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  1. [Rezension zu:] Anja Tippner, Christopher F. Laferl (Hg.): Extreme Erfahrungen

    Rezension zu Extreme Erfahrungen. Grenzen des Erlebens und der Darstellung. Hg. Anja Tippner, Christopher F. Laferl. (= Kaleidogramme, 110). Berlin: Kadmos 2017. 252 S. more


    Rezension zu Extreme Erfahrungen. Grenzen des Erlebens und der Darstellung. Hg. Anja Tippner, Christopher F. Laferl. (= Kaleidogramme, 110). Berlin: Kadmos 2017. 252 S.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Review
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1292-8
    DDC Categories: 791; 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Grenzsituation <Motiv>; Seltenes Ereignis; Kunst; Darstellung; Film; Literatur



  2. Komparatistik online 2018: Adaptation as cultural translation
    Published: 10.01.2019

    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation... more


    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation studies, the discipline has seen a continual widening of its methodology as well as of the material scholars are willing to regard as adaptations. Particularly since the turn of the 21st century and the increasing institutionalization of the discipline as distinct from literary or film studies, adaptation scholars have widened the scope to include a broad range of media, encompassing not only the traditional adaptations from novels and drama into film, but also novelizations of various other media, video game and comic adaptations, TV series, opera, theme parks and tie in vacations, and many more. Others have included the study of media franchises as dependent on adaptation. As part of this redefinition of the discipline, scholars have also widened their discussion to bring to the centre aspects that were not originally the main focus of adaptation researchers' comparative textual analyses, including industrial structures, legal frameworks, and, most frequently and emphatically, questions of intertextuality and the cultural and ideological embeddedness of adapted texts.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Part of a periodical; Part of a periodical
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Adaption <Literatur>; Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft



  3. Introduction "Adaptation as translation: transferring cultural narratives"
    Published: 10.01.2019

    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation... more


    The discipline of adaptation studies has come a long way from its academic inception in novel-to-film studies. Since George Bluestone's seminal 1957 study Novels into Film, often regarded as the starting point of modern day Anglo-American adaptation studies, the discipline has seen a continual widening of its methodology as well as of the material scholars are willing to regard as adaptations. Particularly since the turn of the 21st century and the increasing institutionalization of the discipline as distinct from literary or film studies, adaptation scholars have widened the scope to include a broad range of media, encompassing not only the traditional adaptations from novels and drama into film, but also novelizations of various other media, video game and comic adaptations, TV series, opera, theme parks and tie in vacations, and many more. Others have included the study of media franchises as dependent on adaptation. As part of this redefinition of the discipline, scholars have also widened their discussion to bring to the centre aspects that were not originally the main focus of adaptation researchers' comparative textual analyses, including industrial structures, legal frameworks, and, most frequently and emphatically, questions of intertextuality and the cultural and ideological embeddedness of adapted texts.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Adaption <Literatur>; Literatur; Film; Theater; Medien; Kulturvermittlung



  4. The adaptation of disaster: representations of environmental crises in climate change fiction
    Published: 10.01.2019

    In light of climate change, the attempt to overcome the gap between the 'Two Cultures' appears more urgent than ever. With climate change being only one of the environmental crises marking the so-called Anthropocene, knowledge production and... more


    In light of climate change, the attempt to overcome the gap between the 'Two Cultures' appears more urgent than ever. With climate change being only one of the environmental crises marking the so-called Anthropocene, knowledge production and representations are constantly challenged. The very reason that led to the idea of proclaiming a new geological epoch can be taken as evidence for the collapse of the Cartesian dichotomy between nature and culture. The Anthropocene marks an epoch in Earth's history in which the human species has become a geological force. That is, the effects of industrialized civilization are now forming geological strata that irreversibly change the face of the planet and its future. However, if nature and culture cannot be meaningfully distinguished anymore, how, one might ask, is a divide within academia still of concern? Would it not naturally perish with the insight that what has been regarded as nature has now been thoroughly pervaded by remnants of human actions? To the contrary, the persistence of the gap between the sciences and the humanities is one of the main reasons that complicates the representation and, ultimately, hinders the understanding of the problems which characterize the new epoch. Inability or unwillingness to change behavior on a collective level will most probably lead to environmental, political and social disaster on an unprecedented scale.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 800
    Subjects: Adaption <Literatur>; Klimaänderung; Klimaänderung <Motiv>; Science-Fiction



  5. The Blowback of Reality : Jean Baudrillards und Slavoj Žižeks philosophische Reaktionen auf 9/11 und Matt Reeves' Monsterfilm 'Cloverfield'
    Published: 09.05.2019

    Mediale und vor allem fiktionale Inszenierungen von Katastrophen in den Bildmedien referieren jedoch nicht nur auf eine 'Wirklichkeit', sondern prägen auch umgekehrt die Realitätswahrnehmung. Die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001, so zeigt Mark... more


    Mediale und vor allem fiktionale Inszenierungen von Katastrophen in den Bildmedien referieren jedoch nicht nur auf eine 'Wirklichkeit', sondern prägen auch umgekehrt die Realitätswahrnehmung. Die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001, so zeigt Mark Schmitts Beitrag 'The Blowback of Reality', erschütterte die Wahrnehmungsgewohnheiten der Zeugen und Zuschauer dieses Ereignisses so fundamental, dass das Verhältnis von ›Fiktivem‹ und ›Realen‹ infrage steht. Schmitts Analyse stellt die sich direkt auf 9/11 beziehenden Filme, die geradezu einem Darstellungstabu unterliegen, dem Monsterfilm 'Cloverfield' gegenüber und geht dabei der Frage nach, inwiefern die 'derealisierende Übertragung' der Gefahr ins Fantastische die Konventionen der 'richtigen' Darstellung unterlaufen.


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    Content information: free