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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 106.

  1. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.01.2023
    Juli Zeh: A Companion (De Gruyter) (15.01.2023)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Call for Contributions Juli Zeh: A Companion De Gruyter Edited by Necia Chronister, Sonja E. Klocke, and Lars Richter The editors are seeking contributions for a companion on Juli Zeh, to appear with De Gruyter. ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literature and law
    Created on: 25.11.2022
  2. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 16.11.2022
    Normativität in Recht und Literatur, SFB 1385, Münster (16.11. – 18.11.2022)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Tagung "Normativität in Recht und Literatur" Münster, SFB 1385 "Recht und Literatur" 16.-18. November 2022 Bibliothek des Germanistischen Instituts der WWU Münster (Schlossplatz 34) An der WWU Münster findet im Rahmen des...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature and law,  Literature and philosophy
    Created on: 14.11.2022
  3. Eva Marie Noller
    University or institution: Universität Basel
    Fields of research: Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Literature and law; Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.)

  4. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 31.03.2022
    Book Launch of Eva Mona Altmann's "Das Unsagbare Verschweigen"
    Submitted by: Juliane Prade-Weiss

    On 31 March, 2022 at 17.00 CET our PSN Book Launch Series will feature a discussion of Eva Mona Altmann's "Das Unsagbare Verschweigen: Holocaust-Literatur aus Täterperspektive" (Concealing the Unspeakable: Holocaust-Literature from the Perpetrators'...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology,  Literature and sociology and 1 more
    Created on: 21.03.2022
  5. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 15.02.2022
    Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (Postdoc) (w/m/d) im GK "Contradiction Studies – Konstellationen, Heuristiken und Konzepte des Widersprüchlichen" (Uni Bremen)

    Fachbereich 9 Kulturwissenschaft Entgelt- / Besoldungsgruppe E 13 - Vollzeit Kennziffer: A343/21 Bewerbungsfrist: 15.02.2022 Öffentliche Ausschreibung In dem von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Graduiertenkolleg...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and sociology and 3 more
    Created on: 17.01.2022
  6. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 31.03.2022
    Feminist Perspectives on Law and Literature (15.-16.9.2022)
    Submitted by: Laura M. Reiling

    As an interdisciplinary field law and literature has long established itself as a crucial nexus within academia, yet its potential for the critical analysis of intersectionality has been understudied so far. While both law and literature are...

    Fields of research Feminist studies,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literature and law
    Created on: 12.01.2022
  7. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 08.02.2022
    In dubio. Zweifel vor Gericht im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Münster, 8.-10.2.22)
    Submitted by: Laura M. Reiling

    Am Sonderforschungsbereich "Recht und Literatur" findet vom 08. bis 10. Februar 2022 eine hybride Tagung zu den Prozessgeschichten Gayots de Pitaval statt. Anders als bei Kriminal- oder Detektivgeschichten stehen in den Causes célèbres ...

    Fields of research Literature and law
    Created on: 24.01.2022
  8. Juliane Prade-Weiss
    University or institution: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine); Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary); Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; Poststructuralism; Reader-response criticism; Ecocriticism; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and law; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and theology/study of religions; Literature and philosophy; Elegy; Non-fictional literature; autobiography; Tragedy; Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.); Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  9. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.07.2021
    CFP: Germanistentag 2022 – Panel: «Deutungsspiele. Gesellschaft, Macht und Ästhetik bei Friedrich Schiller», Paderborn (15.07.2021)
    Submitted by: Agnes Hoffmann

    CFP für Vorträge im Rahmen eines Panels beim 27. Deutschen Germanistentag, Paderborn 25.–28.09.2022 (Themenbereich 4: Gesellschaftliche Zugänge) In der historischen Umbruchsphase um 1800 werden gesellschaftliche Ordnungsbegriffe...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature and law,  Literature and philosophy and 4 more
    Created on: 01.06.2021
  10. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 30.06.2021
    Lizensur fiktionaler Literatur. Modalitäten epistemischer, ethischer und ästhetischer Autorisierungsprozesse
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    SFB 1385 Recht und Literatur/WWU Münster Lizensur fiktionaler Literatur Modalitäten epistemischer, ethischer und ästhetischer Autorisierungsprozesse (30.06.-02.07.21) - English Version below - ...

