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Displaying results 1 to 25 of 143.

  1. Anna Luhn
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature and other forms of art; Literature and cultural studies; Literature and computer science/cybernetics; Digital literature; Aesthetics; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  2. Marcella Fassio
    University or institution: Freie Universität Berlin
    Fields of research: Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland; Literary historiography; Literary theory; Poststructuralism; Feminist studies; Gender Studies/Queer Studies; Media studies; Narratology; Interdisciplinarity; Literature and psychoanalysis/psychology; Literature and cultural studies; Intermediality; Prose; autobiography; Digital literature; Literature of the 19th century; Literature of the 20th century; Literature of the 21st century

  3. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 15.12.2022
    Hassrede, Shitstorm und Darstellungspolitiken virtueller Affekte, Bochum/hybrid (15.12. – 16.12.2022)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Workshop Hassrede, Shitstorm und Darstellungspolitiken virtueller Affekte SFB 1567 „Virtuelle Lebenswelten“ Teilprojekt D01 „Virtuelle Streitwelten: Foren und Tribunalisierungsdynamiken“ Ruhr-Universität...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Media studies,  Literature and media studies and 3 more
    Created on: 05.12.2022
  4. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.11.2022
    Neues Lesen oder Lesen in der Krise? Die Digitalisierung der literarischen Lesekultur (IVG Graz 2025)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Sektionsleitung: Günther Stocker (Universität Wien), Gerhard Lauer (Universität Mainz), Massimo Salgaro (Universität Verona) Ohne in die kulturpessimistische Klage vom Ende des Buches einzustimmen ist doch deutlich erkennbar, dass die...

    Fields of research Literature and cultural studies,  Digital literature
    Created on: 10.10.2022
  5. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 25.03.2022
    Source Code Criticism: Hermeneutics, Philology, and Didactics of Algorithms (Online)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    University of Basel, Online Workshop March 25/26, 2022 Algorithms determine our situation. From bubble sort to Google’s Page Rank, credit scores, and predictive policing, the logic of algorithms intervenes at every step in our lives. Some...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Didactics of Literature,  Hermeneutics and 1 more
    Created on: 21.03.2022
  6. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.07.2021
    Germanistentag 2022, Panel: MaschinenTexte. Mehrdeutigkeit von Literatur und Autorschaft im Zeitalter der Algorithmen
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Panel im Rahmen des 27. Deutschen Germanistentags, Paderborn 25.–28.9.2022 (Themenbereich 1: Theoretische und methodische Zugänge) Algorithmische Textexperimente haben eine lange literarische Tradition und dennoch in jüngster Zeit verstärkt...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Literature and media studies,  Digital literature and 1 more
    Created on: 07.06.2021
  7. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 24.06.2021
    Doing Things with Code. Electronic Literature and Critical Making
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    A workshop organised by the project » Digital Constructions of Authorship « at the Cluster of Excellence » Temporal Communities : Doing Literature in a Global Perspective« (Freie Universität Berlin) » Making things is one of the most...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Literature and other forms of art,  Digital literature and 2 more
    Created on: 18.06.2021
  8. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.09.2021
    Inspired by and Invigorating Myth and Literature: Contemporary Literature and the Classics (NeMLA)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Margaret Atwood’s Penelopiad , Madeline Miller’s Circe , Natalie Haynes’s A Thousand Ships , Luigi Malerba’s Ithaca Forever , Chigozie Obioma’s An Orchestra of Minorities, and Colm Toibin’s House of Names are just a small sample of...

