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  1. Die Rolle des Translators als "Mediator" zwischen "gewaltlosen" Welten und Kulturen The role of translator as a "mediator" between "violence-free" worlds and cultures
    Autor*in: Lauková, Jana
    Erschienen: 23.08.2021

    Konflikte erfüllen eine wesentliche Funktion in der Zusammenarbeit der Menschen. Sie werden meistens allgemein nur als negativ angesehen, sie können jedoch auch positive Funktionen haben. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert sich auf die Rolle des Translators... mehr


    Konflikte erfüllen eine wesentliche Funktion in der Zusammenarbeit der Menschen. Sie werden meistens allgemein nur als negativ angesehen, sie können jedoch auch positive Funktionen haben. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert sich auf die Rolle des Translators als "Mittler/Mediator" und der Translation als eines Produkts, d. h. eines zielsprachlichen Textes, der auf der Grundlage eines ausgangssprachlichen Textes entstanden ist, in Bezug auf verschiedene mögliche Konfliktsituationen. Im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit steht auch die interkulturelle Funktion der Übersetzung als einer sog. sprachlichen "Mittlerin" zwischen unterschiedlichen Welten und Kulturen in der heutigen globalisierten Welt. The author of the presented paper deals with the role of translators and interpreters as mediators of "conflict-free" interlingual and intercultural communication in the context of various cultures. In the introduction the author describes conflicts and their functions as well as possible conflict situations in intercultural communication from the perspective of translation studies. Conflicts do not necessarily have to be negative; they can also be perceived as a positive factor. The role of translators as a mediator of interlingual communication and their position in a possible conflict situation is the core objective of the article. Attention is also paid to cultural competence as a part of the so-called intercultural competence of translator. The author also mentions some teaching and methodological issues related to development, softening and fixation of individual components of intercultural competence. The aim of the presented paper is to point to the important and demanding role of translator as a mediator in "conflict-free" intercultural communication.


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  2. Perspektiven einer akteursorientierten Diskursanalyse der Flüchtlingsdebatte in der Slowakei Perspectives of an actor-oriented discourse analysis of the refugee debate in Slovakia
    Erschienen: 23.08.2021

    Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte die Perspektiven einer solchen akteursorientierten Diskursanalyse aufzeigen. Die Akteure stellen nämlich diejenige "Kraft" dar, die den Diskurs ins Leben ruft, diesen formuliert und dynamisiert. Auf die Lexik... mehr


    Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte die Perspektiven einer solchen akteursorientierten Diskursanalyse aufzeigen. Die Akteure stellen nämlich diejenige "Kraft" dar, die den Diskurs ins Leben ruft, diesen formuliert und dynamisiert. Auf die Lexik ausgerichtete Untersuchungen fokussieren in erster Linie auf die sprachliche Oberfläche, d.h. etwa auf Fahnenwörter, Schlüsselwörter oder auf die Metaphorik. Diese können jedoch erst als Endprodukte der sprachlichen Tätigkeit der Akteure betrachtet werden, in denen sich deren Motivationen, Meinungen, Positionierungen und Einstellungen konstituieren. Akteursorientierte Analysen möchten hingegen auch den Hintergrund beleuchten: die Ebene der Argumentation, die Topoi, die im Diskurs in konkreten Sprachgebrauchsmustern sich materialisieren. Diese Muster sind als kollektive Denkmuster zu betrachten, die einer Gemeinschaft im kollektiven Gedächtnis zur Verfügung stehen. Als kollektiv gespeichertes und durch die Sprache zugänglich gemachtes Wissen prägen sie das Weltbild der jeweiligen Sprachgemeinschaft. Das bedeutet zugleich, dass der Sprache eine fundamentale Rolle als wissensstiftendes Medium zukommt. Sie bestimmt, wie die Welt wahrgenommen und daraus Faktizität hergestellt wird. Ferner heißt das auch, dass Diskurse zugleich als Orientierungsrahmen dienen. Sie stellen den Sprachbenutzern Wissensbestände zur Verfügung, die sowohl bei der Deutung von Ereignissen und Entitäten eine kognitive Basis bilden, als auch eine Struktur anbieten, in die neue Kenntnisse integriert werden können. This paper deals with the Slovak refugee debate from the point of view of the actor level. The actors are the entities that constitute the discourse through their usage of language. The research interest therefore does not refer to the relatively easily accessible surface (eg discourse vocabulary), but to the argumenta-tion and the topoi, which act as the basis of the positioning of the individual actors and thus indirectly of the entire discourse. The study is limited tothe year 2015, the basis for the text corpus are articles from the Slovak newspaper Sme.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Sprache (400); Linguistik (410); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Flüchtling; Debatte; Slowakei; Korpus <Linguistik>; Argumentation; Rhetorik; Akteur