    Fields of research Literature and law,  Literature and publishing/booktrade,  Literature and media studies
    Created on: 04.06.2021
  11. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 10.07.2021
    Myths, Archetypes and Symbols: Models and Alternatives (International Online Conference)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    25-26 September 2021 - London/Online organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies Humankind has always sought to explain its origins and the mysteries of life to map personal and collective boundaries, and to secure...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Literary theory,  Narratology and 10 more
    Created on: 26.04.2021
  12. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.09.2021
    The Aesthetics of Humanity. The Influence of Literature on the Concept of Human Rights (Panel 19345, NeMLA 2022, Baltimore)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    NeMLA 2022 (Baltimore, Maryland), 10th-13th March 2022 The Aesthetics of Humanity. The Influence of Literature on the Concept of Human Rights Isabella Dr. Ferron (Università “La Sapienza”, Rome) This panel aims to analyze...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Interdisciplinarity,  Literature and law and 3 more
    Created on: 03.09.2021
  13. Hend Asaad
    University or institution: Ain Shams Universität
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; North African literature; Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa; Near Eastern literature; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Postcolonial studies; Narratology; World Literature; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and sociology; Literature and law; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and philosophy; Literature and natural science; Literature and media studies; Novel; Narrative; Short prose; Folk literature; Children's and young adult literature; Formula literature; The fictional; Translation; Theory of translation; Literature of the 20th century

  14. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 02.12.2021
    Fictions in Law, Literature, and Philosophy - Concept, Function, Development
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    02. December 2021, 18.15: Guest Lecture Dr. Hans Lind (New Haven) via Zoom 03. December 2021, 9.30–12.30: Workshop, University of Muenster This workshop aims to address the phenomenon of fiction which is prominent in contemporary debates in...

    Fields of research Literature and law,  Literature and philosophy,  The fictional
    Created on: 19.11.2021
  15. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 26.11.2021
    Schau-Prozesse. Inszenierungen in Theater und Recht
    Submitted by: Hanna Luise Kroll

    Tagung des Teilprojekts „Schau-Prozesse. Inszenierungen des Rechts als soziale Praxis“, WWU Münster / SFB 1385 "Recht und Literatur" am 26. und 27. November 2021 in Münster/hybrid Der Begriff der Inszenierung hat seine Wurzeln im semantischen...

    Fields of research Literature and law
    Created on: 01.11.2021
  16. Category: Lecture series
    Beginning: 19.10.2021
    Mauss Revisited. Aktuelle Überlegungen zu (Gaben-)Tausch und Sozialität
    Submitted by: Rebecca Seewald

    Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Transdisciplinary Research Area „Individuals and Societies“, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Wintersemester 2021/22 Organisation: Sabine Mainberger / Christian Moser (Institut für Germanistik,...

    Fields of research Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland),  French literature,  Literature and sociology and 3 more
    Created on: 13.10.2021
  17. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 26.11.2019
    Staging Justice: Trials and the Law on the German Stage (18th–21st Century)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Trials and theatre plays share affinities on many levels. They both occur in a specific time and place, they both consist of performing and spectating, and they are both concerned with processing and understanding what we call ‘experience’. In the...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literature and law,  Literature of the 18th century and 3 more
    Created on: 22.11.2019
  18. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 08.12.2019
    Mediale Signaturen von Überwachung und Selbstkontrolle
    Submitted by: Torsten Erdbrügger

    Internationale Tagung, 24.-26.09.2020, Universität Łódź Überwachung hat in Zeiten des digitalen und ‚user generated capitalism‘ offenkundig eine neue Qualität gewonnen. User geben immer mehr Freiheiten auf und private Daten freiwillig...

