we practice the art of speculation: of imagining things otherwise than they are and creating stories from that impulse. Queer theory offers creative ways to think about time, breaking with straight and narrow paths toward the future laid out for the reproductive family, the law-abiding citizen, and the believer in markets. Yet so far it has rarely considered the possibility that, instead of a queer present reshaping the ways we relate to past and future, the futures imagined in the past can lead us to queer the present. Narratives of possible futures provide frameworks through which we understand our present, but the discourse of "the" future has never been a singular one. Imagined futures have often been central to the creation and maintenance of imperial domination and technological modernity; Old Futures offers a counterhistory of works that have sought-with varying degrees of success-to speculate otherwise. Examining speculative texts from the 1890s to the 2010s, from Samuel R. Delany to Sense8, Lothian considers the ways in which early feminist utopias and dystopias, Afrofuturist fiction, and queer science fiction media have insisted that the future can and must deviate from dominant narratives of global annihilation or highly restrictive hopes for redemption.Each chapter chronicles some of the means by which the production and destruction of futures both real and imagined takes place: through eugenics, utopia, empire, fascism, dystopia, race, capitalism, femininity, masculinity, and many kinds of queerness, reproduction, and sex. Gathering stories of and by populations who have been marked as futureless or left out by dominant imaginaries, Lothian offers new insights into what we can learn from efforts to imaginatively redistribute the future


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  25. Vladimir Sorokin's discourses
    a companion
    Published: 2020; © 2020
    Publisher:  Academic Studies Press, Brookline, MA

    Vladimir Sorokin is the most prominent and the most controversial contemporary Russian writer. Having emerged as a prose writer in Moscow's artistic underground in the late 1970s and early 80s, he became visible to a broader Russian audience only in... more

    Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden / Hochschulbibliothek Amberg
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    Hochschule Landshut, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Bibliothek
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    Vladimir Sorokin is the most prominent and the most controversial contemporary Russian writer. Having emerged as a prose writer in Moscow's artistic underground in the late 1970s and early 80s, he became visible to a broader Russian audience only in the mid-1990s, with texts shocking the moralistic expectations of traditionally minded readers by violating not only Soviet ideological taboos, but also injecting vulgar language, sex, and violence into plots that the postmodernist Sorokin borrowed from nineteenth-century literature and Socialist Realism. Sorokin became famous when the Putin youth organization burned his books in 2002 and he picked up neo-nationalist and neo-imperialist discourses in his dystopian novels of the 2000s and 2010s, making him one of the fiercest critics of Russia's "new middle ages," while remaining steadfast in his dismantling of foreign discourses


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