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  1. A abordagem dos gêneros do discurso em um livro didático de alemão como língua estrangeira para iniciantes The speech genres approach in a textbook of German as a foreign language for beginners

    Cada vez mais, o ensino baseado em textos ganha espaço nas salas de aula de línguas e nos livros didáticos. A teoria dos gêneros do discurso, advinda do Círculo de Bakhtin, tem fundamentado diversas análises e é o ponto de partida das teorias de... more


    Cada vez mais, o ensino baseado em textos ganha espaço nas salas de aula de línguas e nos livros didáticos. A teoria dos gêneros do discurso, advinda do Círculo de Bakhtin, tem fundamentado diversas análises e é o ponto de partida das teorias de gêneros discursivos e/ou textuais. Essa teoria é centrada no estudo das materialidades discursivas em seus aspectos sócio-históricos e ideológicos, considerando também as condições de produção e as situações de comunicação dos discursos. Diante de tais considerações, os objetivos deste trabalho são: verificar a concepção de gêneros em um livro didático de alemão como língua estrangeira para iniciantes Planet A1 e investigar o modo como as atividades com os gêneros são abordadas nesse material. A análise apresentada neste artigo é qualitativa e não há qualquer quantificação dos gêneros abordados no livro didático. Para tanto, foram escolhidas três propostas de atividades baseadas em três gêneros, entre os mais recorrentes do livro didático: uma conversa telefônica, e-mails e um gráfico. Os resultados das análises demonstram que o livro didático Teaching based on texts and textual diversity has been receiving increasing space in classrooms and textbooks. The Bakhtin Circle Theory of speech genres has founded several theories of analysis and it is the starting point of the theories of textual/discourse genres. This theory focuses on the study of discursive materiality in their socio-historical and ideological aspects, also considering the conditions of production and communicative situations. Given these considerations, the aims of this work are to verify the conception of genres in a book of German as a foreign language for beginners: Planet A1 and investigate how the activities are addressed in this material. The analysis is qualitative and there is no quantification of genres covered in the textbook. Therefore, three activities were chosen based on three genres, among the most current in the textbook: a telephone conversation, e-mails and a chart. The results show that the textbook aims to address the textual heterogeneity, but it rarely has characteristics related to the conditions of production and the communicative situation.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: Portuguese
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 400; 830
    Subjects: Bachtin, Vladimir S.; Fremdsprache; Deutsch; Fremdsprachenlernen; Sprachtheorie



  2. "So muss es gewesen sein" / "Deve ter sido assim" : Epistemisches "müssen" und seine Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten ins Portugiesische

    Im Rahmen eines umfangreichen Projekts zu Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten der deutschen Modalverben ins Portugiesische – und nachdem wir schon den Fall sollen behandelt haben (siehe Hörster/Athayde/Carecho 2011) – stellen wir in dieser Studie einige... more


    Im Rahmen eines umfangreichen Projekts zu Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten der deutschen Modalverben ins Portugiesische – und nachdem wir schon den Fall sollen behandelt haben (siehe Hörster/Athayde/Carecho 2011) – stellen wir in dieser Studie einige wesentliche Ergebnisse unserer Untersuchung bezüglich des Modalverbs müssen dar. Ziel unserer Arbeit war nicht die semantische und pragmatische Beschreibung der einzelnen Modalverben, ein Thema, das immer wieder im Mittelpunkt der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion steht. Vielmehr war es unsere Absicht, einen Beitrag zur zweisprachigen Lexikografie, zur Fremdsprachendidaktik und vor allem zur Übersetzungsdidaktik zu leisten.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 400
    Subjects: Übersetzung; Modalverb; müssen; Deutsch; Portugiesisch



  3. Von der Gegenwart der Geschichte : Laudatio auf Lenka Vaňková On history in the present day : laudatio to Lenka Vaňková
    Published: 08.10.2018

    On history in the present day. Laudatio to Lenka Vaňková. This paper takes as its starting point several statements by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the role of the German language in literary and scholarly life during Leibniz's era. The languages of... more


    On history in the present day. Laudatio to Lenka Vaňková.

