Displaying results 1 to 5 of 44.

  1. Komparatistik : Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft ; 2016
    Published: 14.09.2018

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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Part of a periodical; Part of a periodical
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1217-1
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft




  2. Einleitung zum Themenschwerpunkt Apokryphik
    Published: 14.09.2018

    Dem Apokryphen einen Themenschwerpunkt im Rahmen einer komparatistischen Zeitschrift zu widmen ist eine Entscheidung, die auf den ersten Blick erstaunen mag. Ist doch das Wort "apokryph" ein in der heutigen Alltagssprache wenig geläufiger Begriff,... more


    Dem Apokryphen einen Themenschwerpunkt im Rahmen einer komparatistischen Zeitschrift zu widmen ist eine Entscheidung, die auf den ersten Blick erstaunen mag. Ist doch das Wort "apokryph" ein in der heutigen Alltagssprache wenig geläufiger Begriff, der, auf das Register der Theologie verweisend, speziellen Fragen und fachwissenschaftlichen Debatten der Religionsgeschichte vorbehalten zu sein scheint. Wenn wir gleichwohl Begriff und Phänomen des Apokryphen als Schwerpunktthema des Jahrbuchs 'Komparatistik' zur Diskussion stellen wollen, so deshalb, weil der damit angesprochene Sachverhalt von Prozessen der Auswahl, Marginalisierung und Ausgrenzung im Rahmen kultureller und textueller Überlieferung ein Problemfeld markiert, das im Bereich der Literaturgeschichte vielfältige Resonanzen und Parallelen findet und in systematischer Hinsicht über Verfahren und Mechanismen literarischer Traditionsbildung Aufschluss zu geben verspricht. Weit davon entfernt, nur ein spezialdiskursives Sonderphänomen zu sein, erweist sich das Apokryphe bei näherem Hinsehen als eine Figur, an der sich grundsätzliche Fragen der Formation von Text- und Wissensbeständen, der literarischen Autorität und Kanonbildung beobachten lassen. Apokryphe Texte, so ließe sich in einer vorläufigen, im Folgenden noch zu präzisierenden Beschreibung formulieren, sind Texte, die sich am Rande der großen Traditionen religiöser und kultureller Bewegungen situieren. Es sind Texte oder Textensembles, die es, wie sich im Rückblick bemerken lässt, nicht geschafft haben, in das Inventar jener Schriften aufgenommen zu werden, die als anerkannt, bewahrenswert oder wahr gelten. Als Einstieg bietet es sich an, zunächst von den Bedeutungsdimensionen des Ausdrucks apokryph auszugehen, die dieser im Kontext der religionsgeschichtlichen Tradition angenommen hat und der für das heute übliche Verständnis des Begriffs bestimmend ist. Der religiöse bzw. theologische Begriffsgebrauch greift auf das altgriechische Wort ἀπόκρυφος (apókryphos) zurück, um dieses vor allem in einer seiner beiden Bedeutungsschichten zum Einsatz zu bringen, nämlich als Bezeichnung eines Gegenstands bzw. Textes, der als 'unecht', 'zweifelhaft', 'nicht-authentisch' zu gelten habe. Der Begriff apokryph führt hier also eine Unterscheidung ein zwischen dem, was als gesichert, gültig und autorisiert anzusehen ist und dem, was solche Geltung zu besitzen nicht oder nur unter dem Vorbehalt des Zweifelhaften beanspruchen kann. Bei dem Begriffspaar gültig vs. apokryph haben wir es also mit einer Figur der Verknappung zu tun, die ein gegebenes Textensemble oder eine kulturelle Überlieferung einem mitunter radikalen Verfahren der Auswahl und Reduktion unterzieht.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1217-1
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Apokryphen; Kanon; Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Religion




  3. Komparatistik : Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft ; 2017
    Published: 11.11.2019

    In recent years, the interest in theory which has once been a moving force of academic research in the field of literary studies appears to have decreased. The status of theory, its relevance and appropriateness for the understanding of literature... more


