Conferences, Congresses

Displaying results 6 to 10 of 863.

  1. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 23.09.2024
    Panel Discussion “Central European Culture Salon: Perspectives and challenges of literary and cultural cooperation in Central Europe”
    Submitted by: Anna Seidel

    How do Central Europe's cultural and literary scenes work together? What obstacles do they face? And what prospects are there for transnational cultural cooperation in Central Europe? These questions will be discussed on September 23, 2024 by...

    Fields of research Eastern European literature (Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine),  Eastern Middle European literature (Poland, Slowakia, Czech Republic, Hungary),  World Literature and 2 more
    Created on: 12.09.2024
  2. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 25.09.2024
    Internationale DFG-Tagung: Writing a British Childhood in a Global Context? Critical Perspectives on Enid Blyton, Potsdam
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Enid Blyton is one of the world’s most well-known and prolific authors of children’s literature. Her book series have entertained children across the globe and across generations for almost a century. The conference Writing a British Childhood in a...

    Fields of research Literature from UK and Ireland,  World Literature,  Children's and young adult literature
    Created on: 08.07.2024
  3. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 26.09.2024
    Literaturwissenschaftliches Symposium: Aggressive Ästhetik – ästhetische Aggression: Probleme des Satirischen, Rauischholzhausen
    Submitted by: Redaktion

    Aggressive Ästhetik – ästhetische Aggression: Probleme des Satirischen Literaturwissenschaftliches Symposium, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, 26.-28.9.2024 Donnerstag, 26.09.2024 ca. 18:00 Ankunft und gemeinsames...

    Fields of research Literature and sociology,  Literary genre,  Aesthetics
    Created on: 12.07.2024
  4. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 26.09.2024
    Visualität als Wirkungsdimension von Lyrik
    Submitted by: Andreas Degen

    Seit etwa zweihundert Jahren wird Lyrik in der Regel durch individuelle Lektüre rezipiert, das heißt der Text wird visuell wahrgenommen und verarbeitet. Die flächige Anordnung der Wörter und Verse, die Form der Buchstaben und Satzzeichen, Zeilen- und...

    Created on: 13.09.2024
  5. Category: Conferences, Congresses
    Beginning: 30.09.2024
    Inscribing Love. The Materialisation of Affects in a Global Perspective
    Submitted by: Annika Nickenig

    Monday, 30 September 2:00 – 2:30 Daniel Fliege (Hamburg) / Jenny Körber (Hamburg) / Annika Nickenig (FU Berlin) Introduction Contexts of Prison and War 2:30 – 3:15 Leyla Sophie Gleissner (Paris, France) ...

    Created on: 12.09.2024