    Fields of research Media studies,  Literature and sociology,  Literature and law and 7 more
    Created on: 23.10.2019
  19. Kitty Millet
    University or institution: San Francisco State University (SFSU)
    Fields of research: Literature from North America; Ibero-American literature (incl. Caribbean); Northern European literature (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland); Literature from the Benelux Countries; Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literature from UK and Ireland; French literature; Italian literature; Spanish literature; Portugese literature; Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine); Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary); South Eastern European literature (Albania, Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey); North African literature; Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa; Literature from Israel; Near Eastern literature; East Asian literature; South Asian literature; Textual criticism, editing, codicology; Didactics of Literature; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; Poststructuralism; New Criticism; Deconstruction; New Historicism; Empirical Aesthetics; Reader-response criticism; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Postcolonial studies; Narratology; Oral poetry / Orality; World Literature; Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and other forms of art; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and law; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and theology/study of religions; Literature and philosophy; Game Studies; Intermediality; Poetics; Literary genre; Prose; Novel; Narrative

  20. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 17.11.2019
    Diaspora und Gesetz. Kultur, Religion und Rechts jenseits der Souveränität
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Jahrestagung des Selma Stern Zentrum für Jüdische Studien in Berlin-Brandenburg 17.11.2019 – 19.11.2019 Diaspora und Gesetz. Kultur, Religion und Rechts jenseits der Souveränität Ort: Stiftung Neue Synagoge – Centrum Judaicum...

    Fields of research Literature and law,  Literature and cultural studies,  Literature and theology/study of religions
    Created on: 21.10.2019
  21. Category: Various (summer schools etc.)
    Beginning: 25.10.2019
    Murderous Consent — A Symposium with Marc Crépon
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Friday 25 October 2019 3-7pm Richard Hoggart Building 137 Goldsmiths, University of London “Murderous consent” is the name given by Marc Crépon (ENS, Paris) to the violence we do not directly inflict but in which we are structurally...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Literature and law,  Literature and philosophy
    Created on: 14.10.2019
  22. Alexander Nebrig
    University or institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; French literature; Digital Humanities; Literary historiography; Hermeneutics; Structuralism; New Criticism; Reader-response criticism; Media studies; Oral poetry / Orality; World Literature; Multilingualism studies / Interlinguality; Literature and law; Literature and publishing/booktrade; Literature and social and cultural anthropology; Literature and media studies; Poetics; Literary genre; Lyric poetry; Elegy; Sonett; Epic poetry; Prose; Novel; Narrative; Short forms (anecdote, fable, fragment); autobiography; travel literature; Tragedy; Domestic drama; Folk literature; Digital literature; Aesthetics; Rhetoric; Rhetorical figure (allegory, symbol, metaphor); Themes, motifs, thematology; Translation; Theory of translation; Literature of the 17th century; Literature of the 18th century; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century

  23. Category: Academic positions
    Application deadline: 14.06.2019
    Wissenschaftliche Projektstelle (E14), Sonderforschungsbereich "Recht und Literatur"
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Im Fachbereich 9 - Philologie ist, vorbehaltlich der Zusage des Drittmittelgebers, zum 1. Juli 2019 eine wissenschaftliche Projektstelle (E14) im Rahmen des SFBs ‚Recht und Literatur‘ auf 4 Jahre zu besetzen. Der...

    Fields of research Literature and law
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  24. Category: Projects
    Institutions: ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
    Possibility and the Utopian Imagination in the Poetic Practice of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Peripheral but central, external but inner, between being and non-being—possibility has the multi-stable ontology of utopias and their creative and transformative power. Through possibility, writers, philosophers, and artists through the ages have...

    Fields of research Italian literature,  Literature and law,  Literature and theology/study of religions and 2 more
    Created on: 03.06.2019
  25. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 12.06.2020
    Internationale Konferenz zum 100. Todestag Oskar Panizzas
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Internationale Konferenz zum 100. Todestag Oskar Panizzas 10.-11. Juni 2021, Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus , München “der frechste und kühnste, der geistvollste und revolutionärste Prophet seines Landes […]. Einer, gegen den Heine eine...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literature and law and 3 more
    Created on: 15.05.2020