  3. Sobre a práxis da análise do discurso da sociologia do conhecimento
    Autor*in: Keller, Reiner
    Erschienen: 25.06.2021

    Este artigo é uma introdução à Análise do Discurso da Sociologia do Conhecimento (ADSC). Trata-se de uma abordagem da pesquisa discursiva dentro das ciências sociais que goza de antiga recepção no espaço de língua alemã e recentemente também em... mehr


    Este artigo é uma introdução à Análise do Discurso da Sociologia do Conhecimento (ADSC). Trata-se de uma abordagem da pesquisa discursiva dentro das ciências sociais que goza de antiga recepção no espaço de língua alemã e recentemente também em âmbito internacional. Essa abordagem combina a análise de regimes de saber/poder postulada por Foucault com o paradigma interpretativo da sociologia, em especial com a tradição pragmática do interacionismo simbólico e da sociologia do conhecimento social-construtivista. São apresentados importantes conceitos fundamentais, além de sugestões para a metodologia e a aplicação metódica de estudos discursivos correspondentes. This article introduces the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD). This approach to social science discourse research has been widely received in the German-speaking world and for some time now also internationally. SKAD combines the analysis of power/knowledge regimes called for by Foucault with the interpretative paradigm of sociology, in particular with the pragmatist tradition of symbolic interactionism and the social constructivist sociology of knowledge. To this end, important basic concepts and, in particular, proposals for the methodology and implementation of corresponding discourse studies are presented. Der Beitrag führt in die Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse (WDA) ein. Dabei handelt es sich um einen seit langem im deutschsprachigen Raum und inzwischen auch international breit rezipierten Ansatz der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskursforschung. Dieser Ansatz verbindet die von Foucault geforderte Analyse von Macht/Wissen-Regimen mit dem Interpretativen Paradigma der Soziologie, insbesondere mit der pragmatistischen Tradition des Symbolischen Interaktionismus und der sozialkonstruktivistischen Wissenssoziologie. Dazu werden wichtige Grundbegriffe und insbesondere Vorschläge zur Methodologie und methodischen Umsetzung entsprechender Diskursstudien vorgestellt.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Wissenssoziologie; Diskursanalyse; Dispositiv; Macht; Wissen; Symbolischer Interaktionismus; Akteur; Datenanalyse



  4. Interkulturelle Kompetenz
    Erschienen: 20.10.2021

    Die Kommunikation zwischen den Menschen wird durch die Beherrschung der Sprache des Anderen ermöglicht und erleichtert. Ob sich aber die Partner wirklich verstehen, im Sinne wechselseitige Wünsche, Erwartungen, Ziele und vor allem ihre... mehr


    Die Kommunikation zwischen den Menschen wird durch die Beherrschung der Sprache des Anderen ermöglicht und erleichtert. Ob sich aber die Partner wirklich verstehen, im Sinne wechselseitige Wünsche, Erwartungen, Ziele und vor allem ihre Wertvorstellungen, Normen und Verhaltensregeln so aufnehmen und interpretieren zu können, wie der Partner selbst es sieht und versteht, wird keine Garantie geleistet.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Interkulturelles Verstehen; Kommunikation; Interkulturalität



  5. Vornamenwahl in einem deutsch-rumänischen Umfeld zwischen regionalen Gepflogenheiten und europäischen Trends
    Autor*in: Rudolf, Gerhild
    Erschienen: 01.06.2019

    An essential factor for the naming practice lies in the language(s) spoken by that certain family. In the nowadays very common multilingual families in Transylvania, the so called ‚mixed marriages’, the linguistic contact also becomes manifest in the... mehr


    An essential factor for the naming practice lies in the language(s) spoken by that certain family. In the nowadays very common multilingual families in Transylvania, the so called ‚mixed marriages’, the linguistic contact also becomes manifest in the field of onomatology. Out of the vast subject matter, four aspects will be approached: the decline of the tradition of naming a child after a parent; naming practices following ethnic reasons in order to denote a certain identity; naming preferences for international names in mixed families; the increasing diversification and inter-culturality of name-giving due to globalization and the impact of social media. Concrete examples – based on bap tis mal registers of the local Lutheran Church – illustrate the monitored trends.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450)