    Fields of research World Literature,  Digital literature,  Literature of antiquity (until 5th century A.D.) and 2 more
    Created on: 14.06.2021
  9. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 08.07.2021
    Soziale Medien: Schreibweisen der Gegenwart nach der Digitalisierung
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Online, 8.-10. Juli 2021 Tagung des DFG-Projekts „Schreibweisen der Gegenwart. Zeitreflexion und literarische Verfahren nach der Digitalisierung“ (Universität Greifswald) am Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Literary historiography,  Literary theory and 4 more
    Created on: 21.06.2021
  10. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.07.2021
    Germanistentag 2022: Wer spricht - Algorithmus oder Autor*in? Medienspezifische Mehrdeutigkeiten digitaler Literatur in Social Media als Herausforderungen für Literaturwissenschaft und -didaktik
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    CFP „Wer spricht - Algorithmus oder Autor*in? Medienspezifische Mehrdeutigkeiten digitaler Literatur in Social Media als Herausforderungen für Literaturwissenschaft und -didaktik“ 27. Deutscher Germanistentag, Paderborn, 25.–28.09.2022 ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Didactics of Literature,  Literary genre and 2 more
    Created on: 28.06.2021
  11. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.12.2021
    World-Wide Woolf: A book to be published in 2023
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2021 From a somewhat niche position in English modernism, Virginia Woolf is today an icon (see Brenda Silver, Virginia Woolf Icon) recognised around the world. World Wide Woolf will consider the many steps of...

    Fields of research Literature from UK and Ireland,  Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  World Literature and 5 more
    Created on: 25.06.2021
  12. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 01.07.2021
    Der volatile Text. Formen, Verfahren und Medien der Unabgeschlossenheit
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Organisation: Sophie König (FU Berlin) und Alexander Weinstock (Hamburg) Mit dem gedruckten Buch als nach wie vor dominanter Verbreitungsform eines literarischen Textes geht für gewöhnlich auch die Vorstellung seiner Abgeschlossenheit...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Literary historiography,  Writtenness and 4 more
    Created on: 25.06.2021
  13. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 08.07.2021
    Devices, Formate und Gattungspraktiken digitaler Literaturen
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Die Konjunktur digitaler Literaturen hält an. Wir wollen mit diesem Workshop literaturwissenschaftliche Sichtungen vornehmen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Formate, Gattungen und Plattformen in und über die digitale Literaturen existieren. Wie...

    Fields of research Digital Humanities,  Literary theory,  Literary genre and 2 more
    Created on: 28.06.2021
  14. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.09.2021
    World literature and Wikipedia, Journal of Cultural Analytics
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    This special issue seeks to invite scholars interested in using Wikipedia and related Linked Open Data projects as a new kind of source to study literary reception. The Wikipedia project as a general encyclopedia available in over 300 active...

    Fields of research World Literature,  Digital literature
    Created on: 17.05.2021
  15. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.07.2021
    Novels, Then and Now Area of the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association, MAPACA 2021
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Novels, Then and Now invites papers on all novel genres, authors, time periods, cultures, and settings. Consider it a safety net for novels that don’t fit neatly into a specific genre or that cross genres. For example, consider the many sub-genres of...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Novel,  travel literature and 3 more
    Created on: 17.05.2021
  16. Category: Lecture series
    Beginning: 25.05.2021
    Carte Blanche III
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    CARTE BLANCHE III In diesen scheinbar nicht enden wollenden pandemischen Zeiten möchten wir uns und unser Publikum aufs Neue mit vier anregenden Vorträgen belohnen: Wir haben herausragenden Forschenden unterschiedlicher Disziplinen freie Hand...

    Fields of research Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Literature and other forms of art,  Literature and cultural studies and 3 more
    Created on: 14.05.2021
  17. Category: Workshops, seminars
    Beginning: 21.05.2021
    Literatur im Netz: Forschung und Archiv
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Das Forschungs- und Infrastrukturprojekt Science Data Center for Literature (SDC4Lit) veranstaltet einen Workshop mit Vorträgen und Arbeitsgespräch zum Thema "Literatur im Netz - Forschung und Archiv". Freitag, 21. Mai 2021 Workshop 9:00 -...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Lyric poetry,  Digital literature
    Created on: 14.05.2021
  18. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.12.2021
    Fantasies of the Subject: Affecting Selves in Contemporary American Literature
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Call for chapters for an edited volume Deadline for abstract submission: 30 December 2021 The volume is edited by Paula Barba Guerrero & Laura de la Parra Fernández If what we need to dream, to move our spirits most deeply and directly...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Literary theory,  Poststructuralism and 5 more
    Created on: 17.09.2021
  19. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 31.10.2021
    Autor:innenschaft und/als Arbeit: Zum Verhältnis von Praktiken, Inszenierung und Infrastrukturen um 1800, 1900 und 2000
    Submitted by: Alena Heinritz

