New on CompaRe: Series of conferences "Digitalität in den Geisteswissenschaften" ("Digitality in the Humanities")

The digital production and reception of (not only) philological knowledge is central in this new cooperation of with the series of conferences "Digitalität in den Geisteswissenschaften" ("Digitality in the Humanities"). Since late 2019, the organising committee of the DFG-funded event format uses CompaRe, the open access service on, to publish and archive the conferences' results freely accessible online.

The series of conferences „Digitalität in den Geisteswissenschaften“ investigates the way the digital transformation modifies objects, central questions and epistemes of disciplines pertaining to the Humanities. Questions up for debate are – "How do digital technologies transform research in the humanities, and its objects?", "Is there only an expansion of the humanities, or is there a fundamental change?", "How must the relation of digital methods towards the classical, hermeneutic approaches be considered?", "What effects are there on up-and-coming scholars, and their advancement?" etc.

The contributions to each conference are published open access in the form of digital edited volumes. Beginning with the third volume, the contributions are published on CompaRe. The volume comprises the contributions to the conference centred on "Infrastructures", that took place from 26 to 28 September 2018 in Bayreuth.

Please find the volume's table of contents here, with direct links to the full texts:

Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften: Wie verändern digitale Infrastrukturen die Praxis der Geisteswissenschaften?
Ed. Martin Huber, Sybille Krämer, Claus Pias. Frankfurt a. M.: CompaRe. 2019. (Symposienreihe "Digitalität in den Geisteswissenschaften" ; Vorträge anlässlich des Symposiums "Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften. Wie verändern digitale Infrastrukturen die Praxis der Geisteswissenschaften?" (September 2018))

I. Grundlagen

II. Beispiele aus den Fächern

III. Veränderungen in der digitalen Verbundforschung

Find here an overview over all contributions to the symposium, that have been published on CompaRe so far.


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