    In recent years, the interest in theory which has once been a moving force of academic research in the field of literary studies appears to have decreased. The status of theory, its relevance and appropriateness for the understanding of literature have been put into doubt. Faced with this observation, some critics have even suggested that we have now entered into a new era of research which can retrospectively be identified as the era "after theory". Against the background of such pronouncements and to a certain extent in opposition to them, the investigations proposed here wish to uphold the idea of the utility and indeed the need for theoretical approaches to literature. To appreciate the status of theory and its possible contribution to a deepened understanding of literature, it is useful not to focus exclusively on the distinction or supposed divide between literature and theory. Instead we should pay attention to what links and unites them. This common ground or common denominator of literature and theory consists in the dimension of language. Furnishing the intellectual material from which both domains of articulation are formed, language constitutes at once the key element of literature and a principal concern of theory. [...] The present volume collects the papers presented in the context of the panel "Languages of Theory" at the conference of the "International Association of Comparative Literature" (ICLA) at Vienna in July 2016. As stated above, our aim is to examine the philological or linguistic preoccupations of current approaches in literary and cultural theory, to look into the (pre-)history of theory's engagement with linguistic concerns and to unfold its conceptual and semantic implications. Taking our cue from the title of the ICLA conference, "The Many Languages of Comparative Literature", we have found it to be a rewarding task to raise the issue of the "languages of theory" and to promote its further exploration and analysis. It is our contention that theoretical approaches and reflections do not only rightfully hold their place in comparative literature studies but that it is also worthwhile to interrogate their conceptual genealogies and terminological choices, their styles of thought and argument as well as their various linguistic engagements. The articles united in this volume have taken up this challenge and attempt to elucidate the intricate relationship of language and theory in exemplary case studies.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Multiple languages
    Media type: Part of a periodical; Part of a periodical
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1292-8
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft; Literaturtheorie




  4. Borges : philology as poetry

    The titles of many of Borges's poems refer to canonical texts of world literature. One poem, for example, deals with the ending of the Odyssey and is simply called "A scholion"; others are called "Inferno V, 129" and "Paradise XXXI, 108", referring... more


    The titles of many of Borges's poems refer to canonical texts of world literature. One poem, for example, deals with the ending of the Odyssey and is simply called "A scholion"; others are called "Inferno V, 129" and "Paradise XXXI, 108", referring both to Dante's "Divine Comedy". These titles indicate that in his poems, Borges often keeps his distance from traditional poetical matters such as love, or, more generally, immediate emotions. Instead, he writes poems that gloss other texts, some of which actually relate love stories. Thus, Borges's poems stage themselves as philological commentaries rather than as poetry in its own right. In a similar vein and on a more general level, Borges likes to present himself in poems, interviews, and essays as a fervent reader of world literature, playing down his role as an original author. [...] In the following two sections of his paper, Joachim Harst tackles this question by commenting on two of Borges's philological poems, namely, the two texts on Dante's "Comedy". A ready objection to the idea of "philological poetry" is that despite Borges's selfstaging as reader, his texts obviously aren't philological in any academic sense. [...] The fundamental role of love for Dante's cosmological vision leads Harst to another understanding of the term "philology," namely, its more or less literal translation as "love of the lógos," the "lógos" being the cosmic principle and the divine word. Dante's Comedy can be considered a "philological" text in the sense that it is fueled by the "love of the lógos," and it discusses this love by citing, glossing and correcting other texts on love. Returning to Borges, Harst suggests that his two "philological" poems on Dante refer to this understanding of "philology." But by modifying the epic's theological underpinnings, they work to integrate Dante into a larger system which Borges calls "universal literature." Harst claims that this notion of literature, just like Dante's cosmos, is also centered on a lógos—albeit differently structured—and in this sense "philological."


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1292-8
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Dante Alighieri; Divina Commedia; Rezeption; Borges, Jorge Luis; Liebe <Motiv>; Philologie




  5. The language of commitment : the oath and its implications for literary theory

    In recent times a whole range of theoretical approaches in literary and cultural studies have been inspired by linguistic and philological issues, by questions concerning the functioning of language as well as the conceptual history of cardinal terms... more


    In recent times a whole range of theoretical approaches in literary and cultural studies have been inspired by linguistic and philological issues, by questions concerning the functioning of language as well as the conceptual history of cardinal terms of our cultural heritage. Among these approaches the work of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben stands out as a particularly interesting case. Indeed, Agamben's approach can serve to illustrate how a concern with language animates the making of theory. This becomes perhaps most evident in one of Agamben's less widely read texts, namely his "Sacrament of language", an investigation of the historical genealogy and cultural significance of the oath. [...] In Agamben's inquiry into the genealogy of the 'sacramento' he seeks to find out how the oath functions as a linguistic procedure and what issues are involved in this operation. In the following explanations Linda Simonis proceeds in three steps: First, she retraces Agamben's historical and linguistic analysis of the oath and tries to expose the basic lines and principal thrust of his reasoning (I). In a second step, she then turns to a concrete literary example, i. e. the oath-taking scene in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" (II). In an attempt to re-interpret this famous scene, the proposed analysis aims to unfold, in the light of Agamben's approach, some of its less obvious aspects of meaning and implications. To conclude, Simonis asks what insights and conclusions can be drawn from this analysis with regard to Agamben's theoretical approach and in how far the latter can be said to gain from its linguistic awareness and its concern with commissive speech (III).


    Export to reference management software
    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: English
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-8498-1292-8
    DDC Categories: 800
    Collection: Aisthesis Verlag
    Subjects: Agamben, Giorgio; Shakespeare, William; Hamlet; Eid; Sprachanalyse