  6. Kurbağa Prens Özelinde Dijitalleşen Masallarda Hegemonik Erkekliğin Yıkımı Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity In Digitalized Tales Specific To The Frog Prince
    Autor*in: Agvan, Özlem
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    "Bir varmış, bir yokmuş" tekerlemesiyle başlayıp, okurunu Pertev Naili Boratav'ın deyimiyle "kendi içindeki bir mantığı" üzerinden "peşin olarak kabul edilmiş imkânlar" dünyasına alan masallar, dijitalleşen günümüz dünyasına kadar 200 yıldan fazla... mehr


    "Bir varmış, bir yokmuş" tekerlemesiyle başlayıp, okurunu Pertev Naili Boratav'ın deyimiyle "kendi içindeki bir mantığı" üzerinden "peşin olarak kabul edilmiş imkânlar" dünyasına alan masallar, dijitalleşen günümüz dünyasına kadar 200 yıldan fazla tarihsel arka planıyla barındırdığı imgesel evreni bugün dijitale taşımış yazınsal bir türdür. Mekân-sızlık- ve zaman-sızlık- bağlamında kurmuş olduğu yapı gereği, dijitale dönüşümünde başka bir evren kurma imkanına yer bulan masallar, hegemonyanın kurmuş olduğu düzeni alt üst etme sancısını da doğurmuştur. Bu bağlamda Grimm Kardeşler’in yazmış olduğu geleneksel Kurbağa Prens (1812) masalına eklediği pek çok prenses protagonistiyle, yeni bir dil inşa eden Fadime Uslu tarafından yazılan Kurbağa Prens (2020) masalında hegemonik erkekliğin yıkımı mevcuttur. Geleneksel masallarda dışa vurulan arzu alanını, yapısökümcü irdelemeyle elen alan ve bunu dijital platforma da taşıyan anti-masal Kurbağa Prens; geleneksel masallara karşı bir duruş olarak ortaya çıkan anti-masallardaki büyü bozuculuğunu ortaya koyma amacıyla bu makalenin odak masalı olmuştur. Makalede; Kurbağa Prens özelinde, toplumsal heteronormatif bir yapı inşa etme ve bunun temsillerini üretme mahali olarak masallar, R.W. Connell'in Gramsci'den çıkarak kavramsallaştırdığı "hegemonik erkeklik" söylem üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Dilin bilinçdışı gibi şekillenmesi üzerinden toplumsal cinsiyet nifak tohumlarının ekildiği geleneksel masalların erkeklik söylemine karşı; yeni söylemler üreten anti-masallar, Kurbağa Prens modeli üzerinden incelenmiş ve sadece Disney'in çektiği filmler yoluyla değil bugün dizilerden reklamlara; oyunlardan şarkılara kadar pek çok kültürel alanda inşa etmiş olduğu ve temsilleriyle devamlılığını sağladığı kalıplaşmanın "başka bir dünya mümkün" diliyle yeniden yapılanmasına bakılmıştır. Tales that start with the nursery rhyme "Once upon a time" and take the reader into the world of "pre-agreed possibilities" through a "logic within itself" as Pertev Naili Boratav puts is a literary genre that has transformed its imaginary universe to the digital with its historical background dates back more than 200 hundred years. Due to the structure having been established in the context of space-lessness and timelessness, the tales that have the opportunity to establish another universe in its digital transformation have also caused the pain of overturning the order established by hegemony. In this context, there is the destruction of hegemonic masculinity in the Frog Prince (2020) tale written by Fadime Uslu, who built a new language with many princess protagonists added to the traditional Frog Prince (1812) tale written by the Grimm Brothers. The anti-tale Frog Prince, which deals with the field of desire expressed in traditional fairy tales with deconstructive analysis and carries it to the digital platform; has been the focus of this article in order to reveal the disenchantment of anti-tales, which emerged as a stance against traditional tales. In the article and in the case of the Frog Prince, fairy tales as the site of constructing a social heteronormative structure and producing its representations, is discussed through the discourse of "hegemonic masculinity" that R.W. Connell conceptualized out of Gramsci. Against the masculinity discourse of traditional tales, in which the seeds of gender discord are planted through the unconscious shaping of language; anti-tales that produce new discourses have been examined through the Frog Prince model and not only through the films produced by Disney, but from TV series to commercials; the restructuring of the stereotype, which it has built and maintained in many cultural areas from plays to songs, has been analyzed with the language of "another world is possible".