    CfP: Autor:innenschaft und/als Arbeit: Zum Verhältnis von Praktiken, Inszenierung und Infrastrukturen um 1800, 1900 und 2000 Tagung am Institut für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 15.–16.09.2022 Die Tagung...

    Fields of research Textual criticism, editing, codicology,  Literary theory,  Media studies and 1 more
    Created on: 16.09.2021
  20. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 01.12.2021
    Performanzen digitaler Autor:innenschaft. Praktiken und Politiken
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Workshop, FU Berlin 10.-11.11.2022 Planung und Orga nisation: Michael Gamper, Paul Wolff Eine Veranstaltung des Projekts »Konzepte...

    Fields of research Digital literature
    Created on: 13.09.2021
  21. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 15.09.2021
    Paradigmenwechsel in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Translationswissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter, Pannonische Universität Veszprém (Ungarn)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Hybride Tagung des Instituts für Germanistik und Translationswissenschaft an der Pannonischen Universität Veszprém am 18. und 19. Oktober 2021 „Paradigmenwechsel in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Translationswissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter“ ...

    Fields of research Literature from Germany, Austria, Switzerland,  Digital Humanities,  Literary historiography and 7 more
    Created on: 03.09.2021
  22. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 24.07.2022
    ICLA 2022: Re-Imagining Literatures of the World: Global and Local, Mainstreams and Margins, XXIII Congress of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) at TSU in Tbilisi (Georgia)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    ICLA 2022 Georgian Comparative Literature Association (GCLA) International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) Ivane Javakhisvhili Tbilisi State University (TSU) Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature XXIII...

    Fields of research Literary historiography,  Literary theory,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies and 8 more
    Created on: 30.08.2021
  23. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.11.2021
    Hashtags across Borders: Considering #Instapoetry as a Transglobal and Translingual Literary Movement, European Journal of English Studies (EJES) Volume 27 (2023)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Guest editors : Anna Nacher (Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie) , James Mackay (European University Cyprus) , JuEunhae Knox (University of Glasgow-) The editors of EJES are issuing calls for...

    Fields of research Literature from North America,  Literature from UK and Ireland,  Didactics of Literature and 4 more
    Created on: 27.09.2021
  24. Category: CfP/CfA events
    Abstract submission deadline: 30.10.2021
    Cultural Decolonization, Digitization and Globalization in Africa (ACLA 2022, Taipeh)
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Organizer: Ojinga Omiunu Digitalization and globalization have colonised African cultural and so many of its heritage are going out of extinction. This may not bring sustainable development in the longrun. The African culture is sinking in the...

    Fields of research North African literature,  Literature from Sub-Saharan Africa,  Postcolonial studies and 2 more
    Created on: 22.10.2021
  25. Category: CfP/CfA publications
    Abstract submission deadline: 05.12.2021
    Call for papers on the theme "interface" (Soapbox Journal for Cultural Analysis)
    Submitted by: Soapbox Journal

    For the upcoming issue of Soapbox, a graduate peer-reviewed journal for cultural analysis, we invite young researchers and established scholars alike to submit academic essays or creative work that critically engages with the theme of interface. We...

    Fields of research Literary theory,  Gender Studies/Queer Studies,  Postcolonial studies and 10 more
    Created on: 09.11.2021