Displaying results 1 to 5 of 32.

  1. "Doña Perfecta" : el traje de la autoridad y de la maternidad, la moda y el género en la novela naturalista española
    Published: 18.11.2021

    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the... more


    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the development of capitalism during the nineteenth century in Europe a very different way of dressing was established for men and women, whose main trends came from France and England. Spain, which was economically and culturally backward compared to the modernity of other European countries, still had a late influence on the wardrobe, especially around the end of the century. This period coincides with the maximum expression of Spanish literary realism and naturalism, in which it is possible to look for interesting elements of the characters' costumes to understand the society of that time. In particular, this article aims to analyse the work of Benito Pérez Galdós published in 1876, "Doña Perfecta", in which a woman manages to become a chief of a country in the province of Spain. Her authority is demonstrated not only through her attitude, but also by her wardrobe: the use of sober and dark colours is reminiscent of men's suits, thus male over female authority. However, Perfecta is also a mother, and that adds value to her government and her decisions, which are also an allegory of the figure of the Virgin. The conclusion of the analysis of this novel finds us in the reflection in which fashion is not simply something superficial that changes according to the frivolous taste of women, but a mirror of the model of women that is imposed by men on women. This social sign is essential to understand how patriarchal society tried to obtain absolute power at the end of the 19th century and the way women react to this imposition.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 860
    Subjects: Pérez Galdós, Benito; Doña perfecta; Naturalismus; Literatur; Spanisch; Mode; Frauenkleidung




  2. "Doña Perfecta" : el traje de la autoridad y de la maternidad, la moda y el género en la novela naturalista española
    Published: 18.11.2021

    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the... more


    Tema de la comunicación: La influencia de la industria de la moda en las novelas naturalistas del siglo XIX, es decir, como el vestuario, o la ausencia de este, puede servir como instrumento de investigación social y literario. In the wake of the development of capitalism during the nineteenth century in Europe a very different way of dressing was established for men and women, whose main trends came from France and England. Spain, which was economically and culturally backward compared to the modernity of other European countries, still had a late influence on the wardrobe, especially around the end of the century. This period coincides with the maximum expression of Spanish literary realism and naturalism, in which it is possible to look for interesting elements of the characters' costumes to understand the society of that time. In particular, this article aims to analyse the work of Benito Pérez Galdós published in 1876, "Doña Perfecta", in which a woman manages to become a chief of a country in the province of Spain. Her authority is demonstrated not only through her attitude, but also by her wardrobe: the use of sober and dark colours is reminiscent of men's suits, thus male over female authority. However, Perfecta is also a mother, and that adds value to her government and her decisions, which are also an allegory of the figure of the Virgin. The conclusion of the analysis of this novel finds us in the reflection in which fashion is not simply something superficial that changes according to the frivolous taste of women, but a mirror of the model of women that is imposed by men on women. This social sign is essential to understand how patriarchal society tried to obtain absolute power at the end of the 19th century and the way women react to this imposition.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800; 860




  3. "En tierras bajas" de Herta Müller: mirada crítica hacia las cicatrices de una infancia irrespirable
    Published: 16.02.2017

    A través de la mirada y la voz narrativa de una niña rumana, la escritora Herta Müller nos acerca con su ópera prima Niederungen (En tierras bajas) a las cicatrices aún hoy vivas de su propia infancia en un pequeño pueblo ubicado en la región de... more


    A través de la mirada y la voz narrativa de una niña rumana, la escritora Herta Müller nos acerca con su ópera prima Niederungen (En tierras bajas) a las cicatrices aún hoy vivas de su propia infancia en un pequeño pueblo ubicado en la región de Timisoara en la época de la dictadura de Nicolae Ceaucescu. Este artículo pretende una aproximación crítica a la recurrente temática centrada en la denuncia del país dejado atrás por la escritora tras su experiencia de exilio a la entonces Alemania occidental en el año 1987. Un análisis crítico de esta primera obra publicada por Müller en lengua alemana nos acerca a la literatura intercultural de la escritora migrante rumano-alemana cuya calidad y trayectoria literaria la hizo merecedora en 2009 del Premio Nobel de Literatura. Through the look and narrative voice of a Romanian girl, the writer Herta Müller brings us closer with her first work – Niederungen (En tierras bajas) - to the still living scars of her own childhood in a small village in the region of Timisoara at the time of the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu. This article attempts a critical approach to the recurring theme focused on the complaint of the country left behind by the author after her own experience of exile to West Germany in 1987. A critical analysis of this first work written by Müller in the German language brings us closer to her intercultural literature. The high quality of the literary production of this German-Romanian migrant writer was finally awarded in 2009 with the Nobel Prize for Literature.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830




  4. "La gran grieta del mundo" : Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin y los debates sobre la figura del intelectual "The great rift of the world" : Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin and the debates about the figure of the intellectual

    The article examines a set of works of Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin with the intention of reconstructing the contributions of both authors to a critical theory of the intellectuals. Placed between the fronts, both essayists tried to bring... more


    The article examines a set of works of Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin with the intention of reconstructing the contributions of both authors to a critical theory of the intellectuals. Placed between the fronts, both essayists tried to bring together the social and political commitment and the search of a politicization of the intellectuals with the reluctance to accept and reproduce the dictations of an dogmatic party organization. Term of comparison for the context of production of both authors is considered the Paris of the Restaurationszeit, in which a group of exiled German thinkers and writers constituted themselves as the first modern intellectuals, identified with the figure of the lacerated consciousness (zerrissenes Bewusstsein), as it was formulated by Hegel. El artículo examina un conjunto de obras de Siegfried Kracauer y Walter Benjamin con el propósito de reconstruir los aportes de ambos autores a una teoría crítica de los intelectuales. Situados entre los frentes, los dos ensayistas intentaron conjugar el compromiso social y político y la búsqueda de una politización de los intelectuales con la renuencia a aceptar y reproducir los dictados de una organización partidaria dogmática. Como término de comparación para el contexto de producción de ambos autores se considera el París de la Restauración, en el que un grupo de pensadores y escritores alemanes exiliados se constituyeron como los primeros intelectuales modernos, identificados con la figura de la conciencia desgarrada (zerrissenes Bewusstsein), tal como fue formulada por Hegel.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Benjamin, Walter; Kracauer, Siegfried; Intellektueller; Essay; Satire; Exil




  5. "Un Lautréamont negativo" : tradición y política en la interpretación Benjaminiana de Kafka 'A negative Lautréamont' : tradition and politics in Benjamin's interpretation of Kafka
    Published: 01.12.2015

    This article is intended to analyze Benjamin's interpretation of Kafka from the perspective of tradition. The revision of the said concept is here studied whithin the context of Benjaminian late works. The notions of aggadah and halacha are then... more


    This article is intended to analyze Benjamin's interpretation of Kafka from the perspective of tradition. The revision of the said concept is here studied whithin the context of Benjaminian late works. The notions of aggadah and halacha are then central for the structure of his reflections. Thus, this paper aims at tracking the elements involved in the elaboration of a political theory that allowed Benjamin to recover Kafka for his political renewal of the concept of humanity. El presente artículo se propone analizar la interpretación benjaminiana de Kafka tomando como eje central el problema de la tradición y su resignificación política en el contexto de producción tardío. Son relevantes en este sentido, los conceptos de hagadá y halajá con los que Benjamin estructura sus análisis. El objetivo es entonces rastrear los elementos que en la elaboración de una teoría política permiten recuperar al narrador checo para la revisión de un concepto de lo humano.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Spanish
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 830
    Subjects: Kafka, Franz; Benjamin, Walter; Haggada; Halacha; Tradition; Rezeption