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Türkisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Männlichkeit; Märchen; Der Froschprinz; Geschlechterrolle



  7. Vorlesen als Impuls zur Leseförderung in der sprachlichen und kulturellen Bildung Reading aloud as an impulse to promote reading in language and cultural education
    Erschienen: 19.01.2022

    Fremdsprachige Literatur impliziert bei Lernenden durchaus noch große Berührungsängste auch im fortgeschrittenen Stadium. Im Sinne einer sprachlichen und kulturellen Bildung sollte auf die Lektüre in der Originalsprache keinesfalls verzichtet werden.... mehr


    Fremdsprachige Literatur impliziert bei Lernenden durchaus noch große Berührungsängste auch im fortgeschrittenen Stadium. Im Sinne einer sprachlichen und kulturellen Bildung sollte auf die Lektüre in der Originalsprache keinesfalls verzichtet werden. So wird insbesondere im deutschen Kulturraum das Vorlesen als Grundlage zur Entwicklung von Lesemotivation und Lesesozialisation eingesetzt. Das Vorlesen trägt in besonderer Weise zur Bildung, zur Sprachentwicklung, zur Aneignung der Kommunikations- und Ausdrucksfähigkeit bei. Durch Vorlesen kann der Zugang zur Literatur unterstützt und in unterschiedlichen Bildungsphasen gefördert werden. Untersuchungen haben nachgewiesen, dass das Vorlesen positive Auswirkungen auf die Lesemotivation und im Anschluss auf die Lesekompetenz haben kann. Wesentlich sind hier u.a. das Wissen der Lehrperson um die unterschiedlichen Vorlesephasen, sowie die Textauswahl. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Relevanz des Vorlesens bei der Leseförderung im DaF/DaZ-Bereich, somit in der sprachlichen und kulturellen Bildung. Als Ausgangspunkt dient in diesem Kontext ein Blick auf die Vorlesetradition in der türkischen und deutschen Gesellschaft, um auf die unterschiedlichen Entwicklungen in der Vorlesekultur hinzuweisen. In diesem Rahmen liegt der Fokus auf der Frage: Wie kann die Literalität im Fremdsprachenunterricht eingesetzt werden, um das Erlernen einer Sprache zu unterstützen? Darauf aufbauend werden Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen und empirische Ergebnisse zum Vorlesen in der deutschen Gesellschaft thematisiert und erlӓutert und einige Konzepte vorgestellt. Ausgehend davon werden schließlich Überlegungen und Möglichkeiten für die Praxis, sowie konkrete Tipps zur Umsetzbarkeit im DaF/ DaZ-Bereich am Beispiel von Uwe Timms Kinderroman "Die Zugmaus" diskutiert. In diesem Roman nimmt eine Maus die Leser auf eine Reise durch unterschiedliche Länder mit. Dadurch ist das Buch abwechslungsreich und spannend zugleich und zum Vorlesen besonders geeignet. Dies kann als Zeichen dafür gewertet werden, dass das Vorlesen als Leseförderungsmaßnahme für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene auch im Studium Freude bereiten kann. Foreign language literature still implies great reservations among learners, even at an advanced stage. In the interests of linguistic and cultural education, reading in the original language should by no means be dispensed with. In particular, in the German cultural area, reading aloud is used as a basis for developing reading motivation and reading socialization. Reading aloud contributes in a special way to education, language development and the acquisition of communication and expression skills. The reading process can support access to literature and promote it in different educational phases. Studies have shown that reading aloud can have positive effects on reading motivation and, subsequently, on reading skills. Essential here are, among other things, the knowledge of the teacher about the different reading phases and the choice of text. This article deals with the relevance of reading in promoting reading in DaF/DaZ, thus in linguistic and cultural education. In this context, the starting point is a look at the reading aloud tradition in Turkish and German society in order to point out the different developments in the reading culture. In this sense, the focus is on the question: How can literacy be used in foreign language teaching to support the learning of a language? Building on this, the experiences of teachers and empirical results on reading aloud in German society are discussed and explained and some concepts are presented. Based on this, considerations and possibilities for practice, as well as concrete tips on how to implement them in DaF/ DaZ, are discussed using the example of Uwe Timm's children's novel "Die Zugmaus". In this novel, a mouse takes the reader on a journey through different countries. This makes the book varied and exciting at the same time and particularly suitable for reading aloud. This can be seen as a sign that reading aloud as a reading promotion measure can also be fun for adolescents and young adults during their studies.


