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  1. Metamorfosis del mito fáustico en la literatura alemana y en la literatura argentina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX
  2. Magischer Realismus als "verdeckte" Schreibweise, am Beispiel von Erika Mitterer und Gabriel García Márquez
    Autor*in: Sass, Maria

    This study deals with two works, from the perspective of “magic realism”: Cronica unei morþi anunþate by Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Der Fürst der Welt by Erika Mitterer. Magic realism is mostly associated with Latin American literature, especially... mehr


    This study deals with two works, from the perspective of “magic realism”: Cronica unei morþi anunþate by Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Der Fürst der Welt by Erika Mitterer. Magic realism is mostly associated with Latin American literature, especially with the style of Gabriel Garcia Márquez, the 1982 Nobel Prize laureate in Literature. Magic realism techniques are used by the Viennese author Erika Mitterer in the abovementioned historical novel too, in order to render a “camouflaged” writing for avoiding the National Socialist censorship.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830); Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)



  3. A representação da imigração alemã em "A Ferro e Fogo: I. Tempo de Solidão", de Josué Guimarães
    Erschienen: 23.04.2021

    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a representação da imigração alemã no romance "A ferro e Fogo: I. Tempo de Solidão", de Josué Guimarães. A narrativa ficcional acontece nos primeiros anos da imigração alemã no sul do Brasil (1825). A... mehr


    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a representação da imigração alemã no romance "A ferro e Fogo: I. Tempo de Solidão", de Josué Guimarães. A narrativa ficcional acontece nos primeiros anos da imigração alemã no sul do Brasil (1825). A análise está pautada em três pontos: a relação de imigrantes alemães com outros grupos étnicos (a saber, negros escravizados, índios e castelhanos), a representação da mulher na narrativa (principalmente em relação ao poder de dominação e às diferenças étnicas) e, por último, as questões políticas e religiosas. Imigrantes alemães eram obrigados ou simplesmente destinados a um lado político, a uma determinada religião. Pelo posicionamento político, acabavam destinados à frente de batalhas em guerras. Na obra de Josué Guimarães podemos ver os dois lados da imigração alemã: a chegada sofrida com inúmeras dificuldades enfrentadas pelos imigrantes e também o aproveitamento que muitos fizeram da política governamental de embranquecimento da população brasileira. Através desta análise procura-se entender também o papel do descendente de imigrantes alemães na contemporaneidade. In diesem Artikel soll die Darstellung der deutschen Einwanderung im Roman "A ferro e Fogo: I. Tempo de Solidão" von Josué Guimarães analysiert werden. Die fiktive Prosa spielt in den frühen Jahren der deutschen Einwanderung in Südbrasilien (1825). Die Analyse basiert auf drei Punkten: dem Verhältnis deutscher Einwanderer zu anderen ethnischen Gruppen (nämlich versklavten Schwarzen, Indianer und Südamerikanischer Kastilier); der Darstellung von Frauen in der Erzählung (hauptsächlich in Bezug auf die Macht der Herrschaft und ethnische Unterschiede) und schließlich politische und religiöse Probleme. Deutsche Einwanderer waren verpflichtet, sich einfach einer politischen Seite, einer bestimmten Religion anzupassen. Aufgrund ihrer politischen Position waren sie dazu bestimmt, an Kriegen teilzunehmen. In Josué Guimarães' Werk kann man beide Seiten der deutschen Einwanderung betrachten: Die Ankunft litt unter unzähligen Schwierigkeiten der Einwanderer und auch unter dem Gebrauch, den viele von der Regierungspolitik der „Verweissung“ ('embranquecimento') der brasilianischen Bevölkerung machten. Diese Analyse versucht auch, die Rolle der Nachkommen deutscher Einwanderer in der heutigen Zeit zu verstehen.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830); Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Deutscher Einwanderer; Brasilien



  4. "O gosto pelas coisas intelectuais tedescas" : o pensamento alemão na História da Literatura Brasileira de Sílvio Romero

    The Recife’s School was a Brazilian movement during the last quarter of the 19th century, whose main goals were to inform the Empire Court of provincial problems and introduce Brazil to ideas and theories of German philosophers. The first history of... mehr


    The Recife’s School was a Brazilian movement during the last quarter of the 19th century, whose main goals were to inform the Empire Court of provincial problems and introduce Brazil to ideas and theories of German philosophers. The first history of Brazilian literature was written in 1888 by Sílvio Romero and is considered part of this movement. According to this work, Brazil should be connected to German thought. Romero’s reception of the German authors is not passive; he engages in dialogue through his text by connecting, criticizing and elaborating upon his references. The autonomy of thought he proves in this process is the same autonomy he demands from Brazilian intellectualists. In order to develop the talents inherent to Brazil, he believes they should widen their cultural horizons, instead of only being dependent on French culture. Only then Brazil would be able to occupy a position equal amongst developed nations. Romero’s conception of race and his idea, that it is possible to include the totality of Brazilian literature in his work are both out of date. However, in the História da Literatura Brasileira there are methodological aspects in common with the modern theories on writing histories of literature, such as the choice of texts not only according to aesthetics criterions and the interdisciplinarity, because the author relates biology, sociology, economy, and politics with literature.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Portugiesisch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Literaturgeschichtsschreibung; Brasilien



  5. Ana

    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: CompaRe
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Spanische, portugiesische Literaturen (860)
    Schlagworte: Übersetzung