    This paper takes as its starting point several statements by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the role of the German language in literary and scholarly life during Leibniz's era. The languages of scholarship were Latin and French, and Leibniz himself published in both these languages. German was the language of practical life. Viewed from this perspective, it was almost inevitable that medieval and early modern medicine - not in the sense of academic theory, but as a practical activity - developed its own fully-fledged specialist language, which was largely based on the vernacular. In her studies of the language of historical medicine, Lenka Vaňková has shown how such vernacular language was (and potentially still is) able to function in specialist domains.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 400; 830
    Subjects: Medizin; Fachsprache; Mittelalter; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm; Vaňková, Lenka



  4. Das Feldbuch als Vertreter der chirurgischen Fachprosa The Feldbuch as a representative of professional surgical prose
    Published: 09.10.2018

    The article presents two surgical texts written in Strasbourg around 1500. The author of the first text is Hieronymus Brunschwig, and the second is by Hans Gersdorff. Although Gersdorff's book is more like a teaching text, a set of normative... more


    The article presents two surgical texts written in Strasbourg around 1500. The author of the first text is Hieronymus Brunschwig, and the second is by Hans Gersdorff. Although Gersdorff's book is more like a teaching text, a set of normative instructions in the manner of (legally binding) municipal records, it was published under the name 'Feldbuch'. The publisher may have chosen this designation under the influence of texts named Feldbücher, originating in the Moravian-Silesian region, which were originally intended as manuals for barber surgeons working on battlefields


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 400; 830
    Subjects: Brunschwig, Hieronymus; Gerdorff, Hans von; Feldbuch der Wundarznei; Medizin; Fachliteratur



  5. Erfolg durch Stereotype in der Sprache : Menschen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in 'Türkisch für Anfänger' Success through linguistic stereotypes : people with and without migrant backgrounds in 'Türkisch für Anfänger'
    Published: 11.10.2018

    Als großer Erfolg hat sich vor einigen Jahren die deutsche Kinokomödie 'Türkisch für Anfänger' erwiesen. 2012 in die Kinos gekommen, wurde sie auch als 'Multikulti-Komödie' (z.B. URL 1 und URL 2) bezeichnet. Eine wesentliche Rolle spielen darin... more


    Als großer Erfolg hat sich vor einigen Jahren die deutsche Kinokomödie 'Türkisch für Anfänger' erwiesen. 2012 in die Kinos gekommen, wurde sie auch als 'Multikulti-Komödie' (z.B. URL 1 und URL 2) bezeichnet. Eine wesentliche Rolle spielen darin ethnische Stereotype, die offenbar für Komik sorgen. Goldmanns Kritik in 'Spiegel online' beginnt so: "Sie Deutsche, er Ausländer, sie Zicke, er Macho: Der Kinofilm 'Türkisch für Anfänger' arbeitet sich wie die preisgekrönte TV-Serie an kulturellen Klischees ab" (URL 3). Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags stehen ethnische Stereotype. Mit verschiedenen sprachlichen Mitteln beziehen sich Charaktere im Film auf die Eigengruppe oder auf die Fremdgruppe - also auf Menschen mit oder ohne (erkennbaren) Migrationshintergrund 'Turkish for Beginners' ('Türkisch für Anfänger') was a successful German comedy film a couple of years ago. In the press it was called a "multiculti comedy" ("Multikulti-Komödie"). The film features characters with migrant backgrounds and those without (discernable) migrant backgrounds. The respective characters use stereotypes for referring to their own group and other stereotypes for referring to the foreign group. Stereotypes bring humour to the story.


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    Content information: free
    Source: CompaRe
    Language: German
    Media type: Article
    Format: Online
    DDC Categories: 400; 830
    Subjects: Ethnische Identität; Stereotyp; Sprache; Interkulturalität; Soziolinguistik