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  8. Kindsein – Erinnern – Erzählen : (Selbst-)Beschreibungen von Kindheiten in "Wendezeiten" in erinnerungskultureller und generationeller Perspektive Recalling and retelling childhood : the (self)depiction of childhood during German Reunification from memory culture and generational viewpoints
    Autor*in: Dettmar, Ute
    Erschienen: 01.12.2021

    »Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit kann man doch nur haben, wenn man selbst kein Kind ist« (de Velasco 2013, S. 10) – so kommentiert die 13-jährige homodiegetische Erzählerin Nini im Roman Tigermilch das Auftauchen einer ersten bewussten »richtige[n]... mehr


    »Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit kann man doch nur haben, wenn man selbst kein Kind ist« (de Velasco 2013, S. 10) – so kommentiert die 13-jährige homodiegetische Erzählerin Nini im Roman Tigermilch das Auftauchen einer ersten bewussten »richtige[n] Kindheitserinnerung« (ebd.). Angesprochen ist damit der zunächst paradox anmutende Zusammenhang von Kindsein und Erinnern. Sich selbst im umfassenderen Sinn daran zu erinnern, wie es ist, ein Kind zu sein, gehört zu den Fähigkeiten, die Kindern nicht zugesprochen werden. Die Kindheit gilt als das Lebensalter, in dem man ganz bei sich ist, in dem alles gegenwärtig und vieles möglich ist. Pläne und Perspektiven richten sich in die offene Zukunft, im Rückblick über Erinnerungen zu verfügen und sie als Teil der eigenen Biografie zu begreifen, wird selbst zum Zeichen der Differenz: ein Indiz dafür, dass die Kindheit bereits an ihr Ende gekommen ist.... Ever since the Peaceful Revolution paved the way for the reunification of Germany in 1990, texts and media for children and young adults have depicted these historical events from a range of narrative and generational viewpoints. This article addresses forms of childhood remembrance of this era of radical political and social upheaval in East Germany, focussing on autobiographical texts and media (essays and comics) as well as novels and stories. These are discussed through the lens of memory studies with respect to individual and collective identity and memory construction, and as functions of intra- and intergenerational communication. Using selected examples and with reference to the categories of the novel of remembrance and the novel of memory, the article identifies narrative strategies and image–text relationships employed to recall the events preceding and following German reunification. It shows how texts filter, interpret and condense individual memories, and link these to generational memory, and how they may ultimately be seen as contributions to communicative memory.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-9821241-1-7
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  9. Sprache und Kultur der deutschen Holzfäller in den Kleinen Karpaten

    The article is devoted to a historical German settlement in present-day Slovakia, since the small German minority of the lumberjacks/woodcutters (Slovak. Huncokári) has received little attention. The urgency of the need for research is also pointed... mehr


    The article is devoted to a historical German settlement in present-day Slovakia, since the small German minority of the lumberjacks/woodcutters (Slovak. Huncokári) has received little attention. The urgency of the need for research is also pointed out, since there are only very few speakers of this dialect left. The article therefore informs about some background of the settlement history, the present state and about approaches for ethnological field research.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  10. Mehrsprachigkeit in Mediasch : ein Beitrag zur Linguistic Landscape

    This study aims to present the linguistic landscape of a transylvanian city, namely Mediaș, using the Linguistic Landscape method. It is investigated in which areas of the public space the languages of the historical national minorities are present.... mehr


    This study aims to present the linguistic landscape of a transylvanian city, namely Mediaș, using the Linguistic Landscape method. It is investigated in which areas of the public space the languages of the historical national minorities are present. The corpus includes inscriptions from the public space that have been analysed and classified according to certain criteria.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Sprache (400); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450)



  11. Pauker, Kulturträger, Volksfeinde und Friedensstifter? : Zum Habitus der Deutschlehrer in der tschechischen Gesellschaft
    Autor*in: Němec, Mirek
    Erschienen: 07.02.2023

    Im Aufsatz wird versucht, die Rolle und die Bedeutung der Deutschlehrer in der tschechischen Gesellschaft der zweiten Hälfte des 19. und der ersten des 20. Jahrhunderts zu erörtern. Dabei wird auf den Habitus der Deutschlehrer und die bildungs- und... mehr


    Im Aufsatz wird versucht, die Rolle und die Bedeutung der Deutschlehrer in der tschechischen Gesellschaft der zweiten Hälfte des 19. und der ersten des 20. Jahrhunderts zu erörtern. Dabei wird auf den Habitus der Deutschlehrer und die bildungs- und gesellschaftspolitischen Umstände, die ihn formten, fokussiert. Es werden zum einen die autofiktionalen Texte der Lehrer, zum anderen ihre bildungspolitische Essays analysiert, um ihr gesellschaftliches Bild und ihre Selbstverortung in unterschiedlichen politischen Rahmenbedingungen darzustellen. Die kulturhistorische Studie soll zu weiteren Forschungen im aktuellen bildungspolitischen Diskurs anregen. The current paper discusses the role and significance of German teachers in Czech society in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. It focuses on the habitus of German teachers and the educational and socio-political circumstances that shaped it. Both autofiction produced by teachers and their essays on educational policies will be analyzed in order to depict their social image and their self-placement in different political frameworks. This cultural-historical study is intended to stimulate further research in the current discourse on educational policy.


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  12. Wissensvermittlung im Alltag. Neue Kommunikationspraktiken als Ressource für die Evidenzbasierte Medizin
    Autor*in: Sava, Doris

    The new forms and practices of communication on the Internet open up an interdisciplinary field of research within which social media interaction is a central research area. In the first months after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic (2020), fake... mehr


    The new forms and practices of communication on the Internet open up an interdisciplinary field of research within which social media interaction is a central research area. In the first months after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic (2020), fake news has been spread massively via social media. Social media data allow the extraction of large amounts of data and can be used in a variety of ways, e.g., to detect side effects of drugs or to identify groups of people who are critical of certain treatments. Drawing on comments on the discussion platform Reddit, the article reveals the role of everyday experience in fixing knowledge about the placebo effect.


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    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Bildung und Erziehung (370); Medizin und Gesundheit (610)



  13. Am deutschen Bürgermeisterwesen soll Balkanien genesen? : Einige Bemerkungen zur Funktionalität von positiven Stereotypen in kritischen Zeiten

    The paper focuses on the way Romanians perceive their co-nationals of German origin and analyses the building up of auto-stereotypes and foreign-stereotypes. Starting point of the essay and corpus is an online-petition to back up the German Mayor of... mehr


    The paper focuses on the way Romanians perceive their co-nationals of German origin and analyses the building up of auto-stereotypes and foreign-stereotypes. Starting point of the essay and corpus is an online-petition to back up the German Mayor of Sibiu as the Prime Minister of Romania in the autumn of 2009, a proposal made by a coalition of several political parties. The arguments of the petitioners for their support are being interpreted by using instruments and principles of imagology. The patterns of perception discovered show the interesting ways Romanians relate to their own ethnicity and their perceptions of ethnic minorities.


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    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300)



  14. Rumänisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen und interkulturelle Überschneidungen in der Hermannstädter rumänischen Presse des ausgehenden 19. Jhs.
    Autor*in: Popa, Carmen

    Sibiu was in the 19th century an important centre, with a vivid cultural life, despite of the difficult political context in Transylvania. The close cohabitation of the Romanian and German people leads to a very important multicultural experience.... mehr


    Sibiu was in the 19th century an important centre, with a vivid cultural life, despite of the difficult political context in Transylvania. The close cohabitation of the Romanian and German people leads to a very important multicultural experience. The study deals with the ways of reception of German culture in the Romanian press of the 19th century reflected in the three most important publications of the time: Telegraful Român, Tribuna and Transilvania. The results of the research are presented in thematic groups (translations, theatre and concert announcements, reviews, travel literature, aphoristic or biographical writings).


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450); Italienische, rumänische, rätoromanische Literaturen (850)



  15. Interkulturelle Philosophie und Kulturtheorie im Spannungsfeld von Moderne und Postmoderne

    This essay examines the emancipatory possibilities of interculturalism. The aim is to evaluate whether the philosophical discourse of interculturalism, which is still parasitic on a vocabulary of modernism, can achieve its emancipatory role in a... mehr


    This essay examines the emancipatory possibilities of interculturalism. The aim is to evaluate whether the philosophical discourse of interculturalism, which is still parasitic on a vocabulary of modernism, can achieve its emancipatory role in a postmodern world by trying to empower difference through consensus. Further, this essay aims to propose a way out of modernist dialecticism and towards a truly postmodern theory of interculturalism.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Philosophie und Psychologie (100); Sozialwissenschaften (300)



  16. Digitale Familiennnamengeografie und Bevölkerungsmigration am Beispiel des Namens "Lutsch"

    Starting from the peculiar presentation of the geographic spreading of the surname Lutsch in Germany (see the map), based on telephone books from 1995, the aim of the present paper is to reconstruct the history of this last name. Lutsch has its... mehr


    Starting from the peculiar presentation of the geographic spreading of the surname Lutsch in Germany (see the map), based on telephone books from 1995, the aim of the present paper is to reconstruct the history of this last name. Lutsch has its origin in the hypocoristic Lu(t)z(erm. Lud [wig]), it is a German surname specific to Transylvania, being spread especially in its south-western area. The fact that this surname is so rare today (Sibiu, Cindy, Apoldu de Sus, Slimnic, Sebeș, Gârbova, Pianu de Jos, Hunedoara, isolatedly and Brașov, Târgu Secuiesc, Bistrița) is due first of all to the settling of the German ethnics in The Federal Republic of Germany between 1970-1990. It is a coincidence that the name Lutsch can be found today especially in the south of Germany, overlapping with the spreading area of the surname Lutz, for the persons who have this surname do not represent the native population of Southern Germany, but the German emigrants from Transylvania.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)



  17. (Sprach-)Geschichte und Namengeografie am Beispiel des Familiennamens "Pfaff"

    The aim of the present paper is to describe the geographic diffusion of the family name Pfaff in Germany, starting from the telephone directory of 2005 and retracing the historic linguistic phenomena that led to the formation of this name. Pfaff... mehr


    The aim of the present paper is to describe the geographic diffusion of the family name Pfaff in Germany, starting from the telephone directory of 2005 and retracing the historic linguistic phenomena that led to the formation of this name. Pfaff (mhd. phaffe, md. paffe, nd. pape, southern German Pfaffe “priest” or “churchman”) is explained both as an agnomen and as the name of a profession. Our map represents an addition to the maps that have already appeared in dtv – Atlas Namenkunde (1999), Duden-Familiennamen (2005) and Deutscher Familiennamenatlas (2011), for it additionally and thoroughly renders not? only the geographic diffusion of the family name Pfaff in Germany but also in Transylvania, where the name also exists. [this surname also exists in Transylvania]. The type Pfaff (5056 telephone addresses) is spread all over Germany, but we notice two areas of high frequency: one, according to our expectations, in the southern part of the Benrath Line and on the right of the Germersheim Line, but also on the left of the latter, especially in the rectangle Koblenz – Kassel – Hof – Frankfurt and also in south-western Germany (in Schwarzwald –The Black Forest). The northern version Pape, approximately twice more frequent than Pfaff(e), did not adapt to standard German, due to the negative connotations of the appellative Pfaffe, Pfaffen, which appeared at the same time as the Church Reform in the 16th century. In some places in Transylvania, the surname Pfaff was replaced with the version Prediger. The appellative Pfaffe and the family name Pfaff (in the Saxon language – the Romanian “limba sãseascã”: faf, pfaf ) contributed to the formation of different rural toponyms in Transylvania. The surname Pfaff is spread not only in the German linguistic space, but also in areas where ethnic Germans live (France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Romania, USA, Canada, Argentina). In Romania, there are very few Pfaff surnames in telephone books for the 2008-2009 period, due to the massive migration of the German ethnics to Germany after 1990.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)



  18. Zum Wesen und zur Stellung der Frau bei den siebenbürgischen „Zigeunern“

    Essential for my study is to show the nature and status of gypsy women from Transylvania, which has to be necessarily considered in the context of its own culture. The pictures of these women are mostly shown in the work of Heinrich von Wlislocki,... mehr


    Essential for my study is to show the nature and status of gypsy women from Transylvania, which has to be necessarily considered in the context of its own culture. The pictures of these women are mostly shown in the work of Heinrich von Wlislocki, transylvanian gypsy researcher, translator and folklorist of the 19th century. The gypsy women can occupy positions of power, such as an old wise woman,as magic woman, as a mother and as a potential wife. In these cases she is highly valued by the tribe. The above criteria for a gypsy woman to be measured, can be seen only in the context of tribal laws and customs of traditional gypsy groups.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Bräuche, Etikette, Folklore (390); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  19. "In heroum memoriam" : deutsche und rumänische Familiennamen in Petersdorf bei Mühlbach

    In the paper, all German surnames (63 different names) and also the Romanian ones (45 different names) are analyzed from a semantic and statistic perspective. These family names belong to the inhabitants of Petreºti/Sebeº who were the victims of the... mehr


    In the paper, all German surnames (63 different names) and also the Romanian ones (45 different names) are analyzed from a semantic and statistic perspective. These family names belong to the inhabitants of Petreºti/Sebeº who were the victims of the First World War, of the Second World War and of the communist régime. The names of these 216 people were taken from the commemorative plaques from the Lutheran Protestant Church and on the Heroes’ Monument placed in the yard of the city’s Orthodox Church.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Italienisch, Rumänisch, Rätoromanisch (450)



  20. "Tradition heißt nicht, die Asche aufheben, sondern die Flamme weiterreichen": die Sommerakademie „Siebenbürgen” und ihr Beitrag zur Förderung der deutschen Sprache, Kultur und des Austausches in Südosteuropa
    Autor*in: Sass, Maria

    The present article focuses on the organization of the “Transylvania” Summer Academy in Sibiu, which aims to stimulate, on the one hand, the promotion of German culture from Romania and Southeastern Europe, one the other hand, keeping the cultural... mehr


    The present article focuses on the organization of the “Transylvania” Summer Academy in Sibiu, which aims to stimulate, on the one hand, the promotion of German culture from Romania and Southeastern Europe, one the other hand, keeping the cultural exchanges alive. Apart from presenting a synopsis of German literature in Romania, from its origins up to the present, the article also highlights the perspectives of promoting German culture from Romania through national institutions or institutions in Germany.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430); Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)



  21. Jugendnetzwerk „Deutsch im Donauraum“ – eine Überlegung (wert)
    Autor*in: Christ, Eugen

    The present contribution is meant as an approach to the debate mentioned in the heading. It is important to find ways, to make on one side the learning and the cultivation of the German language attractive for the young people and on the other side... mehr


    The present contribution is meant as an approach to the debate mentioned in the heading. It is important to find ways, to make on one side the learning and the cultivation of the German language attractive for the young people and on the other side to regain again the peoples’ conscious, here and there, for the centuries-long German culture and history. Teachers of both sexes as well as the students who are going to become teachers are the future multipliers par excellence. Due to a variety of integral pedagogical and linguistic didactical concepts –meant simultaneously for transmitting information, meeting, exchange and networking – there have to be found innovative ideas, precise proposals have to be worked out, which both also strengthen the social relevance of the local Institutions and German Departments respectively Faculties, which qualify teachers for the German language and providing in this way a contribution to the harmonization of the civil society.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Germanische Sprachen; Deutsch (430)



  22. Nimm Zwei: Zwei Kulturen – eine Heimat! : Eine transkulturelle Begegnung zwischen rumänischen und deutschen Jugendlichen
    Autor*in: Tichy, Ellen

    The following article documents a theater project with Romanian and German young people, which took place in April 2013 in Sibiu / Romania and questioned in this example conceptual entities of the concept of culture, in particular approaches to... mehr


    The following article documents a theater project with Romanian and German young people, which took place in April 2013 in Sibiu / Romania and questioned in this example conceptual entities of the concept of culture, in particular approaches to intercultural versus transcultural pedagogy.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300)



  23. „Warum der ganze Zirkus?“ / CARISMO alias Martin Bukovsek

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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Bildung und Erziehung (370)



  24. Im Geflecht der Identitäten : Kulturgeschichtliches, dargestellt am Beispiel von János Bolyai

    The Transylvanian-born János Bolyai (1802-1860) never ceases to attract the attention of all those interested in the history of science, as he is one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry. Bolyai also concerns the philosophy researchers, due to... mehr


    The Transylvanian-born János Bolyai (1802-1860) never ceases to attract the attention of all those interested in the history of science, as he is one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry. Bolyai also concerns the philosophy researchers, due to a social utopia, which he presents in his works, unpublished during his lifetime. From older and newer documentation, it is known that the Hungarian Bolyai nobility descent also has a German origin, from German Grafs. On the Calvaserului Valley, situated north of the Hârtibaciului Valley, lies the Buia parish, named Bolya by the Hungarians, Bell by the Germans, where the Bolyai family owned an estate and a castle. In this work, the author presents approaches concerning the genealogy of János Bolyai and reports about visits to the places where Bolyai has lived, such as Buia, Domald (Viişoara parrish) and Târgu Mureş.


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    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sozialwissenschaften (300); Mathematik (510); Geschichte Europas (940)



  25. Der siebenbürgische „Bertoldo“ am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Rolle des kulturell Anderen für die sprachliche und literarische Entwicklung des aufgeklärten Siebenbürgen

    The Romanian literature of the 18th century is witnessing a remarkable metamorphosis, whereas step by step the Enlightment’s ideas penetrate the Romanianspeaking soil and through various mechanisms replace the medieval order in society, politics and... mehr


    The Romanian literature of the 18th century is witnessing a remarkable metamorphosis, whereas step by step the Enlightment’s ideas penetrate the Romanianspeaking soil and through various mechanisms replace the medieval order in society, politics and arts. In this time of the Enlightment the small popular book “Bertoldo” from the late Italian 16th century was adapted in French and then in German and through the German intermediary reached Transylvania at the end of the 18th century (Hermannstadt, 1799). In the centre of our analysis we place the concept of “cultural transfer” and that of the “cultural translation”, concepts that help us illustrate the adaptation strategies of the foreign material and the integration principles of the Enlightment’s ideals on the Romanian soil. Working with eloquent examples from the “Bertoldo”-text in a comparative manner we will try to bring to light the interaction of the poetical and ideological functions of the translations from German and its role in forming and shaping a new kind of Romanian cultural and literary sensibility.


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